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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Archdemos, He mixed with the best in his time, which meant absent Ethiopians and the Kenyan long distance that currently dominate athletics. All the talent that currently athletics has was not present during those years. But he had raw talent, but the times posted by him are slower than Mo's. Mo has a long way to go before he can challenge the other East Africans! But he works hard, so maybe 2012 he will get Bronze or something (improve on his 6th last time)
  2. Huh? :confused: Of course the Quran and what the prophet PBUH (providing the he said them) are infallible. Ayaan Hirisi knows nothing about anything aside from manipulating the media. Hamza yusuf like so many other shikes is really good in one aspect and shaky on others. The rule of thumb is Spiritual, soul and iman related issues, Sufi scholars have it on lock down and you could benefit greatly from their books and lectures. And why take the religion from someone you feel confident about , when you can learn the deen for yourself? Unless you think God is talking to you directly, you have to get your knowledge from someone. Books (written by someone or group) Hadith (narrated and written by different people, authorised by another) Quran, Tasfir by who? how why and when rulings or surah was ordain.
  3. Juxa are u okay?? who died? Will call you later inshallah. Samir you iman sis. Biiig hug *
  4. Your facts are still off dear. Archdemos, strange you say that, Bile only competed in 8 or 9 competitions at global level, with 5 medals (include 2 gold) in 15yrs. By athletic standards compared to the Kenyans, Ethiopians. Mo already has 4 Medals in two years. He is faster and has better endurance than bile (this is obviously due to change diet, progress in athletics world and training support) Bile could have been great but injury and poor training meant he missed good five years after he won gold in 1989 and he was never as good again.
  5. Originally posted by GaroweGal: **************** Oh boy [ August 02, 2010, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  6. Lool @ Helpful lady. suuqa laga saar!! Damn that Sayid and I agree he does need it for Ramadan collection. Can we give him that Cheque too Sayid should pay rental charge for those baltiyal.
  7. ~Why should we replace it? He has them sitting in his cars full of pennies. I cannot even remember what they looked like, but they were special, different sizes, colours with printed marketing liteature on them. Those baaldiyo need to come back. :mad: Juxa, I will not take them back, how can I face that man after a year!!! :eek: Sayid is not answering his phone,
  8. @ Norf where?? It will rain on Eid day in the UK. :cool:
  9. Haye pasty white aye kaga bilitaey! Norf adiga iyo cuuto ba iisleh!. Where can I go for Ramadan with normal 6hrs daylight. I looked on the timetable for the first day of Ramadan 2.40am till 8.35pm, kill me already.
  10. ^^^As suppose to white people I saw on the tube. Having major withdrawal symptoms on my first day back. Lool @ Shakespearen. IT so is. FYI: Speaking of tan I am black as Digis, Indian than Syria baan isku xeejiyeh. I have made few friends from Sudan on my lunch breaks. (I am not kidding)
  11. Never too early to speak of miid that nearly was. It is only early to speak of the ones that worked out. Speak and ka sheekey the tanned ones will you. Howdy sheh.
  12. ^^I actually wanted to say "he messed up my chance/ opportunity" but could not think of the word for chance.! Hence and correction caasaqii buu iga xumeyeh
  13. Poor women, this is crazy, I feel bad for laughing the gay brother can do stand up comedy- it will get him out of the projects! Remix is making light of something so serious, she is lucky she was strong enough even half sleep. saqaajaan!
  14. Did I type that wrong Nuune? Yes wa gaajo socota buufis qabta
  15. HSBC is global, I found them in remote villages in the middle of nowhere and their banners on cliffs and mountains very few climb. Riziq aya meel kasta ka dayen~! I cannot believe aniga bucket sheekasiid baad ii daaba waada! :mad: Sayid Soomal qabso and beat him for me, caashaqkey buu iga xuumeye, that old man wanted me for his son till Sayid held his buckets hostage :mad:
  16. Did Ngonge get asked out on date by n old Somali lady from SL? biskina, tell her iis doox please. SalamAlikum peeps
  17. For the life of me, everytime I see a stuck up abaya wearing hijab now I get that horried image and even worse sorry excuse of a song. Just to be on the safe side I need my sleep, will check it day time.
  18. I saw her on friday :eek: she had an interesting outfit, I kept looking at her till a friend told me who she was! I moved to speak to her but I lost her in the crowed.
  19. Eeer mix weddings also have the buranbuur and qabil of the two families, no other clans gets or expects to be mentioned- their mothers clans and fathers clan. I think it is one of the healthy uses of qabil still surviving and a good fun! Long live buranbur
  20. They are sending them to moqdisho because they all claim to be from there! The UK has started to send people back to Sl and PL, so not suprise the arabs are sending people back, they just need to send them somewhere safe! P.s. JB Arabs don't hate Somalis! You are becoming like peace now!
  21. The last video you posted still gives me nightmares and judging on the response above, I will give it a miss. Ii sheega is the nija a niqabi horta?
  22. His tears meel ma jiraan recently. Every interview he is nearly in tears. Miskeen,
  23. Well done Mo!!! Congrats to him. His wife is really pretty nearly fell off cheering for him! Lol
  24. Let's hope he can double and take the 5,000 as well today. Month aside I cannot believe Outty is still running at 50yrs of age! That is just mean! Well done to Month.
  25. Sounds like great fun, if I wz not just coming back I would've tagged along!! Mountain bike I aint done since school days