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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^make sense now, people were telling me ask Jayaalin about this and that. I wonder how he got on, i should bug him really! i guess Geedid went AWOL. hmmmm. JAc go to hell will ya, if i wanted to be a house wife i'll stay in London :rolleyes:
Captin: after you made her beg for it! lool. Captain we'll swap shall we? lool, and i have got a picture up, just not on my avatar
^^Don't be so bitter^ lool
I thought Ann summers only sales underwear for older ladies, do they do make up too? lool, how crazy
C. Xaal: then you need a head examination honey sorry to break it to you on Vday, but really come on now, did you think the white lady in my avatar was me? aah bless you little soul :rolleyes: Jay?? come again?
^^I think you were talking to Jacy rather than me, how dare you put my name in the same context as such accusations! lool @ the power of make up!, i hate make up, how the hell do you keep it on all day anyway :rolleyes: such waste of money!, and make up cannot give you something which you did not alreayd have.
^^please keep you crazy views to yourself, not interested in hearing em! you need help like CL, so hurry up and help each other! CL ^^loool^ naag waalan, naaya, take that link off before you get banned from this site for advocating for........
WHo is this Jaylani everyone has been telling me about, i even got a PM about this person? what is so good about them and how come i've never seen them? Jacy not you, :rolleyes: I was talking to Djib-Somali
CL when did you suddenly become ugly! or is Jac already rubbing off on you! Expanision OF... WOMAN get a grib will ya! seriously soon you would be saying watching porn is good for ya :rolleyes:
^^Thats nasty :rolleyes: what is with you two seriously, :rolleyes: miid kaaliya baad laaliitat, let alone try include me who is not even in your league Baal maaxa iitiin kaa aagdiki, especial as CL sent me message:
You are nasty seriously. looool @ in action. My V day has been great and i'm sure it will get better! lool. loool @ugly guy, you are heartless dear, seriously give the dude a break would ya!
^^^in a sperm bank :rolleyes: loool. Do you work in Albert Square or soemthing dear, seriously, and why on earth would you be so interested in seeing it anyway :rolleyes: waa maarakan kaa yaabjiria! p.s. Why does no name annoy you? I love that, it means you got a free present and you don't ve to deal with politely telling them "computer says no"
^^Thanks, thats a bit more postive i was starting to think everyone hates the places apart from Red sea, and Northerner
Khalaf are you suffering from split personality lately?? what the hell?? I did not read your second post (i did try but got bored for reading....and lol...and a mix of random letters and made up somali :rolleyes: The issue is not if you said it to me or not, or if i am or not, the issue is it is an offensive term (which you say you don't know what it means) what the hell are you using it for? :rolleyes: CL get lost, love kuulaah!(happy v day to you and your farah by the way:D) Jac: naacas baad taahi, waan kuu keeni iinaatan CL laad daahoo, aad siitaaya, so you are beyond help, you had it handed to you in a beelaad, which did not know how to accept it :rolleye:
I'm not upset, I just told you not call people names, and I’m not the people around your block and nor are the people on this forum. And to answer you question yes calling someone Qaldan is offensive. I hope you got the meaning behind a white person calling a black person nigga--- clearly you did not, so let me break it down for you (you are not Pakistan, so you can not call someone a Paki, in the same way you are not what you term "qaldan" hence it disqualifies you from calling someone qaldan) cheers.
You are just venting you angry! and taking digs, we've had this discussion before, i know what you think! remember.
Rooxaan just means she has a soul, which we all do. And siixiir can find you every where, you don't ve to be near the person, YOu know it is odd you posted this, i heard it is a big business in some parts of Somali (i was wonder how much truth there is to that story, if my edo was just trying to be put off traveling!) Read the Quran, and no harm shall come to you
Khalaf behind every joke there is some truth to it, special when you crack the same dry joke every time you respond to me!. iidiik baan kuu iiri (after you make sense of that) it is insulting, same way you won't let a white person call you nigga, even if they were your friend and they are saying it as a joke. Gosh you should marry CL you have your love for money in common!
^^^loool^ you crack me up! lool Khalaf: loooooooooooooooool@ you two.....who gave u jobs horta... dont u know your boss reads what u write ladies?...i hope i dont sound like an extremists sometimes.... My boss does not spy on me, and i do my job well, and you do sound like an extremists (although i hate that word) IBs plan is go to the so called small country .....and her edos will marry her to a qaldan .....shell have 5 kids by time she 27..... I don't like racist people, take your hate else where. Why are you so bitter, and why are you obsessed with what i marry :rolleyes: seriously i feel sorry for you, for someone so young to be so ill mannered :rolleyes: btw many ppl here are in late 20s ......why aren’t you married yet? ....u got an expiration date u know after 25 u become a charity case...u got 2 years CL What are you, the marriage police, lets see who marries you rude *** self (you are 21 now, will see where you are at when you are 25, shall we?)
^^loool^^ too direct honey
You are going back for your masters! loool! good luck girl! They are not serious questions, they are normal questions that you ask your self everyday. I'm bit concerned about Money, money and more money though! what are you trying to do, buy people!
trust me i know! lool; next topic please. i have a question for you: where do you see your future (country/ job (we already know you want 5kids :rolleyes: and a dude to help wid em) what drives you as a person?
There is not a sperm bank in Harley street honey. I know!
Lool^ i really believed you worked in a sperm bank! but seems like you are in sales/ Marketing :rolleyes: bloody lier
^^^what were you doing that you should not have been?? naa i think everyone else does some work during their working hrs and does not doss as much as me and you