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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^thats what i was think. How on earth can you work out with make up on, i'm sure it will get sticky and uncomfortable (thats if you work out) i'm don't usual go there just to sit there. I can't wear mascara or eyeliner, when ever i try to put it on, i start crying ( my eyes start watering) lool. so i have given up!
  2. ^^^^looool^ Hello UK. aint seen you in a while. My picture was the one No one else was using and i could not find a nice one of a black women on the SOL directory so i had to take the white lady loool @ if i was not somali. I did have my real picture up at one point i think, somewhere, can't remember where might have been another forum.
  3. Xalwaad is nasty and over rated not to mention unhealthy Injection are you kidding me, you mean you would consider get uplifts and shid :Dlool. You are a funny one. Seriously. looool By the way thats not aging gracefully, thats plastic talking which is even worse, i would like to move my face and my chest not burst and melt and everything else when i go in the sun
  4. Who the hell eats Xalwaad anyway, apart from a tasting the thing on Eid or weddings. ITs like eating a bag of sugar. So you are fuleeda, in fact you are bribing her! lool And we all know aint such thing as aging gracefully, you are going to be like every other Cambro and Ceebla
  5. loool ooool, like following Ibtisam aah, you must be on your cycle 24/7 all year around it that case, you always following my as*S you fuuuleeyad, she's still gonna kick your sorry fulleyad a*SS, so might as well stand your ground
  6. ^^^***** you are, you get off at the suffering of maskeen old people Remember what goes around, comes around. One day, you wait, aging and death are the only thinks that we know for sure will happen in life. When you are old, and everyone is so evil to you, push's you over in the street, then you will know.....
  7. ^^YOU ARE SO EVIL, why don't you get the bus for them! Unless you can't run any faster than them! And don't be so rude about them man, they are like the mothers of our ocmmunity, show them a little respect and get the bus for them, instead of laughin at them and then pretending you are not somali when they ask you for directions! shiid i just realised this topic has been hijacked! :eek: One women with PMS is going to have your *** CL! I keep telling you to stop hijacking threads. I'm stop hanging out with you!
  8. loool. because they are old. what is running funny, radcliff run in odd manner me thinks, lool if you mean week! then no it was the longest week i had in ages :rolleyes: SO you are waaregleey i could've told you that for nothing dear
  9. are u kidding me? I can't believe you of all people posted this.looool :rolleyes: At least we know what you "Like" now
  10. :eek: There is no truth to that saying honey, it implies something so disturbing I don't even want to think about it! The majority can't be fakers dear, you need to get out more. There are sincere people, and you can normal tell a fake from miles off, by the way they are selective about the deen themselves. I don't really mind people preaching to me on the street, i regularly talk the guys on Oxford Street with all the books etc, i don't feel the need to run away. And if they are simple telling you the truth ( even if you know it) then clearly they feel there is a need to say it again, so just listen, thank them and move on. I'd rather they told me than make faces behind my back and gossip and back chat, and make up stories of where i was and what i was doing, which is what the fakers do. The really ones will talk to you quietly, then shout at you and then beat you up! lool just kidding... well partly!
  11. Yeah but you are making the classic mistake of judging Religion based on people's actions. Religion is based on its scripture, and it should be judged by the content of that scripture, not what farah and Xalimo's who lay claims to the deen do. How do you define an awaaqan anyway? do you assume every guy with Jack-up and every girl in a jalabaa is awaaqan. Does the knowledge they have come into it or do simple judge by their appearance? As for your scenario, I've heard of things like that, but i can't comment on it from a religious aspect as I have not researched it. If the marriage is valid then I don't see why the rest of the kids will be bas*tards (the 1st will obviously be) I hate calling kids born outside of marriage bast*ards. It is so evil, it is not like it was their fault their parents were too fast!
  12. ^^^lool^ SO i assume you've met all sorts of different awaaqan people.? I met some very nice awaaqan people in my life. Some really wonderful people. But I’ve met some who just hijacked their name, so i think you should just judge each individual not by what group society lumps them onto, but by their actions and doings. I don't feel responsible and would hate to be judged for what every Somali girl did, or every black person, or everyone i went to school with, or even my friends. Everyone should take others as individuals with their own mind. So i find it a bit silly for you to judge so many people in one go, just because you met few crazy ones in your time. Do you think that’s fair. It is like when people automatically judge you to be "bad" because you dress differently or don't hang out with Somali people.
  13. :rolleyes: girlfriend slow down, i don't know where you meet those people. Do you mind if you don't offend the Awaaqan ppl please. I doubt he would have touched your leg if he was truly one, or even bugged you at all :rolleyes: It was probably so old farah who liked you and thought he could appeal to your somaliness or religion :rolleyes: You can't judge him on everyone. And even more i don't think his jack ups had anything to do with his deen, probably thinks it is good fashion sense
  14. Why does it bug you so much, just say hello, and move on, they are just being friendly ( the truth is they are trying to figure out if they know anyone, who knows someone that may know your distance cuz who is married a guy who you walked pass 5years ago ) I don't mind the girls and families, but i don't like when little hoodrats or guys try and talk to me on the street :rolleyes: They are not being friend just waasakhnimo suuqa laa waarikas :rolleyes: Old people make me laugh
  15. currently mine looks smoky grey. I can't answer what i do not know, i would just be taking a wild guess. How about you answer them, what do you think is the answer to your own questions?
  16. I never use that excuse, i don't have to, i'm mean 24/7. who needs a bloody excuse
  17. ^^see i told you, you mean people by nature and trying to blame on other things :rolleyes:
  18. I can't common on those questions, i'm nor a women or a somali, and if you prove i am both, then i live in America and i take 5th, so either way, no answer to your questions. Morning dear.
  19. ^^^loool Aisha, you just like being a bully once a month and have a reason to be so mean!
  20. eye-liner and a shaded lipbalm and mascara I think thats more than enough hun, even for a wedding. lool @make a appointment with department store I like how make up looks on other people, but i just don't have the patience. And washing it off 2/3 times a day and re applying it will just do my head in. I like the looks Xalimopatra posted, damn they look good. But hear my question, will that still look good with our darker colour (seen as the women is white) i don't know if we can pull off bold colours like that.
  21. I don't think is really, it is all in the mind. :rolleyes: seriously everything, and i mean everything can be ignored. I think if you are bored and have nothing to do you will make up crazy things for excuses PMS is one fo them , Lool. I'm just kidding ladies, i'm sure some of you suffer from them, depending on what you eat, and your life style it could be adapted.
  22. You know i just relaised that the bigger one of the two women was the child. Subxanallah. That was a shock. CL My advise it leave those subjects alone, seriously if i were you, i would leave it well alone. you are heading for the edge of the Cliff, naah hoo soo joog
  23. I refuse to be dragged into such crazy discussion. as i told you billion times, i have to protect whats left of my rep!. lool No seriously I can't comment for what Somali women do or don't do, its not really my business, nor have i ever asked anyone and i don't intent it, but i assume like they are like all other females on earth. MAXA kaa kaala iiadiga anyway?? what is your interest in this? :rolleyes: