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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. £300 is a lot for barris iyo hilib-kad cuuynesid the one day you stay behind Don't blame SOL or not allowing you to edit your comments after 30mins, they are evil!
  2. ^^So offended, in any case THAt would be one person with a full time SOL position considering how much we post, all at the same time. Have you seen my written Somali? Yahoo.
  3. Forget Ngonge, I am most upset that he imagines me to be cislaan yarr or docil aha who fights a lot Ngonge laakin wa loo dameye!
  4. Norf cay weyn buu ino qariyeh!!!!
  5. ^^Wayo? are you telling me waan camal xumahey? or that Juxa wey lacag jeceshey? Or deleted is moody or Ngonge wa gabad?
  6. ^^^I thought labadu wa isku miid at first :eek:
  7. Nuune ma waxabaad iisu nooqoten? Dhee ninka so qabqab and hospitalka gee, wa inaad jinka ka so tuntiid
  8. Nuune Nafta yaaney ka bixiin!!! LOOOL By the way nuune my family know the important somaliland families like siilanyo and even this guy yusuf deeq and some others but we don't get to bogged down into the gaari gacan types like yourself if you get my drift!!! Haye ma Puntiland baad ku aragety? All the important people berri bey Marrin Garowe, did they stay with your family? P.s. I think when he is banned, some crazy people will miss him!!!
  9. Eat what you want, when you want and eat it till you are full, waxba nooqon meysidi!
  10. Alhumdulilah, how are you?
  11. ^^^ I have having the same convo with my edo, Where will he go first, she thinks maybe will go to DJ first
  12. Originally posted by Jacpher: "Farxad inay nafta iiga baxdo ayaan ka baqayaa" "Caawa waa habeenkii kali ahaa ee aan aduunka ku lahaa" What kind of drugs must one be on to feel this delusional and personally attached about a politician winning election? Does Siilaanyo even know these people personally and what type of blessings is he gonna bring to their little daily lives? He is gonna make SL jannatul-fidrowsa on earth? Someone needs to remind them they're in one of the poorest country on earth and ranked the most dangerous place in the world. I'm sure they will tell you Burco is one of the safest cities in Africa and probably most of the 3rd world countries. Buufis baad ka qabta Burco. They are not also one of poorest. If you mean in the context of Somalia As you can see Burco is no longer hanging back and taking a stand and watch position, hoganga aya SL qabteen, and in doing so, Somalia wey ka daqaqin. Now say congrats and keep it moving, you are blocking my view, instead of acussing people of taking drugs :mad:
  13. No, they are really old and no longer printed, the notes have holes in them and they stink, full of bacteria from changing hands so much. It is not healthy.
  14. Just the usual nacnac certain folks aye ku cabadan. Something along the lines of "yes we killed you before and we will kill you again because we are the sons of killers and very powerful, but we want you to join us so we can rule, because are smart, and by the way your women are all who*res." It is more comical and sad, than blood boiling. (He did not say it in the way I said above, it emerged one bit at a time over some time ) Sayid
  15. ^^^No, I hate generalisations, so I am just showing him how his silly argument could be also be used for the opposite untrue generalisations.
  16. Ibtisam


    Why are you always so negative. Biskina. No memory as in "Oh my god, I was so young, so good looking, so fat/light/dark/tall/short" sort of memory. And there are all my relatives dancing for me and my special buranbur for me and my folks, also to tease your kusband that his family wa laga ciyaar baddiyeh and they got a good beating/ schooling.
  17. Ibtisam


    It is for memory, you just know some questionable people with questionable characteristics. BUT the majority of the people 95% is for memory/ keep-sake purpose.
  18. ^If that is the case, it would be fair to say it shows what D-block is made off and the sort of people they are.
  19. *North looks tall only from a distance, I don't get it, he looks normal hight till he gets to the end of the road, then you think ina haybe lambad baa kugu so socda.
  20. Ibtisam


    So this what our convo inspired!!
  21. Wonders who introduced her to a cilin and told her it was Ngonge. In which world I'm taller than Ngonge? Maybe when he is on his knees. I hate inaad intaad caydey haadan fake aman ii siisey :mad: Meel aad ka noqotiid ma joogtiid, the writting is on the wall
  22. Eating, alcohol, sex, drugs.... A naturally-occurring appetite suppressant has been discovered by UK scientists, who say it could pave the way for a diet drug without side effects. It may also have the potential to treat aspects of alcohol and drug abuse. Hemopressin is a small bit of protein which works by affecting the reward centres of the brain associated with pleasurable experiences such as eating, sex and drug highs. “It has long been known that the rewarding aspects of feeding behaviour influence our appetite, so that sometimes we eat for pleasure rather than hunger. "By reducing hedonistic feeding, it is possible to help people lose weight by quenching the desire to eat,” said study co-author Dr Garron Dodd, from the Faculty of Life Science at the University of Manchester. The scientists gave hemopressin to mice and monitored their feeding and other behaviours. They found that while the amount they ate decreased, their behaviour patterns remained the same. Six years ago, a synthetic anti-obesity product - Rimonabant - was developed which also acted on the brain to suppress appetite as well as reducing fat deposition. However, it was later withdrawn from the market due to side effects such as depression and increased suicidal thoughts. But Dr Dodd believes that the naturally-occurring hemopressin may not cause such side effects. “This is a newly discovered peptide and we do not know yet exactly where it is expressed in the brain," he said. "This discovery does however offer new insights into how the brain controls appetite, and opens new avenues by which to manipulate this brain circuitry and aid the development of anti-obesity treatments." Dr Dodds said his team now plan to carry out further research to find out if hemopressin has a long lasting effect. They also need to establish whether their findings can be confirmed in people. Source: Yahoonews
  23. Did you just call me short^
  24. I saw Dahabshil advert last night, so that cannot be true. I doubt any SL boys are bothered enough to sue the TV station, they might beat up the old man though, he should avoid certain areas, some people might think he is a football. @ his wife left him in the 1988s!! HAha waanba yabey how on Gods earth she could be with him.