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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^thank you, i'll look forward to it! all i can find for Sayyid Abul A'la Maududiis is his bibliography, quranic translation and information on his party aND life in India. Nothing on economics. currently reading up on Sayyid Qutb and his work interesting but not what i'm looking for! cheers
  2. The issue Islam and Economic development has been playing on my mind for a while, I have tried doing some reading around it and I’m still confused. so normads knock your heads together and help me understand this. Does Islam hinder or aid development is what i am trying to understand. As a muslim i know the answer, but i want prove, facts figures, theories, anything! This is what I know so far. From a Islamic point of view, you and what you possess is created by the supreme Being and you are accountable to him. You are not free to do absolutely as you please, nor are you completely hopeless pawns. Rather you have a mission to perform with the limited resources you have and with respect to each other and your environment. This is determined by the world view. The current world view is the survival of the fittest (this is the strategy), which would be in direct conflict with your goal (religious responsibility), this is what i concluded, is it correct? The Islam world view is based on three fundamental concepts; the tawhid, the khilafah and adalah. Obviously tawhid is the most important and the other two are its logical derivatives. If the Khilafa is the ideal form of government in Islam for the muslims. The khilafa or ruler ha to be responsible to both God and his subjects for the implementations of the sharia. This limits the ruler’s powers of discretion, which is also held in check by the shura, the consultative council, which has the decision making powers, and the ruler is expected to respect and implement these decisions. A system of balance and diffusion of power it seems. If that’s the foundation of a state, rather than a capitalist or a democratic state, would it have the opportunity to prosper? Note that Islam was reviled in 7centery, when business was different (I know Allah knows best, and he would have know the world would change) But how is Islam applicable to economics today? Does following a Islamic ideology hinder economic development? If anyone can help me. p.s. the only books I can find are by Ibn Khaldun (“Islamic philosopher and historian) and Chapra who is an economics. sayad quttubi I’m still searching for it. Does anyone know of anyone else?
  3. ^^i don't think it is liban's story :confused: marshallah it was a good read cheers
  4. i thought i must be banned from there or something, i tried 2times to log on and it tells me connection fail or type a room in :rolleyes: looks like aint no one allowed in there
  5. Grow up, you bloody big kids. DO any of you get a price/present or a qualification for knowing it (what ever it is?) :rolleyes:
  6. ^^^liar, weren't it you who once said you gazing so hard at some women on the street you walked into a lamb pole. i remember you saying that
  7. run away, get bored reading it half way through. i always thought poems were for old people!
  8. seems like SOl is on fire this Valentines day! Johnny i think she run away you scared her away. easy there
  9. what do you meAN she asked for it. (the teacher)
  10. 28. Your day is ruined if you don't get a copy of Metro on the way to work. :mad: :mad: tell me about it
  11. whats wrong with Feb the 14. just collect all the presents women and keep quiet. why would you complain. :confused:
  12. ^^^shid aint that a bit harsh. is there a need old man to abuse people. in any case i think your jealous she is not calling your name why has he not responded though, he is around as he has type a long essay on the other thread :confused: maybe he is shy
  13. ^amen to that: honestly i found that funny cheers for the suggestion thinker :cool:
  14. Ibtisam


    ^^that in normal language means you don't give her nothing at all. cheap/tight farah; you should be truly ashamed of your self
  15. but ur a bit early, maybe he is waiting for the new flowers to bring with him 2morrow
  16. Originally posted by ALexus.: Ibtisam, Why don't you leave this topic for the intellectual people who are willing to make a differences and continue playing with your make-up and dolls. sorry i don't see any intellectual people here, with the exception of one person who i've never seen before. the rest are the air heads of SOL or the freaks:p keep ur hair on ppl, i have a right to offend anyway i'll leave you to your intellectual discussion :rolleyes:
  17. Ibtisam


    ^^^^loool a party for depressed ppl interesting
  18. Ibtisam


    ^^^^^ somali style. 6months of phone conversation, then daada its the wedding day
  19. Ibtisam


    ^^lool yeah for a girl, not for a guy. he sees it from his way
  20. Ibtisam


    den you should not have a girlfriend, u can have one of those open end relationships that people have. less hassal, no stress or so they say
  21. loool at long last some funny jokes. thanks for sharing
  22. no, i did't even blink let alone amusing. by the way, there is a joke section on this site, you might be better off abuse that section instead just kidding yeah
  23. Ibtisam


    loool, why do you see her once a month, does she live in another country and you can only afford to see her once a month, or you just don't like spending time with her (in which case why are you even with her) or is she last in a long line of other G/F?? strange it is normally the guys who complain that they never get to see their girls. Making nuff nuff fuss about "she aint ever got time for me" why won't she like it, i think thats great, she will have more time for other guys, who want to spend time with her. cheers
  24. Having attiude like that is crap. You must be those type of women who do believe it's a man's world and nothing can be done to stop them. Who spoke of Somali people? I was referring to all women. This topic was not intended for Somali women but women from all over the world. What's pathetic is woman like you. It's woman like you who hold us back. i see, sorry i did't realise that women all over the world read SOL. and your world is what you make of it, it does not depend on anything or any man unless you make i so. cheers