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Everything posted by Ibtisam
SalamAlikum peeps.
JB, why would I not understand? You know I speak perfect Somali- even the under the table wink wink sort of Somali!!! is it because I am from Burco and we don't cover things up or say it underthe table Wasaqad riwayid weeyean. The blue shirt guy creeps me out. Reer SL wey daqaqiin! P.s. I did not find that as too much info, after working in hospitals, it becomes as normal as asking them their first name. lol
I thought Canno geel only none-Somali Somalis daqan ceelis aya ku xanunsad. Or ilien adiga laftaduba wax tahey daqan ceelis. Allah haku cafiyo I watched the damn riwayad your posted adigu sulduqa iyo saldaqa waali. Subxanallah.
Looks like a nice place. Might spend more than 1day there next time inshallah. Laakin of all the Somalilanders, iyaga aya ugu fast ah- in both good and bad habits. Wa in more waadao la geeyo. :cool: Land: No, I've seen enough. Thanks all the same. Faan ka jooji haadab, otherwise we'll make a 20 page thread about our home town
The women who was crazy, she did not sing, dance, fighting, African prayers iyo shouting, crawling, and everything else bey iis dex kalesey!! Did you wake up? I woke edo two times and she still missed suhur! Reminder is only good or works for the person with a good heart, if you have a bad heart reminder does not benefit. "Reminder, because reminder benefits the Mumunin"
SalamAlikum people. Was forced to take some powerful painkillers at suhur and now I'm too scared to move my head incase madax xuun comes back. Faheema: Your friend Eccentric X Factor hopeful Shirlena Johnson was also due to compete in Miss GB beauty contest. Yahoo told me as I was checking my mail. See she is not all that crazy, she just loves competitions. Juxa: How are you?
No, still have not broken our fast- 2hrs to go still. But I hear u on the shah or rather water.
Some nice pictures. :cool: :cool:
hmmmm, looooooooooong day, huge headache!!! :eek:
Odkac iyo suugo isma gaalan, at all. It is a horrid combination that only a sujui will do!! :eek:
Loool Okay haadaab make siinx suugoah iyo your nice barris. with Salad iyo moos. Im just pulling your leg, now I can't come over because you would force feed everyone as per order!!! lol I will bring sanbusa if you want? And Faheema as usual will do cake. CL is so not invited, did you see the other thread? She eats something called mapenzi iyo nakpunda iyo wewe. YOU cannot give her barris iyo suuqar!
San Francisco (Somalilandpress) — Somali-Norwegian activist, Kadra Yusuf thinks that the Norwegian generous welfare system paradoxically may destroy the Somali families in Norway and lead to misuse of public funds. In a provocative feature article published in Norwegian newspaper, VG, Yusuf argues that many Somali families artificially live apart in legally; while they live in same household in reality. Majority of Somali families are registered as a single parent household. Figures from Norwegian government statistics show that there are 2.5 times as many single parents among Somalis than in other migrant families. According to the same statistics, three of four Somali women do not work; one of the three are divorced and half have more than three children. In the article Kadra Yusuf asks, “Why people who come from a conservative Muslim country suddenly decide to divorce in Norway?” Yusuf reasons that many Somali immigrants declare to be single parents to benefit from generous assistance that is provided by the Norwegian welfare system. She believes the Norwegian welfare system encourages married couples to divorce and reward single mothers with many children. Yusuf argues this lead to poverty trap for Somalis. Somalis should be required to do more than just live off welfare, she says Politicians are afraid of stigmatizing, but they should be willing to take on the dreary debates too. Benefits for single parents is a social benefit that many use, but it’s being abused and Somali children are the losing end of this sytem, says Kafra Yusuf. Kadra Yusuf argues that existing welfare system causes many family problems. The ‘fictional divorce’ is not only legal fraud. Somali men leave their home during the day because of fear that social workers will show up at the house. They usually go Khat rooms leaving family responsibilities to women. This leads to alter the normal Somali family structure. Kadra Yusuf calls the Norwegian government to reform the social welfare to remove poverty trap that many Somali families find them in. Norway has one of the best and generous welfare systems in the world. parents are entitled to 12 months off work with 80% pay, or 10 months with full pay. The fertility rate has been a steady 1.8 higher than most European countries. Norwgian welfare’s motto has been, “from the cradle to the grave”. All Norwegians enjoy full health care and free education system throughout their lives. Insurance Fraud Magne Fladby, Director of the Norwegian National Insurance Verification and Collection Agency, says that they’re aware of the high risk for this type of fraud among Somalis. “We get tips that this is widespread among Somalis. This is a benefits area we have a strong focus on in order to discover abuse,” he says. Fladby says that they don’t have statistics based on ethnicity, and have no special measures directed only at Somalis. “We actively work to uncover abuses among single parents in general,” he says. The figures on abuse of welfare benefits for single parents increased sharply in recent years. In 2008, his agency uncovered fraud of 2.3 million Kroner (373,000 US Dollar.) In 2010 they uncovered a record high of 8.2 million Kroner ($1,300,000.) Ethnic perspective The leader of the Parliamentary Labour and Social Committee Karin Andersen (SV) calls the government to finding a firm solution of this social problem and she encourage the social services to approach this problem from an “ethnic point of view.” Source: VG Magazine
loool @ Qarax ka kor dhacy. Cooking for us is simple- sort of; haadaba here is my list: 1)Ibtisam: 2 glass of water, 7 dates, 2 cups of Somali tea with sugar, 2 chicken drumsticks- grilled or roasted- no salad or barris or anything to go with it. 2 sanbus or a bowl of fruits or even a spicy mango salad, or a cake, another glass of water.- I don’t drink tap water. 2) Faheema: 1 fruit bowl, and 3 sambus with 1 glass or water and one tea. If no sanbus she will settle for any meal (rice and baasto) 3) Sheh: Taas she don’t eat (nuts, salads, water, juice and snacks will do) 4) Lily: Dates, water, fruits, and a small bowl of something healthy. 5) Juxa: Water, 1 date and siinx barris ah and small cake. That’s it. How did I do? North is pi*ssed off coz we keep talking about cake (Although he mentioned it way before I said anything) Txts too much effort, SOL ba wa a form of communication.
Looool @ Faraha ayaan ka gubtaa!! :eek: Are you off work what do you mean any day is fine? My boss is off from next week, so I am on slave shifts of 10-7. The last 10days masjidka aya iska leh. Aside from that, just let me know what day we decide. Ka war doon, beryahan even phone calls ba igu dibi aha. I'll check with faheema when I see her.
CL Subxanallah I fear innad Malika cawirid!! You have been green eyed and jelouse of her since she left. Does anyone even know if she got there safely? CL ba hawad ka qabsatey!!! :eek: CL type of ladies- Cynical and feminist, political, a women's-man
JUXA: lool we met in our minds. Wed is better for me aniga. Sunday washing ka iyo cleaning baan ka daamani and making afur for the week. We have no kitchen but I am happy to host and give you basic luug iyo gacan ku walaqa aftur. JB, May Allah have mercy on them. Ma adiga aya dili them or cause it somehow? CIA wax ba ka jira if that is the case.
Looool @ Writing JUXA on google!! Warya JB, Zahra Jibril ma adiga miis review-ku source bu leeyahey? I shall be meeting Nadifa in Somali week inshallah- fariin maan ka gaadisya? Juxa, send me your book, aniga aya ku review garane and buunbuis for you for reer-konfur sister. You will have your own Zahra Jibril oo better aha!
I got some good news, but somehow I feel sad. Waali iyo emotions iga dhe. Juxa how you doing, been meaning to call you, laakin no energy.
Loool, Waali. How much did I pay him kulaha. As the middle man (women) between him and the said company, Ngonge paid a small fee (not money) for introducing gossiping 35yr old women who fight over farahs to their site. I mean could they NOT be classy business women iis nacey? Or high flyers or CL type ladies, OR just normal women? Sorry to disappointment, laakin the site anigu isk ma lihi, another SOL member will be very pis*sed off about all this credit I am being given for wax an shaqo ku lahein!. :cool:
LOOOOL LOOOOL that Somali advert is killing me!!! Walahi it made LOOOOL everytime I read the Somali advert!! loool What on earth is a stylish bouncy castle
Ngonge, Approved; make it fit though
This is quite postive, burning the quran is a respectable means of disposing of it! When I need to get rid of something with Allahs name or an old Quran, burning is the way rather than putting it in the bin. Back in the day they use to wash the ink off or burn it. I really don't understand the outrage. :confused: That aside the 9th is Eid, muslims will busy with that, so no outrage to show on TV. All in all, I am happy that they are not doing something disrespectful.
For those who you who don’t want to donate to none-Muslim charities for whatever reason; Islamic relief and Muslim Aid are doing huge efforts. If you are in the UK, charity fundraiser Aftur on Thursday 26th August in Bundu Khan, 141 Commercial Street, £50 tickets. Please do go and make a contribution. Have mercy, Allah has mercy on those who are merciful to others.
I worked like a dog today, so much for going home early.