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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^ you know i can't read somali, and now why would you go and post this in somali!! :mad: :mad:
  2. ^^^easy there, arguing here is not going to achieve much, Pluz does he not live in the US or something, so he can't do much for us. SB such a useless advice, "BE happy kulahah, what is there to be happy about" Ahura: i will today i am taking part in a protest, if you are in central london, you may see people with signs on their back "Insulting me, is not freedom of the press" and i have one on my back!! i tell ya, standing on the bus trying to read my metro was impossible, i made few friends amongst the none Muslims who agreed with me, first time i had a conversation with a bunch of strangers on a train!!
  3. Originally posted by Castro: believe Ngonge said it best when he asked how we could make use of this freedom of expression. Surely if it's afforded everyone, then we must come up with a way to get our own point across. yes i agree, but, how, the Muslims are too busy with debates about what colour scarf’s women should wear, how long their miswak should be and other small issues. Others like Khayr are outraged that they are expected to use the same process as everyone else, and is far removed from reality, seemingly thinking that the Muslims are in a position to choose what methods they wish to employ in their defence. Impotence is not an option really. But neither is Orgilaqe's "don't take it lying down" rubbish. Regardless, this is a campaign that we have already lost, but it is what follows and its implications for the future is what we should be concerned about. The rest of world media is looking to see how far the Muslims can be pushed and what reaction if any they are capable of. Muslims are not known as movers and shakers in issues. The world is paying attention now. Will we seize the moment? [/QB] The world is paying attention, but the Muslims are not, they only place where there was any public reaction was Palestine and Iraq: and who will take notice of them? if Muslims in general do not take a stand now, i won't be surprised if in a few months time, we don't have the same newspapers drawing pictures of what the "Muslim Allah looks like"
  4. castro i thinking your negativity is affecting me i refuse to be as negative as you. i don't know, i refuse to just sit and wait, and accept whatever is thrown at me. You would always come against a brick wall, however even if we loose this time, the outcry will deter any future abuses. A show is being organised on Islam channel, a Muslim representative will be on BBC news, I think debates and more debates. either way if you don't do anything you can't balme anyone but you. but if you do at least your tried your best what do you think?? castro
  5. yes^^ here is what else can be done: ) speak to your local Mosque/institution. Demand they inform and activate the congregation to this. 2) Campaign to get local Mosques to organise mass email campaign to the Danish Government and to teh british government. 3) Contact Local Muslim Leaders to demand a meeting with the Danish Ambassador here and head BBC as well as other media outlets 4) Contact Muslim Leaders to meet their MP and demand he make a public statement. 5) Write to the Government of Britain and demand action. ^^^get your family and friends to do this, even the non muslism. p.s. i would have added BBC boycotting, but i know muslims would even try cheers
  6. ^^^What world do you live in??, stop ranting, move forward with time, and use their methods to stop things you do not approve of and again use it to push through things you don't approve of; that is how the current world works. okay, we don't live in a cave and this is not a islamic country, so you have to employ their methods to egt what you want. cheers
  7. i know, i am in the UK and have seen the pictures on line, but me looking for it and finding it is different to everyone reading it on the metro for free, and watching it on the news. what will happen. honestly, nothing, most of the muslims won't even notice, the ones who do, will be significantly too small to make any difference.
  8. u better text again to make sure, but if that is the case, and there is big possibility that this will be the case, because Muslims are so slow, and because they only know how to talk and argue with each other, then the pictures will be published 2morrow and shown on the news 2night
  9. Clarification, it is BBC radio 5, that is holding the poll and it is them you should e-mail, not channel 5, sorry cheers
  10. There is a vote on Five live on whether to publish photos of prophet SAW. The text number is 85085 . so please getting voting and text The british media were reluctant to publish pictures as the BBC news said last night, however the interest behined the story is being picked up massively. the issue will feature on news night tonight, with muslim representative MPAC defending the issue. remember to Text the Word "NO" to 85058 cheers
  11. Smart boy :eek: :cool: now why did i think... hang on, maybe.. no can't be, but... :confused: wlc although i did't get a wlc so not in a position to wlc anyone else
  12. Bradford!! i though thats where all the Asian people lived and they are skinny, i wonder why London never mad it, i am always squashed by fat people on buses and trains, but i see all the skinny ones at the gym, mysterious world First feed them some dog food to fatten them up. I'm so disgusted with the world today. Someone has gone through a transformation in thought and opinion, either that or you were “pulling legs before†:confused: i actually agree with that, i am disgusted too
  13. loool funny and evil i looof it
  14. u mean you are a guy :eek: :eek: i thought you were a bit over friendly okay i'm stop hijacking the topic, sorry cheers
  15. ^^^come off it, if a guy with white hair stopped you and even Attempted to try and chat you up, the first word out of your mouth would be "adeether are you lost, the bus stop is that way" so you would not know if " honesty, integrity and being respectable are there in a person as they never got a chance to say anything According to the gathered data, 10 years of age diffrence in long-term relationship yeilds the female partner the best of relationships, but a 10-20 years younger partner is to prefer in short-term relationships. equal ages relationships has another, they´re called freindships. one nightstands are a win win situation, thus a draw. ^^^sounds like anything goes here.
  16. so funny i always though Abraar was a brother sorry. cheers
  17. Publications in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain also re-ran the Danish cartoons on Wednesday to show support for free speech. and what do you know, the owner of this newspaper is a French Egyptian http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4672642.stm
  18. French editor fired over cartoons The editor of a French newspaper that printed cartoons of Prophet Muhammad has been sacked for offending Muslims. Jacques Lefranc was dismissed by the owner of France Soir, as his paper became embroiled in a developing row between Muslims and European press. Some Muslim countries have withdrawn their ambassadors to Denmark and boycotted Danish products after a paper there first printed the cartoons. Norway has closed its West Bank mission to the public in response to threats. Foreign Ministry spokesman Rune Bjaastad told the BBC news website the office would remain closed until further notice but no decision had yet been made on whether to withdraw staff source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4672642.stm
  19. ..to make fun of Islam and support the Dane!! A French newspaper has reproduced a set of Danish caricatures depicting the Prophet Muhammad that have caused outrage in the Muslim world. France Soir said it had published the cartoons to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society. Their publication in Denmark has led to protests in several Arab nations. Responding to France Soir's move, the French government said it supported press freedom - but added that beliefs and religions must be respected. Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah. Under the headline "Yes, we have the right to caricature God", France Soir ran a front page cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud. It shows the Christian deity saying: "Don't complain, Muhammad, we've all been caricatured here." The full set of Danish drawings, some of which depict the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist, were printed on the inside pages. Bomb threat The paper said it had decided to republish them "because no religious dogma can impose itself on a democratic and secular society". The global controversy the cartoons have provoked "has done nothing to maintain balance and mutual limits in democracy, respect of religious beliefs and freedom of expression", it added. Outrage bemuses Denmark In a statement, the French foreign ministry said the decision to publish the pictures was the sole responsibility of France Soir. The French authorities supported the principle of press freedom, the statement said, adding that that freedom must be exercised "in a spirit of tolerance and with respect for beliefs and religions". The offices of the Danish newspaper that first published the caricatures, Jyllands-Posten, had to be evacuated on Tuesday because of a bomb threat. The paper had apologised a day earlier for causing offence to Muslims, although it maintained it was legal under Danish law to print them. Ministers from 17 Arab countries on Tuesday urged Denmark's government to punish Jyllands-Posten for what they described as an "offence to Islam". Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen welcomed the paper's apology but defended the freedom of the press. The images' publication in Denmark has provoked diplomatic sanctions and threats from Islamic militants across the Muslim world. Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated this week in the Gaza Strip, burning Danish flags and portraits of the Danish prime minister. Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Denmark, while Libya said it was closing its embassy in Copenhagen and Iraq summoned the Danish envoy to condemn the cartoons. source.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4669360.stm
  20. ^^^^how dare you :mad: i WILL NOT FAIL; I’ll be dead if i do, and i only come here in my breaks (15mins every 2hrs i check out the internet) and that will not make me fail. i will have the last laugh when i pass with flying colours and if worse comes to worse and i fail, i would find a successful farah and become an opinionated house wife. and still have the last laugh cheers for da advice old man
  21. this is one of the few times that i will use religion fo argument sake. Lets us not forget that we are the Prophet SAW Ummah and that on the day of Judgement he will intercede on our behalf and his intercession will be accepted, absolving many sinful believers. We should love the Prophet SAW more than we love our parents. None of us would tolerate the dishonour of our mother or father, so this should be even more intolerable to us. Allah asks the Prophet to remind his Nation that it is essential for those who claim to love God, to love His Prophet : "Say to them: If you love God, follow (and love and honor) me, and God will love you" (3:31). [see also (2)] This obligation to love the Prophet means to obey him, to remember him, to follow his example, and to be proud of him as Allah is proud of him, since Allah has boasted about him in His Holy Book by saying: "Truly you are of a magnificent character" (al-Qalam 4). Love of the Prophet is what differentiates the believers in the perfection of their imaan. In an authentic hadith related in Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet said: "None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves his children, his parents, and all people." In another hadith in Bukhari he said: "None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves himself." This issue is important in rousing the Muslims awake from their sleep and if defending the honour of the Prophet SAW fails to do that then it tells us much about of the state of mind of the the Muslims and the problems we are facing today. I agree that we are short on Manpower and that it is hard to fight everything but there our some fights that are an obligation on us and this is one of them. The results/outcomes do not matter, what does is that we tried our level best as we will be held accountable. my preaching is done cheers
  22. I have never seen any danish products. Never. I know this danish dude,so am boycotting him. boycot him if he agrees with this rubbish
  23. ^^ i like teh lady in ur pic 187 do not transfer your agner from one thread to another or form PM to threads dear, he made a simple mistake dee, forgive and forget
  24. Ibtisam


    ^^are you following him to traCK progress? i think he copied and past this one