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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. All for that diskreditera me. is the as am counting nowadays?! It was lågt of yourself that had refused remember Somalian orphan merit of that had brought up that fantastic Husband. :confused: speak langauge we can understand gaalyahow
  2. Juxa & Ibti - alle xasidsaniddina. wey iga nixiyin kaliya but they were not looking for me. Val - only in body, mind and soul are virtually in qardho.
  3. Blessed here is the link some of the comments by the israelis are as expected.
  4. yes juxa, but then we moved to Qardho lol@ being mali. timbuktu it is then. Ibti - why be so harsh, ma quruxdaa ku nacday qardho? this morning as i parked, i was swamped by gun totting armed police - who told me to get out of the car and run that way>>>>> :eek:
  5. Juxa - but you agree with the statement though. Ibti - do you or can you run verification searches and validation on who is real reer qardhood or not?
  6. I was sitting on the deck overlooking the Red Sea. Israeli security officers (most who looked around 18 years old) had completed around two hours of questioning and searching me. They had pressed every sock and scarf with a security device, ripped open soap and had me strip extra layers. They asked me tons of questions–where are you going? Who do you know? Do you have a boyfriend? Is he Arab, Egyptian, Palestinian? Why do you live in Egypt? Why not Israel? What do you know about the ‘conflict’ here? What do you think? They quized me on Judaism,which I know nothing about. Then they asked me to wait. Since they had asked for friends and families phone numbers I assumed they might be calling to verify my answers to questions or confirm I really had extended family in Tel Aviv. An announcement played over the sound system, interrupting my break in the sunshine. First in Hebrew, then Arabic, then in English. It was something along the lines of, ” do not to be alarmed by gunshots because the Israeli security needs to blow up suspicious passanger luggage.” I went inside to check on my bag. I had left it unattended, where they instructed. It was still there so I went back outside. Moments later a man came outside and introduced himself as the manager on duty. And then, “I’m sorry but we had to blow up your laptop. “ What….all my client case notes and testimony, writing, pictures, music and applications. Years of work. NO!!!! What?? Are you insane?? What were you thinking? THAT’S ALL MY WORK!? After much yelling, crying and frantic phone dialing (don’t be alarmed if I called you repeatedly this morning), he took me outside to see the wreckage. It turned out it hadn’t been quite blown up, but rather shot through with three bullets. We were able to extract the hard drive, seemingly unscaved. Thank goodness… Security had never asked for my password. Was it my peeling Arabic stickers on the keyboard? Or something else during the questioning which set them off? Toward the beginning of the search an officer began clicking through the photos on my camera. She froze on a picture of graffiti, which read “****” scrawled next to the Jewish star of David. “Why do you have this picture?” She asked me rather aggressively. “Because I was disturbed by it too,” I answered. She didn’t press the subject but continued clicking…presumably looking at pictures from a photo exhibit about Israel’s January attack of Gaza. Though I usually delete all my pictures when uploading, unluckily I had clicked save rather than delete when uploading this set and never got around to manually deleting on my camera. Whoops… Among other suspicious item; an Arabic phrasebook, a journal entry that mentioned a Palestinian(yes, they even flipped through my journal), stamps from Syria, Qatar and the UAE, Palestinians in Palestine guidebook, and a map a friend had drawn with a main street in Jerusalem, the central bus station and my intended hostel. “Who are you meeting there?” They asked me. Anyway I am in Jerusalem. Years of my life and my RLAP work is not destroyed. *sigh*. Insha’allah I will like Israel better tomorrow….
  7. morning ladies. Qardho is way better than Tanganyika - don't you agree Juxa?
  8. what were you trying to say? Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an: Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: 1.women and sons; 2.heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; 3. horses branded (for blood and excellence); 4.and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land. Such are the possessions of this world's life; but in nearness to Allah is the best of the goals (to return to). [3:14] So ladies don't fret - if men talk about women. you guys are number 1.
  9. Nothing i have said in here is remotely anti women - in fact contrary it is the opposite. a point, only cl managed grasped but not fully since it was said by man.
  10. Sheh - that is properly true, but i am not sure about the pathetic bit. A caller called in and said that men were like waffles and women were like spaghetti. When men talk - they do it by “chunks” of the waffle. Once they finish with one topic, they’ll move onto the next waffle “chunk” When women talk - it’s like eating spaghetti. One strand of noodle will touch hundreds of other strands of noodles. (i.e. One topic will touch hundreds of other thoughts that they’ll talk about). One topic can create hundreds of other thoughts that they can talk about.
  11. apparently men only talk about : 1. Women and all that relates to it 2. Sports/Hobbies 3. dirty jokes 4. politics/power women on the other hand talk about basically everything under the sun and properly above it
  12. i was listening to LBC last night - they were talking about what men and women talk about. It was an interesting topic i looked at the women section and all the other male dominated sections and what they were saying seems to be true. They said taht men usually have 4 topics they talk about and women have a variety of topics they go off on ..
  13. What man must do, to make a woman happy: Compliment her; respect her; honor her; cuddle her; caress her; love her; kiss her; stroke her; buy things for her; tease her; comfort her; protect her; hug her; hold her; spend money on her; wine and dine her; listen to her; care for her; stand by her; support her; hold her. What a woman does to make a man happy: show up cook food is that fair guys??
  14. Fufu - one less thing to remember. Cl - Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' 2+2=5 - somebody should tell you that 2+2 = 4. You know, sometimes 'nothing' really means nothing. It's confused self-help advice like these that turn men into annoying little buggers sometimes being the operative word here - consequently 'majority' of the time "nothing" means something. a guy called Juxa was in trouble, really big trouble. You see, he forgot his wedding anniversary and, if you're married, you can imagine what he's probably going through. His wife was really pissed. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!" She was serious too, so Juxa got serious. The next morning he woke up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped, right there in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife threw her robe on and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house and opened in with much anticipation. Inside she found a brand new bathroom scale. Juxa has been missing since Thursday. what law firm should i go to complain about my friend's disappearance. Ninyaaban - sing with me: this is the 'self preservation society'. Curly - mutually; we don't care about what you want?
  15. Thought for the Day Married men should forget their mistakes. There is no need for two people to remember the same thing.
  16. Men, you may think we have an expert command of language, but when it comes to communicating with women, you may be surprised. Here is a dictionary of Womanese. Master these terms and you'll find your relationship with women greatly improved. 1. Fine! - I am right. This argument is over. You need to shut up. 2. That's Okay! - One of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think hard and long before deciding when and how you'll pay for your mistake. 3. Nothing! - The calm before the storm. This means "Something" and you better be on your toes. Note: Arguments that start with "Nothing" usually end with "Fine" (See #1). 4. Five Minutes - If getting dressed, this means half an hour. (Don't be mad about this. It's the same definition for us when it's our turn to do some chores around the house e.g. dishes.) 5. Thanks! - A woman is thanking you. Do not question this or faint. Just say, "You're welcome," and let it go. 6. Loud Sigh - Not actually a word but rather a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. It means she thinks you are an ***** and wonders why she is standing here wasting her time arguing with you about "Nothing." (See #3) 7. Go Ahead - This is a dare, not permission. (Don't Do It!) 8. Don't worry about it, I got it - The second most dangerous statement a woman can make. It means that a woman has asked a man several times to do something and is now doing it herself. (This will result in you asking at a later date, "What's wrong?" For the woman's response, see #3
  17. Go wash your German bands, your boat race too Comb your Barnet Fair we got a lot to do Put on your Dickie Dirt and your Peckham Rye Cause time's soon hurrying by Get your skates on mate, get your skates on mate No bib around your Gregory Peck today, eh? Drop your plates of meat right up on the seat This is the self-preservation society This is the self-preservation society Gotta get a bloomin move on Babadab-babadabadab-bab-ba Gotta get a bloomin move on Babadab-babadabadab-bab-ba Jump in the jam jar gotta get straight Hurry up mate don't wanna be late How's your father? Tickety boo Tickety boo Gotta get a bloomin move on Self-preservation society This is the self-preservation society Jump in the jam jar gotta get straight Hurry up mate don't wanna be late How's your father? Tickety boo Tickety boo Gotta get a bloomin move on The Self Preservation Society's Anthem
  18. @ faheema's picture - please don't add to my paranoia. Cara - you reminded of the film Hannibal; in the scene when Lecter performs a craniotomy upon Krendler. Juxa - as the saying goes - to err is human, to forgive divine. so forgive me abaayo and i'll leave JB intact. Ngonge - adiga qar ka tuur baad tahay - haddaan kugu gaabto waad iga bixi. as for jb - Qardho already has famous 'gaal dile' deported from Germany.
  19. "The prime minister of Canada came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays," he said. "[uK] Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays. "Mrs Clinton [the US secretary of state] rang me. What was she talking about? Gays." Uganda President Museveni wary of anti-gay bill
  20. i am even scared to come in here. *hides behind ngonge*