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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. @NN - oh that - it is true though - it is easier than giving dacwa to someone else who does believe there is other God(s) than Allah - because you cannot even pass the first part of Shahada in agreement let alone move on to the second part. inaddition - given that it seems that the atheists have dispositions towards worldy matters and are heedful of salesman than a daaci - we could with salesman pitch Che - what do you mean? to have faith - you have to be one for contemplation and of understanding??
  2. ^LOL@..'NIIN' - stick to translating between Xuddur and Hargeysa. Qardho does not mutilate the somali language. Qardho says it like this>: ....ha is dhiibaan ama hanaga baxaan :cool:
  3. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: you don't have be an atheist to find this nonsensical find what nonsensical?
  4. Atheists – mull over the following direct speech from your Creator and let us know what you think of it. Does it have any resonates with you?? 36:1 Ya Sin. 36:2 By the Qur'an, full of Wisdom,- 36:3 Thou art indeed one of the apostles, 36:4 On a Straight Way. 36:5 It is a Revelation sent down by (Him), the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful. 36:6 In order that thou mayest admonish a people, whose fathers had received no admonition, and who therefore remain heedless (of the Signs of Allah). 36:7 The Word is proved true against the greater part of them: for they do not believe. 36:8 We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see). 36:9 And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see. 36:10 The same is it to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish them: they will not believe. 36:11 Thou canst but admonish such a one as follows the Message and fears the (Lord) Most Gracious, unseen: give such a one, therefore, good tidings, of Forgiveness and a Reward most generous. 36:12 Verily We shall give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have We taken account in a clear Book (of evidence). 36:13 Set forth to them, by way of a parable, the (story of) the Companions of the City. Behold!, there came apostles to it. 36:14 When We (first) sent to them two apostles, they rejected them: But We strengthened them with a third: they said, "Truly, we have been sent on a mission to you." 36:15 The (people) said: "Ye are only men like ourselves; and (Allah) Most Gracious sends no sort of revelation: ye do nothing but lie." 36:16 They said: "Our Lord doth know that we have been sent on a mission to you: 36:17 "And our duty is only to proclaim the clear Message." 36:18 The (people) said: "for us, we augur an evil omen from you: if ye desist not, we will certainly stone you. And a grievous punishment indeed will be inflicted on you by us." 36:19 They said: "Your evil omens are with yourselves: (deem ye this an evil omen). If ye are admonished? Nay, but ye are a people transgressing all bounds!" 36:20 Then there came running, from the farthest part of the City, a man, saying, "O my people! Obey the apostles: 36:21 "Obey those who ask no reward of you (for themselves), and who have themselves received Guidance. 36:22 "It would not be reasonable in me if I did not serve Him Who created me, and to Whom ye shall (all) be brought back. 36:23 "Shall I take (other) gods besides Him? If (Allah) Most Gracious should intend some adversity for me, of no use whatever will be their intercession for me, nor can they deliver me. 36:24 "I would indeed, if I were to do so, be in manifest Error. 36:25 "For me, I have faith in the Lord of you (all): listen, then, to me!" 36:26 It was said: "Enter thou the Garden." He said: "Ah me! Would that my People knew (what I know)!- 36:27 "For that my Lord has granted me Forgiveness and has enrolled me among those held in honour!" 36:28 And We sent not down against his People, after him, any hosts from heaven, nor was it needful for Us so to do. 36:29 It was no more than a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent. 36:30 Ah! Alas for (My) Servants! There comes not an apostle to them but they mock him! 36:31 See they not how many generations before them we destroyed? Not to them will they return: 36:32 But each one of them all - will be brought before Us (for judgment). 36:33 A Sign for them is the earth that is dead: We do give it life, and produce grain therefrom, of which ye do eat. 36:34 And We produce therein orchard with date-palms and vines, and We cause springs to gush forth therein: 36:35 That they may enjoy the fruits of this (artistry): It was not their hands that made this: will they not then give thanks? 36:36 Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. 36:37 And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness; 36:38 And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. 36:39 And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk. 36:40 It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). 36:41 And a Sign for them is that We bore their race (through the Flood) in the loaded Ark; 36:42 And We have created for them similar (vessels) on which they ride. 36:43 If it were Our Will, We could drown them: then would there be no helper (to hear their cry), nor could they be delivered, 36:44 Except by way of Mercy from Us, and by way of (world) convenience (to serve them) for a time. 36:45 When they are told, "Fear ye that which is before you and that which will be after you, in order that ye may receive Mercy," (they turn back). 36:46 Not a Sign comes to them from among the Signs of their Lord, but they turn away therefrom. 36:47 And when they are told, "Spend ye of (the bounties) with which Allah has provided you," the Unbelievers say to those who believe: "Shall we then feed those whom, if Allah had so willed, He would have fed, (Himself)?- Ye are in nothing but manifest error." 36:48 Further, they say, "When will this promise (come to pass), if what ye say is true?" 36:49 They will not (have to) wait for aught but a single Blast: it will seize them while they are yet disputing among themselves! 36:50 No (chance) will they then have, by will, to dispose (of their affairs), nor to return to their own people! 36:51 The trumpet shall be sounded, when behold! from the sepulchres (men) will rush forth to their Lord! 36:52 They will say: "Ah! Woe unto us! Who hath raised us up from our beds of repose?"... (A voice will say:) "This is what (Allah) Most Gracious had promised. And true was the word of the apostles!" 36:53 It will be no more than a single Blast, when lo! they will all be brought up before Us! 36:54 Then, on that Day, not a soul will be wronged in the least, and ye shall but be repaid the meeds of your past Deeds. 36:55 Verily the Companions of the Garden shall that Day have joy in all that they do; 36:56 They and their associates will be in groves of (cool) shade, reclining on Thrones (of dignity); 36:57 (Every) fruit (enjoyment) will be there for them; they shall have whatever they call for; 36:58 "Peace!" - a word (of salutation) from a Lord Most Merciful! 36:59 "And O ye in sin! Get ye apart this Day! 36:60 "Did I not enjoin on you, O ye Children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?- 36:61 "And that ye should worship Me, (for that) this was the Straight Way? 36:62 "But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did ye not, then, understand? 36:63 "This is the Hell of which ye were (repeatedly) warned! 36:64 "Embrace ye the (fire) this Day, for that ye (persistently) rejected (Truth)." 36:65 That Day shall We set a seal on their mouths. But their hands will speak to us, and their feet bear witness, to all that they did. 36:66 If it had been our Will, We could surely have blotted out their eyes; then should they have run about groping for the Path, but how could they have seen? 36:67 And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them (to remain) in their places; then should they have been unable to move about, nor could they have returned (after error). 36:68 If We grant long life to any, We cause him to be reversed in nature: Will they not then understand? 36:69 We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur'an making things clear: 36:70 That it may give admonition to any (who are) alive, and that the charge may be proved against those who reject (Truth). 36:71 See they not that it is We Who have created for them - among the things which Our hands have fashioned - cattle, which are under their dominion?- 36:72 And that We have subjected them to their (use)? of them some do carry them and some they eat: 36:73 And they have (other) profits from them (besides), and they get (milk) to drink. Will they not then be grateful? 36:74 Yet they take (for worship) gods other than Allah, (hoping) that they might be helped! 36:75 They have not the power to help them: but they will be brought up (before Our Judgment-seat) as a troop (to be condemned). 36:76 Let not their speech, then, grieve thee. Verily We know what they hide as well as what they disclose. 36:77 Doth not man see that it is We Who created him from sperm? yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open adversary! 36:78 And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?" 36:79 Say, "He will give them life Who created them for the first time! for He is Well-versed in every kind of creation!- 36:80 "The same Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! ye kindle therewith (your own fires)! 36:81 "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof?" - Yea, indeed! for He is the Creator Supreme, of skill and knowledge (infinite)! 36:82 Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is! 36:83 So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him will ye be all brought back.
  5. ^^ why don't you correct the first one as well? (i am deliberately using english, so as not to get mocked)
  6. is Cara an atheist? :confused: where are the ardent atheists? come on now - i am not going to give you lot a poisoned Shaah (tea) so come - accept my invitation. come and register your interests so that i can give you some dacwa and naseeha. Ibti - your advice is noted - but i think these atheists know - i am not you and hence are too scared to accept my invitation let alone engage debate with me.
  7. Former atheists are coming to islam in droves: Substitute for JB a swedish from finland there is more - will post later.
  8. Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to congratulate him and say, " My special congratulations to you", because most of the people who believe in God are doing blind belief - he is a Christian, because his father is a Christian; he is a Hindu, because his father is a Hindu; the majority of the people in the world are blindly following the religion of their fathers. An atheist, on the other hand, even though he may belong to a religious family, uses his intellect to deny the existence of God; what ever concept or qualities of God he may have learnt in his religion may not seem to be logical to him. My Muslim brothers may question me, "Zakir, why are you congratulating an atheist?" The reason that I am congratulating an atheist is because he agrees with the first part of the Shahada i.e. the Islamic Creed, ‘La ilaaha’ - meaning ‘there is no God’. So half my job is already done; now the only part left is ‘il lallah’ i.e. ‘BUT ALLAH’ which I shall do Insha Allah. With others (who are not atheists) I have to first remove from their minds the wrong concept of God they may have and then put the correct concept of one true God. Welcome atheists - come on in - enjoy now
  9. see (cicero), just becuase i see atheist everywhere in SOL does not mean i am paranoid!! here comes atheist - murderer (him) here comes hotstepper (hell) murderer (him) No, no, we don?t die Yes, we multiply (ummah) and there is nothing you can do about it! thanks for the laughter people - apologise to all muslims (and yes only muslims) if i have offended you. the rest - take care - like i care.
  10. ^learn to separate your internet persona and your real life - you bloody seef la bood. :mad: i am tired of apologising to your over sensitive character :mad: and stop exposing my chat up lines. :cool:
  11. ^listen you american or an alien resident of new york city (blah) - it is your avatar that object to - nothing personal. word?? @ Ibti. Pride = Feeling of superiority - a haughty attitude shown by somebody who believes, often unjustifiably, that he or she is better than others. Racism = Belief in racial superiority - the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior. admit it Shikhana Ibtisaam bint SOL EDIT - LOOOOOOOL@ibti's exposé - blame it on the lack of classes lately.
  12. Ibti - i am ignorant of many things - but i am not proud. Juxa - ma is guursana? is neutral - aan ku guursado! is what i object to. C&H - la tali abbaayooyinkaa! Cara - how do you know? did my wife tell you that :confused:
  13. Whoopee! - i am more knowledgeable than 'Shikha' Ibti. wrong answer. it was Satan when he refused to bow down to Adam (AS) -
  14. Originally posted by ailamos: quote:Originally posted by Jibreel: For the racists mentioned in the post, a history lesson is imperative. Word. No that is a sentence, not word. and whilst i am at it - 'implicity' is not a word - the correct word you were looking for is 'implicitness'. Che - history is full of racism. Anybody know - who the first racist was?
  15. Who is Xawa? - i don't know her - as for emotions - i don't have any, as i am not woman. assumptions is mother to whom? Bush and Blair?? OK, OK - i'll just practise racism agains new yorkers, gothernburgers and practically all none reer qardhood. now leave me alone.
  16. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@dirac, cake and sanbusa not forgetting cabitan. ibti - if a woman gave me a ring - i will throw it in her face and shout loudly "DO YOU THINK - I AM CASTRATED MAN - IF I WANTED TO MARRY YOU - I'VE WOULD BOUGHT THE DAMN RING MYSELF". however any other gives are acceptable to me.
  17. ooops! he/she believes there is a God. Illahow ii debi dhaaf.
  18. yes to the marriage proposal!, and don't you dare say - the client was woman - as if there is no same sex marriage in this country. as a legal expert now - i'll advice you to tell your colleague to becareful what she agrees to
  19. Faheema - only you understand me Ibti - stop being harsh on me and answer me this question: Is it Xaraam for me fantasize seating on the Shade of Allah (SWT) - on the day of judgement - after doing one of the acts below - looking at facial expression of atheists and asking them questions. "warya, haye? do you wanna argue now - i have all time in the world" The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are: (1) a just ruler; (2) a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, (i.e. worship Allah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood), (3) a man whose heart is attached to the mosque (who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque); (4) two persons who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only; (5) a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah; (6) a person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity). (7) a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears." Bukhari Vol. 2 : 504 Istakhfuranllaah!
  20. i am being anti-atheist on thread that is about racism.
  21. The Scandanavians are more reserved than the Brits. obviously - you have not beign to Findland -negerasa!
  22. yal iyo yaaka bir! @ the confused atheist :cool: friends and i were at train station having conversation about the fact that everything in life has been already sang about - when one of us uttered "that the world was coming to end". overhearing us was an atheist - who came over - saying "it is interesting that you mention that" followed by an half hour argueing about God and the world's end. Just as you observed the implicit of racism - i noticed the inherent nature of atheists to wantonly argue for the sake of it. Ibti - when you are shouting at me - don't i deserve the kid gloves and the niceties that you are encouraging me to handle with atheist?? and for your information - i don't work with atheist. - however i don't mind working with hindus
  23. juxa - you are contradicting yourself.