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Everything posted by Ibtisam
shove London lite in your face...I mean there are only so many times you can politely say no tell me about it, even worse, it is the most racist and islamic newspaper around, but all the othes that stand on street shoving it my face are bloody Asian or some sort of foreign. I feel like shouting at them, "have you ever read the damn thing" it blames you for the crimes and .... in London.. lool Devil @you speak english! water sometimes i worry i'm going to get hurt just because i can't keep my mouth shut; lool telling the wrong person to behave well in public. lool Val; do tell did you bust a move with them?
^^and you all know about all women? :confused:
Maybe I am just a difficult person, but there are things that should not Happen in public places!. I’m forever getting into arguments on bus and trains. Now before you all decide I am mad I’ll give you an example. I had to go down to Manchester for a conference, It is 7 in the morning, I get on at Euston station, get on my train, and I am minding my own business, sleep reading at my seat waiting for the train to departure. Everyone on the train is quiet, Then these 6 girls come on, shouting and laughing at the top of voices. :rolleyes: Okay freedom of speech, I did not expect them to stay silent anyway, so I just carry on read. As soon as the train starts moving, one of them gets them *s*t*u*i*p*d phones that allow you to play Music out loud,( remind me who the hell made the!) turns the volume up, and they start screeching along to some *s*t*u*i*p*d song From Akon called “you already know I wanna F...” :eek: I hear once, then they re start the song and off they go again, I thought I was going to go mad. For 30mins I did not say anything, hoping that everyone dirty looks will give them a hint! So I walk up to them, purposely speak in a low voice so they have to turn the volume down to hear me, and politely asked them to turn i off, explaining that this was a public transport, I should not have to listen to their songs, If you want to listen to Music get some headphone. One of them tried to get rude, the rest were like “oh sorry, we did not know” :confused: what is there to know! :rolleyes: What surprised me was that there was a family on the same carriage who had kids, and they did not object, even though the song was full of filth! :confused: When i was getting off the train i realised that there is a slience carriage that i could've gone to! :mad: Then yesterday I went to a charity party, there was vegetarian table and meat table, some guy though that it was acceptable to get spices Spanish sausages and dip it in the sauces at the vegetarian table, I was standing there, think so what sauces I’m suppose to use! The examples are endless, but the Music on public transport is something that I get all the time. Anyone have the same problem?
expect a mickyDs wedding.. Whatever is on the $1 menu is all urs. looool, your family will have a heart attack! aim a bit higher dear, a dinner with few family and friends (NB: FEW, not the whole town)
Here are the rules for internet wife deals... If you find her on sol...do this: check her teeth! lool.. if front one are missing or false, demand your money back right away!! lol. what money? y'll broke *** taxi drivers SOL girls are independent women! how dare you, how very dare you imply otherwise!
^^^loool^^. I did not watch long enough to hear the moral of the story. I remember seeing that show, cara are u sure it is fiction? I don't particularly think there is anything wrong with correction surgeries, but i do think people who mess with their bodies because they are too lazy to work out like the rest of us or eat well are extreme.
Akhas Kalaf, maa saas baan kuu danbies, listening to trash. :rolleyes: I can't believe this. :rolleyes:
^^sounds like Oystar cards are heading there.
loool; I guess he run away after this fist attempt. Come on people you could've at least entertain his views for a while!
^^so how many are you on? 5?
SB: lool; First post i read of yours in a while that suprised me Okay where do I start..o yeah,welcome back first of all luv! Cheers luv, how do you do? Secondly,please don't hate me,I am not what you think I am..lol Anyways, I am never a someoen who pushes people to do the right thing,because I am fully aware that usually does more harm to someone then by helping. I don't hate anyone Good, so far so good! Moreover,who said Jeans is Haram? they are not Haram,just not meant to be warn in Public,if you were it in Public,I wonder who are you trying to impress especially if you are married women,there are other ways to look cool then by breaking the law(not directed towards anyone). Jeans are not worn to impress anyone, If i wanted to impress someone i would not wear jeans! what kind of madness is that. I personally have/will/still break the law and do some crazy stuff,which throws out the "angel" part out of the discussion. I won't ask what they are! but i agree everyone breaks some sort of laws now and then. Anyways,if there was a girl who wears jeans,what I'd do is,I would marry her,then tell her to put it on for me at home not just a jeans but you know those 'segsy' women outfits they sell at Victoria secret store..yeah those,perhaps this would make her not impress other man,since she has a man to impress at home.lol Again your logic is flawed her, First of all, you should not marry her!) First mistake: you would just end up getting a divorce! why would you marry someone relying on them to change? :confused: For example would you marry someone who eats pork, and assume she won't do it anymore, because you have hala chicken at home? secondly, i am very suprised that you have this mentality that Women base their outfit/ clothes on what guys think (thats if they think) In fact women dress well to impress other women! FACT: Now I expected better from you my friend!
^^^ lool^ Imagine if things go wrong you will be able to shift the blame, at least this way it will be your mistake. Family marriages are messy, It is a family marriage! rather than between two people. That is problematic. SB: I see many young people, who may or may not have tribalist parents, who could not care any less themselves. In any case learnt behaviour can be unlearnt! Selectivity in learnt behaviour is not unheard of.
dharkaaga hidaha iyo dhaqanka ?? Who I'm trying to impress, hmmm: I won't know till i see em! Myself, and the camera which will snap these moments loool @devil: YEs dear. she: i know that's what I am thinking! Going shopping today after work, On my way this morning i walked past this shop, with a really nice dress on the window, but i have feeling the price tag was huge! lool
^^who said they don't, I was adopted as a child, and my parent adopted 3 other children. I think it is great. But then again i would, wouldn't I. lool Best age to have children: when you think you can handle it! I hate people who have kids for the sake of having kids :rolleyes: Kids are not toy's. :cool:
loool. i could not read, but did they run or whatever sport it was with those big a*ss skrits; loool. Congrats to them.
che, there is a such thing as male ***, ohh please male *** female *** there is no such thing as *** u choose to expand ure sexual encounters y should u be judged and given a title for? also who wants a man who does not knw wht to do in bed? plz i think its vital that he sleeps with alot of woman and will i judge him for that HELL NO, well i judge a woman who chooses to sleep with a lot of man HELL NO. Expand :rolleyes: you say, hunny you get labelled for everything in life, your sexual expanish is no difference, and many names come to my head, and i am sure you are aware of them! I think the reason you think it is vital for him to have slept with a number of women is because you expect him to extend the same level understanding towards you and not judge you on your experiences. NB: ("you" does not mean you personally, i mean anyone who has that mentality, for i have no idea what you do in your private life and i don't make assumptions, nor is the thread personal) cheers
^^^depends on on well your mum knows you and what they think is important in life, which is different from what you think is important in life; Most young people, don't think that clan, race, Family status are toooo important, where parents are more likely to look for these things. Ridwaan, thats way below the belt, and you are wrong, i just don't like MEN. Ful. really
ps disclosure of ones past shenanigans should be limited to drugs, sexual disease or lovechild and if he has been quite scandalous in his past in terms of woman i mean common that only adds value to the bloke . :confused: He's been around, how does that add to his value, he is basicly a male Ho*e. :confused: :cool:
^^loool^ you are a freak indeed. lool. Impatient, there is a cure for it... i think, i remember reading it, if i find it i iwll send it to you. lool. You know all good things come to those who wait! or so it is said. I don't think you are a control freak, i know one, and you don't sound like them, but possible just curious about things
P.s-I'm at my Uni library and two rows ahead of me there's a Somali girl on SOL.She is too far for me to see if she is logged in lakiin I'm intrigued. If you are reading this gabadhyahay and there is a wide eyed,buck toothed Xalimo sitting on a pc behind you it's me! loool that had me rolling. When i was at uni there was a guy who was addicted to SOl, Everytime i walked saw him in the lib he was on SOL, never managed to find out his SOL nick; lool. Val: I agree, i think in time everything comes out, sonner or later, if you are around long enough, so often if you let nature work on its own you don't ve to ask any questions.
after all i been inside a woman for nine months and how ever many days i was late, and in future will make a deposit into one ... Edit It wz bit evil, i take it back but still :rolleyes: Odd way at looking at things :rolleyes: :cool: I think we've hijacked the thread enough as it is,Xalimopatra will kick you *a*s*s when she see's this
loool; not my fault you type and post like a women, not to mention the avatar which is very feminine fix up, type like a man and I’m sure the doubt will easy
^now why did i think you were a chick :confused: now you are starting to sound like a dude :confused: sharing is good trust, just share with the right people ...like moi ^that statement just told us (the public more than we needed to know) for your sake i hope you don't use that on the regular I'm not interested in sharing anything with you or anyone else, now or ever
^^^lool^^ oh get lost, on second thoughts, are you asking me coz you want me to ask you? okay then why ve u, u are more than wlc to share! loool I think it is a tricky thing to get around, i'm sure everyone will find out one way or the other, it just might be too late for some! :cool: p.s. Too much sharing is currently the problem, would you not agree Hizb? so it is certainly not caring! :eek:
YOu know i was think about this a while back, because someone asked me sonething (not going to say what) and i was so shocked they could even get the question past their lips, and then they added, "i'm mean it does not make a difference to me, if you have" :rolleyes: :mad: I was so upset, i stopped talking to them, i mean seriously how dare you, but then i've been thinking lately that mayb, just maybe i overreacted! I guess it depends on the person, If you kind of know they had a wild past life, or they got a bit side tract, then take them to the doc, Better be safe than sorry, maybe you can get tested same time so that it does not become an argument or cause offense. Make a condition before your marriage or something. I guess how well you know the person, trust, etc comes into it, but hey don't trust anyone when it comes to your health!