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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. no, she will be back the week after- meesha wey iska dheex jiifsatey shall I bring cake? I've only had pop-corn in Somalis house at Tacsi (with dates) so I think of it with sadness now.
  2. Okay juxa- sunday it is. I have a meeting at 1pm and then I'm free.
  3. W'Salam my dearest from the right clan. Sunday, why sunday? I'm near your xafad Sat. More worringly what is daango?? bun= coffee in my language. Hello Ngonge; same people posting the same thing, feels like going round in circles. I just went to the politics section- people still arguing over why riyaal was forgiven, and Somaliland is dulka Somalis. The women section is just bunch of women looking for men (I cook, dont like education and 21) and bunch of men look for women (I am rich, educated and want a slave wife) and the general section was half normal, recently even that is the same process. Even Troll is becoming a troll.
  4. Is it because magac jajab ahay aayaad qab taan (no sorry that was the name of your town I'm thinking of )
  5. Forgiveness ma khasab baa?? Ayoub adiga ayaba ka daaran.
  6. ^^^LOOOL @ unless you are a mixure of 2 and married to a 3rd and friends with the 4th & 5th- even then you will have your loyality with ciid ku so koresey. You SL cousins will side with me if me and you got into a fight
  7. I suddenly remember why I stopped posting on SOL. SalamAlikum peeps
  8. Juxa and Che. I am :eek: at you too. considering both of you think Hargisa is part of Somalia, and this is marking 20years on from the fall of Somalia. What is wrong with this thread? and how is it insult and spitting at the face of others Che? Is HArgisa not an example of starting again from stage1 and keeping it going? Hargisa was part of what happened in 1991, it seems silly to try and deny or ignore that now. I know JB posted it for his own reasons, but it is 20years on for everyone including SL and it needs to be analyzed in that content. Miid kale (@Juxa) SL idea of leaving Somalia is based on keeping this most recent experience alive, are you really surprised? I am just surprised there is not a war Museum with broken shells and rocks from old houses and bones as a permanent feature. Weeliba this thread is headed Hargisa 1991, so faadul maha waxaad uu furteen then got offended?
  9. I am almost always amazed that anyone from the clans of SL is attacked and made to feel like it is their sole responsibility that Somalia has failed, or forced to defend that they want Somalia to be better, or that they care about Somalia. :rolleyes: Really? I always find it interesting that people like Ducasaney can post things like Somalilanders are going to get another 1991 lesson and people gloss over it, but stoic can say "with sadness I don’t think I will live to see a peaceful Somalia" and people jump on him like bees on honey. I guess even in forums, he with biggest clan can say what he likes, hence why Sayid Barre 1001 can say as he likes. You seriously wanna know why Somalia will never make it?? Read SOL. You people are the future, look at you? Our regular nomads, with the exception of maybe, Adam, Lily, the non-Somalis, the atheist, Malika, Sheh, Cara, CL (does she have a clan?) and few others, the rest of us (including me) when push comes to shove will gravitate towards lineage. Maybe if more people were honest with themselves rather than pretending they are clan blind while their actions indicate otherwise, you could address your problems and work it out. Reading people in SOL- the only way Somalia will ever work is IF: Puntilander gets to lead, SL agrees to be bullied and subjugated, and Somalia agrees to hold the peace. Unfortunately Puntiland and Somalia will never agree to hold power together and SL would never agree to be the bottom of the ladder again. I am sticking to mini state solution; Somaliland, middleland, Puntiland, halfway land, Somalia and Kismayoland or whatever names, 5 mini peaceful states is better than continuous chaos.
  10. I want soor juxa- (not the white thing you eat with yoghurt) but soor as in food. wa ciyaal skool iska daaf, they are too cool for skool.
  11. Ngonge I didn't even realise that they said dream, I just assumed Nuune iyo JB berri ay jiin argiin uun bey sheeg. Having read ur response I scrolled up and realised :mad: that labaduba wey ii qariyin and habariin at the same time :mad: Uff caleek iyo Tuufu Caleek labadinoba, JB iyo Nuune weligo khyir ma sheegan, I should've known better! :errg: yahoooooooooooooooooo
  12. Stoic; thanks, just got some Amoxcillian if I feel like a infection is coming back. Juxa what on earth is soor si aad qandaca ugu gubgubtid nabarka kugu dhacay For the last time I dont have jinn who drink my tea and I finish the chicken off my bones, dont work near rubbish or graves or black cats or black dogs at night, I read my dua entering the toliet and bathing. So I cam clear as a whistle. Haadi meel lag iga heesta wa la cawyire!! P.s. I have a new baby sister as of yesterday. I am tempted to ask them to call her London
  13. Acudubililah minshidani rajami, labadiin wa walan tiihin. On serious note, I think qof ba mistakenly ii cawyire- maybe it when I was in India, but I dont trust the so called "shikes" here. They beat people, and they tell everyone jiin ba kujira, and they charge more than my dentist. Even worse they have followers who almost worship them- It makes me feel uncomfortable that mere human baa sidaa loo daba jooga.
  14. Really? Are you serious? I dont believe you. I know you are a nice person, the mean act is just for SOL.
  15. SalamAlikum. Pain iyo half. Got a tooth infection- dentist drilled it and told me to come back nxt week. Now sitting at my desk like a siqrana. Yaa allah. How are you all doing. Read these sad statistical data on Somalia's last 20yrs. Xaram Calakey ya iska ooyah, bal baa iyo hooga inna heesa eega. Gaalad waxas ayan ku nacey, wixi aqrio iyo ifka joog bey isu geeyin in one place!
  16. Low expecting bunch of ethnocentric Somalis- really?? :d Syaid Barre and Ahmad Gurey. lol How about someone who really contributed to humanity. I'd ask for Issa (pbuh) back so the debate will end, the message corrected and the dijaal never appears, that would be 90% of the world problems done with. If Prophets were out of limit- I'd ask for Ibnu Khaldun, Ibn Rushd or one of the prominent Islamic philosophers. If only somali: Abdullah al-Qalanqooli or Uthman bin Ali Zayla'i or Maxamed Axmed Rooble- each and everyone of them has contributed to more than just somalis and long after their death they continue to influence us in a good and postive way.
  17. was trying to post the video rather than a link. oh well I should do somework anyway.
  18. The Somaliland Media watch baa iiso foward garaesy that info though so blame them it it is wrong.
  19. Who is Faysal? War anigu I am connected to everyone, baal iyo warabee iyo wax kasta ayan e-mail liska ugu jirah
  20. What has happened while I have been away? Miyaad iswaad diishen. Kick off is not till 7.45 nooh. No wonder people say you sold out... only to football Val loool that is creepy. I can't find the PM function no, and glad to hear u got it all sorted in the end.
  21. @ Ngonge: For your information, there will be a report on Somaliland tonigiht on BBC4 and BBC World Service at 7pm. If you have time please watch it and see how your leaders sell the Somaliland case to the world, as there is an interview with the president in that report. Sayid weeli Qardho ayad jiidisa, shid house, keep it moving, you must be smoking something if you think I'm gonna side with niman cadcad against dark skin people. I hope wixi iney ku hagagen sayid?
  22. Serenity you have not started any posts so people cannot rep you ~(that sounds gangisteer!) I dont know waxo siidu uu shaqeeyo. Even worse I have ONE friend ( Ngonge!) and no reviews :eek: all those years and time on SOL and I got 5 little green buttons. someone call LSK for me!! :eek:
  23. I will come over if you make me a week worth of food to take to my house a put into fridge. Faheema is away and edo is away, no food and no cake and sick of takaway, was forced to cook xalwey just so I can have something to eat would you believe it! :eek: