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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Juxa I went to check if you e-mailed me, waxba ma hayo! lol hello. Loool Nuune, I don't know what is going on with all these crazy dreams. I am so tired of getting beaten up and dying in crashes. Sometime ago I had a dream where I was watching my edo cry and all these relatives telling her "ciidna waqtiigis ma daafayo" and she was so young and all these another things. Towards the end I realised I was at my tacsi or something. :eek: Ngonge: It is a dream, therefore all goals are offside and dont count.
  2. Woke up with headache, stayed in bed till 10.15am but it didn’t get any better. Now sitting at work like a zombie with billion things to do. If this old lady don’t stop chattering I am going to tell her I have a Muslim style hangover that we get from chanting so leave me alone :mad: I was chasing the train in my dream xaley- it was a loud train and the driver was mean. Every time I got close he drove off at speed. :mad:
  3. ^^^Bet she forget anyway Val, this one is hopeless, I dont think she knows what a phone is, better luck on skpy I hear Howdy Cara. Work and boring accounts- they alway want to come in on a sunday or sat so they can bring their cars and free parking but ***** Transport is murder for me. :mad:
  4. Aafia Siddiqui, a US-trained Pakistani neuroscientist who was named as one of the FBI's most wanted terrorists, was today sentenced to 86 years in prison by a New York court, in a case that has prompted outrage in Pakistan. Siddiqui, 38, was convicted of attempted murder this year after shooting at US soldiers and FBI agents in Afghanistan in 2008 as she tried to escape from custody. Siddiqui claimed she had been abducted by US agents and held incommunicado in Afghanistan for five years. The case has drawn appeals from the Pakistani government for her release, and divided legal opinion. Protesters took to the streets across Pakistan after the sentence, lighting fires and chanting anti-American slogans. The Jamaat-e-Islami religious party announced a national strike after weekly prayers. Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif said he was "saddened"‚ by the sentence; his brother Shahbaz, the chief minister of Punjab province, called the sentence a "crime against humanity". Siddiqui's family in Karachi accused the US justice system of bias against Muslims. "This is the beginning of the greatest travesty of justice," said her sister Fowzia, who has campaigned for the past two years. "My sister is going to come back. This is not her downfall. This is her victory." Although the FBI accused Siddiqui of supporting al-Qaida, she was not charged with terrorism. But prosecutors alleged that when she was arrested in Afghanistan two years ago she was found with instructions on how to assemble bombs and a list of New York city landmarks. Prosecutors said that as US agents were about to interrogate her, she grabbed an assault rifle and opened fire, shouting "death to Americans". The Americans were uninjured, but Siddiqui was shot and brought to New York for trial after she recovered. Before the sentencing, Siddiqui repeated her claim that she had been abducted and held at a "secret prison" for several years. She said she only wanted peace in the world. "I do not want any bloodshed. I do not want any misunderstanding. I really want to make peace and end the wars." The defence had argued that her seizing the gun and opening fire was a spontaneous "freak-out", that had more to do with mental illness than al-Qaida. "Mentally ill and caught in the crossfire of a war that is no longer fought on conventional battlegrounds, Dr Siddiqui's self destructive behaviour got her shot once in the abdomen, charged with attempted murder and convicted of the same," the defence said. During the trial she made rambling denunciations of the US and Israel. She was ejected from court several times. Prosecutors asked for life, on the grounds that she was an al-Qaida supporter and a danger to the US. "Her conduct was not senseless or thoughtless. It was deliberate and premeditated. Siddiqui should be punished accordingly." The judge, Richard Berman, said "significant incarceration" was appropriate. Siddiqui urged her supporters to remain calm. "Don't get angry," she said. "Forgive Judge Berman." Siddiqui trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brandeis University in the early 1990s. US authorities claim she returned to Pakistan in 2003 after marrying an al-Qaida operative related to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Her disappearance for five years has never been adequately explained, but there is a widespread belief in Pakistan that the Pakistan government handed her over to the US in 2003, and that she was tortured and interrogated. Mindful of public opinion, Pakistan's government paid $2m for a US defence team and the prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, and publicly appealed to Washington to release Siddiqui or have her repatriated to a Pakistani prison. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/sep/23/pakistan-scientist-86-years-shooting
  5. ^^^Errr I said colour women!! you know I am as dark as the night and you want me to wear black and grey top-toe. :eek: I was thinking purple belt, purple and grey heels and maybe multilayered of black and purple hijabs. But when I mentioned it to a friend- they looked at me like I was growing a second head- so having doubts.
  6. I am not suprised at all. Anyone who has been to india or worked with Indians could've predicted this. HAHAHA I'm glad it is them and not an African country.!
  7. The Queen asked ministers for a poverty handout to help heat her palaces but was rebuffed because they feared it would be a public relations disaster, documents disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act reveal. Royal aides were told that the £60m worth of energy-saving grants were aimed at families on low incomes and if the money was given to Buckingham Palace instead of housing associations or hospitals it could lead to "adverse publicity" for the Queen and the Government. Aides complained to ministers in 2004 that the Queen's gas and electricity bills, which had increased by 50 per cent that year, stood at more than £1m a year and had become "untenable". he Royal Household also complained that the £15m government grant to maintain the Queen's palaces was inadequate. In search of more money-saving schemes, the Queen's deputy treasurer wrote to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to ask whether the Royal Household would be eligible for a grant to replace four combined heat and power (CHP) units at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. He asked: "Community Energy can fund up to 40 per cent of the capital costs of implementing a community heating scheme... Since we are already grant-in-aid funded [the Queen receives £15m a year for the upkeep of her palaces] we would like to know whether the Household [would] be able to benefit from these grants. I look forward to your comments." Under this scheme administered by the Environment department, schools, hospitals, councils and housing associations have been awarded £60m for heating programmes which benefit people on low incomes. Taxpayers already contribute £38m to pay for the Royal Family. Yet some of the buildings which would have benefited from the energy grant were occupied by minor royals living in grace and favour accommodation on the royal estates. Surprisingly the Government offered no resistance to the proposed application and cleared the way for the Queen to take advantage of the handout. But by August 2004 the documents show that Whitehall officials had changed their minds and poured cold water on the whole idea. In an email sent to the Palace it was diplomatically explained that the funds were aimed at people on "low incomes". The official wrote: "I think this is where the Community Energy Funding is directed and ties in with most allocations going to community heating schemes run by local authorities, housing associations, universities etc. I also feel a bit uneasy about the probable adverse press coverage if the Palace were given a grant at the expense of say a hospital. Sorry this doesn't sound more positive." The Palace had more joy when it sought permission to find a more affordable contractor to supply the Queen with her gas and oil. Documents show that the Royal Household's gas bill had risen from £319,000 in 2002 to £526,000 in 2006. Electricity had increased by an even bigger margin, jumping from £249,000 to £513,000 over the same period. In an email to the DCMS, palace officials wrote in September 2005: "As mentioned [in our telephone conversation today], the commercial market position for utilities has become untenable with price rises of over 50 per cent when we went out to tender last year ... The position is that all our contracts for gas and electricity will mature on 30 September 2006. I do not want to go out to tender next year and find the prices have risen significantly again but, given the recent position of energy markets, I suspect that they will." In its proposal the Palace suggested a move towards a wholesale contract under a single tender with Inenco which also serves the gas and electricity needs of the Prison Service and Channel 4. But ministers were concerned that by using a single tender, rather than going to the open market place, the Palace might be in breach of EU contracting rules which govern deals worth more than £306,753. The issue centred on whether the Royal Household was a "public sector contracting authority" for the purpose of the EU regulations. Preliminary advice from the Treasury was that the Royal Household was a public body but the Palace argued that it wasn't. The Whitehall memo concludes: "If they [the Royal Household] are convinced of their view, and since we have no definitive advice to the contrary, then they can proceed." The switch was finally approved by DCMS officials who noted that the new contract will "undercut" traditional fuel companies by 6-8 per cent. If they had thought of it two years earlier, they could have saved £144,000. Last year thermal imaging technology, used to identify and measure energy waste, showed heat pouring through the closed curtained windows, the roof and cracks in the walls. A team of energy surveyors labelled the Palace "shocking and appalling", the biggest "central heating radiator" in the capital and gave it a score of 0 out of 10. St James's Palace was in 12th place in the survey of 170 buildings with a score of only five out of 10. Her Majesty didn't get the money - so who did? Fife Council £1,591,043 Develop the Dunfermline community heating scheme – 300 households and four public buildings – using waste heat from the Lochhead landfill site. Birmingham City Council £1,354,699 A new heat network linking six public buildings including Aston University, a children's hospital and court buildings. Torridge District Council £600,144 A new heat network, utilising heat from the existing Holsworthy Biogas power plant to connect 52 council houses and five public buildings. Highland Council £800,000 A new heat network serving a primary school and over 200 homes on the Minafua Estate. There is potential to include biomass at a future date. Falkirk Council £983,730 A new heat network to link five tower blocks of more than 400 homes. There is scope for expansion by connecting four further towers. University of Wales £535,000 Refurbish existing network to serve teaching and research buildings and halls of residence at Swansea. London Borough of Islington £653,702 A new heat network connecting 900 homes and three public buildings,comprising a school, swimming pool and leisure centre. Home Housing Association £35,000 A new heat network connecting 26 homes, replacing individual storage heaters at Stafford Court, West Durham. Dungannon & District Housing Association £90,000 A new scheme using a wood-fired boiler – using a local woodchip supply – to serve 35 purpose-built flats. Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council £35,000 Replace coal-fired boilers serving three public buildings with biomass, using prunings produced by the Council's own tree work. Department for Constitutional Affairs £84,000 Connect the Combined Courts Building in Nottingham to a existing network. Birmingham Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust £403,000 Expand the hospital's existing network to the maternity unit through theaddition of absorption chilling. Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital NHS Foundation Trust £1,394,498 To augment the hospital's existing steam network with a new low temperature hot water network to utilise low grade heat. Eastleigh Borough Council £100,000 A new heat network connecting council civic offices and a leisure centre. Highland Council £1,380,000 A new woodchip-fuelled plant serving 540 dwellings in Pulteneytown, Wick, Caithness. The plant would also serve the local hospital, secondary school, swimming pool, library and more than 1,000 additional homes. Home Housing Association £29,500 A new heat network connecting 22 dwellings in Manor Court, Cockermouth, by replacing individual storage heaters. Kingston (upon Thames) Hospital NHS Trust £455,000 Supply heat via an existing network to 139 new dwellings, comprising 75 low cost dwellings and a combination of nursing homes and sheltered residences. Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-tried-to-use-state-poverty-fund-to-heat-bucking ham-palace-2088179.html?emv_mid=7982052&emv_rid=10716891327
  8. What can I wear with grey dress to dress it up- a LOT! I want to wear this tomorrow. I need colours- not sure how much colours though. Have to attend a function.
  9. Rain: *weli-da ka reeba- never gonna catch me, never never gonna catch me (that was a song I think) Nuune dhee sidaas dhe, kiinisaad baad dadka ugu yeedisa!!! :eek: They went to the real mosques P.s. Rain, Sayid is singing you a song welcoming you and begging you to come, you are more likly to catch him
  10. ^^^Xaran Calkey, where are the Muslims!!! :mad: :mad: Rain, that would only make sense if: nevermind, ma awal baad na heestey? Malika, bal adiguba sheeg wa kukaas!" I am so sad on belhalf of Afia Saddiq, after being held/ kidnapped for 7years, and she is now not all there, they took her to trail and sentenced her to 85years in Prison. Xaley I could not sleep!!!! subxanallah.
  11. ^^^Who are you?? Adiga muu ahey waxan escape garaye? Waslama Juxa Jumca Mubarak peeps. Juxa feeling better? Norf Frank aad ku walatey wa ayo? CL I got in early 10am.
  12. Got here before the rain. I beat the rain to work. hehehe (okay mayba hahaha) Morning CL and co
  13. Ferguson what is a Send up exam? Xagee lagu tiryiya?? I am very proud of you, and allah khyir ha kaka diigo meeshi lagu send up garaneyo, I hope it is better and benefits you and your family/community. Well done Nuune; In Burco there was this guy, maraka salad lo kaco ayuu oodan jirey anigu Mecca ayan qabanaya ku so tuukanaya, of course he was always back for lunch 20mins later. Sayid as married man, you should agree that married women as good as dead when it comes to flirting outside of that marriage?
  14. Ferguson should be very scared, now ki awaliyad isku sheegi jirey wants to join in the habar,. Mass habar session. JB iyo Ngonge uu ba iga maqan, Sheh will say Amiiiiin and qalas!!! Lugu ma aragayo. Nuune, xaley someone was telling me about someone who once declared "I have suspended Salah today" :eek: was it you?
  15. Didn't see the Video, just the lyrics you posted. They sound like we (me and her/him) have nothing in common. I am very racist- white 1980s bands just does not do it for me. Classic or not. What is Simba? a Cartoon or a song?
  16. Ferguson, I dont' wanna know anymore, it can't be that important, suual after suual. Waban ku habari at this rate. But I won't because it is raining, it might come true. :cool: CL I don't get that song? Drunken old white dude?
  17. ^^Pretty much, yes, or at least as good as dead.
  18. ^^Only single girls can flirt Ferguson, no but I won't habar you,
  19. Not to mention the ring has branched out into some sick game of taking advantage of old men by blackmailing them after the deed is done. Wait so OLD somali men use this service (knowing young girls are forced into it) and then the same gang blackmails them for using the service. (I dont see why you would feel sorry for the old men) IF the old men are involved who are these elders Mr. Jibril wants to inform? Wow sounds like MN somali Community has a problem they need help with fromt he authorities. The said girl is 15, but look at her long list of criminal record already- clearly there is something going wrong! Subxanallah. where are the so called community centers who get funds who helping the community? uuuf calkey :mad: :mad:
  20. Ferguson: Try me baal? Ii sheeg? Sayid :rolleyes:
  21. CL its cleared up now, alhumdulilah in both cases, I had lunch Ferguson, thank you--- err why are you being nice to me today? Normal waad ii shiida froma distance.
  22. Lol @ CL No I just wanted to tell him his Jiin theory was pants, I figured out WHY I am in a good mood yesterday and today. JB wuxu leeyehey?
  23. Pheeeeeeeeew. Sorry, I was in a good mood today, going back to being in a good mood. Anyway SalamAlikum people. Where is Nunne?