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Everything posted by SayidSomal

  1. ^ i do. uztaad, there was committee in somalia that was working on standardising the academic language and they were doing well until the disruption. nevertheless, what i wanted was the COMMON somali.
  2. Which of the following words in somali would you say are standard - i.e - everyone would understand regardless of region. unfortunately -i understand all of them and use them interchangeable. Also on the debate over the 'r' verses the 'dh', which one would you say is more of word-distinguisher?? e.g. do you say "weedh" or "weer" for the word "sentence" in somali?? shaati/shaadh gabar/gabadh sameysaan/qabataan tagtaa/aaddaa? gaari/gaadhi? weyday/weysay akhrinayaa/ akhriyayaa akhridaa/ akhrisaa akhrinta/akhriska huruud/jaalle shandad/boorso koodh/jaakad quraarad/dhalo eeg or fiiri roodhi/rooti madbakhaa/jikada baaskiil/bushkaleeti saldhig/istaanka dhaqaa/maydhaa thanks guys for your anticipated help in this matter.
  3. ^now you know why they call him Sheikh. [ February 26, 2010, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  4. indeed Juxa has made real effort and insha'Allah it will succeed. i don't think he will be changed. there are lots of initiatives that are in the pipeworks that he needs to see to it that they are finished.
  5. this is great stride being made and i wholeheartedly wish it every success. why do some of you guys feel the urge to leave envious or belittling comments. if you can't bring yourself to congratulate or contribute something better - least you can do is keep your hands away from the keyboard. there plenty of other threads where you chase each back and forth. learn to distinguish - lest you come across as bitter people.
  6. Pearson Education International is publishing the primary books in conjuction with the African Education Trust.
  7. Congratulations. i wish i could do the same.
  8. Get well soon KK insha'Allah. Sheh - since he kindly asked. are you working or on holiday?
  9. oh that... why was deleted - ya caytmaya?? Ok Sheikh B will edit now.
  10. ^ :confused: what airfreshner? for what co-workers?
  11. Hello Sheherazade - iska waran?
  12. Posts: 529 | From: Sanaag Lair | Joined Somalia Online: Jun 2009 | Sanaag Liar
  13. Farts!! - that is what is annoying me today. Nacalad baa ku taal - all of them. :mad:
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ War kaa faras maha, waa abu mansoor. LOL :mad: (i can't even laugh any more)
  15. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Walaahi, Billaahi, Toolahi.......... :mad:
  16. Allah waxaan uga baryaynaa Caafimaad,Cimri dheer iyo Cibaada wanaagsana. Sidoo kale kii noqda mid Diintiisa iyo Dadkiisa anfaca. ( Aamiin ) Aamiin! Congratulations brother Dabshid
  17. ^markan xaradheere lacag iyo kaluun barnay. well let them eat cake then KK baayo dadkan xaaran baan ku heysataaye ii dhaf miyaad weligaa maqashay "Fad ama ha fadin waa lagu fadsiin" Maalinwalba mid halkaan la yimaada "Qardho xalay riyada ugu soo dhacday - Alle meeshu qurux badan - waa inaan real life u tago"