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Xaram, subxanallah.
Norf maxa dacey?
^^^all I heard is yad yad yad ya. Who cares? Ma wax kula hadal weydey? go and bugger off to the politics section for your usual my clan is bigger than yours. uuuf Malika: You should ask them to dig deep and look in old jackets- that is where we found ours Ngonge: baal sug adigu- March is a long way off. ciyaalka iska daaf, his little brain just sees things in certain way.
Lol, I remember not long ago when people were laughing at the UK as we struggled with life due to heavy snow, about time y'll get your share (well alittle more than your share by the sound of it) hehe
^^^Loool @ Val. I've been meaning to read the darn form but aint had time. Sayid: That we can arrange
Malika I wish there were, this opportunity only comes alone once in a blue light. Malika they (few so called key people I know) told me that Puntland had no wish to be counted alone. I tried to explain the benefit, but they told me they did want Somalia to break up, I told them it is not a refrendum and has no political statement, they told me maxa ka galey nin geel baadan, ma gaajo ayad ka cabsansa- in other words0 mind your own business. sayid it has to be included beyond certain number, regardless of how silly it is or not, as long as it is statistically significant. So we agree, no one will be prosecuted nor will the data be merged with their old claims and nor will the Ciirta disappear. Ngonge was born under a tree not far from where I was born.
Malika- it is not a petition for reconginition, nor does it say you have to be a recognised country or otherwise. Next time I am going to do a campaign to write BURCO in that box. It says Burco on my country of origin on my passport- when I was asked in India where the Country Burco is, I told them an island off England.
Sayid, I dont care why or how or when, Walahi I don't care, I just think the data will be highly useful to me and other people in my field, for example it is expected that 2011 census will result in 250,000 somalis. What does this really tell us? xakey ka yiden these people, how many are second generations, what areas are they form- if 150,000 is from Somaliland and over the age of 45 it will explain a few things, We cannot afford to do our own tro coop- I would even Suggest Puntiland does the same, but I have had huge objections so I let that one ride. Somaliland politically it makes no difference knowing there are 50,000 SL or 10,000 in the UK, we already know it is a huge population- certain areas they force their MPs to lobby on their behalf now- so we know what areas they dominate already. Val: Country of origin Consultant Nephrologist & Physician, 103 Harley Street, Suite 8, London W1G 6AJ
Tell if you are coming tomorrow, dont want to carry your dress and lose it otherwise.
The language will always be somali you mad man- it is hardly going to be Bangali is it? Leave Politics out of this people. Everything in SOL waa daagal wholeman.
^^Sayid the question WAS whether the government CAN use information collected to take away peoples British passports, so maha? The answer is No and it is not connected, nor do they have any legal right to use that information. <<< If this is incorrect tell me know befor eI get people in trouble The bit about yad yad ya is all good and well. There is a campaign going on to write "mind your own **** business on all sections" and due to hoax chain letter that started in New Zealand, 390,000 people entered their religion as Jedi 2001 and so on. My family has always written African, country of birth: somaliland and language Somali, so lets not get all sorts. Bottom line you can write what you wish without fear of being used by the government to send you back. The Zack, If I wanted this thread to be political or go in the usual circles that political threads in SOL go in I would've posted it in Politics. Now I don’t really care what your view is, how when and why, take it elsewhere. And there is no force, people either write it or they don't, miis you want to dictate how and what everyone does? You don’t live in UK, you are not from Somaliland, if you want to open another thread or start a campaign to ask people to write ONLF instead (bet you would put on your belly dancing belt for that) then go for it, you wont find me objecting. I don’t understand people who feel the need to argue and bring up waxan waxba kaga shan iyo toban aheyin, it does not affect you or is it just a case of ana weykan. :confused:
Lol @ juxa, yeah right. Well we going to a place near you so make sure you come- no excuse. Btw as you said work is not getting any less so stop working yourself to death.
looool @ the exchanges Juxa you agreed on sunday?
SalamAlikum, I think saak dembi ba laiga gooney- everything went wrong the moment I put one foot out the bed, dac iyo koof iyo forar ba iga so hadey since 7am lol aniga aya isla yaabey. Juxa, are we still on for friday? Lily and our south london friend is up for it and Faheema with our presents I hope.
The information that people fill in the census form is confidential and there is a special parliament act that guarantees that. No single governmental or non gernmental institution can has access to census information and that is widley known in the British society. The census provides statistics (numbers) to the government and the wider society to plan and deliver services to the public. All the personal information like name, address and date of birth are confidential and thus not made public. It is only after 100 years that those information become public. You can check all this information on the ONS (Office of National Statistics) website or at census.gov.uk. The Somaliland census campaign will not be an easy one but by spreading the wright information within the community, I hope people dont buy into these kind of fear mongering. Both LSK and Sayid are wrong AND Sayid considering you are a complaince officer you should know better. The Zack as usual malayacani, when are you gonna learn to just ignore threads you dont like or agree with.
Facebook waan ka baxey JB, I meant here on SOL
Maxey reeku la qaliin and chasing each other? Did nuune visit your home when he came to Haregisa? Maybe he forgot something in ur house oo kaga qalisinya Juxa you mean pirates not Navy, silly mistake
Juxa iska daaf Nuune, wu iga yar heley today, all this repressed qaraxis is his way of dealing with it *ducks* anyway asaga maxa barey Gold iyo green? My Somali was always perfect- laakin you did help my xamari- not that I'm ever gonna use it now that I am going to be in /hargesia. I heard North guys weye ka helan reer xamari accent, so if I play my cards right- it might get me a job, house and a car okay okay looooooooooool bisinka I'm yabbing myself today. Nuune ya dintey? allah how naxaristo- death makes me sad.
SalamAlikum. Hello Adam *Big wave* No I was away when the change happened. I'm gonna go and see what being friends means- testing on you. JB and Juxa why wont you add me to your friends list
Juxa Malika tuulo back home is a stone throw away from mine, and miles away from yours- jidka aya la idun kala goosan. Stick with me girl, stick to me like a glue for a while till you learn my Somali and then you shall be fine. JB I will hold you to that, if I hear bad ref abou my somali baad bixisey wa daagal wholeman.
Innaa lillaah wa innaa illayhi raajicuun. Oz I am sorry to hear your loss brother, May Allah elevate your father's status among the guided people and give you and your family sabar and iman.
Sorry to hear that. Patient just gave present to one of the Consultants. I open it- googled the pen (name etc) it cost £600 on sale :eek: :eek: I told the consultant I will give it back on his behalf and get the money instead Waste as he will lose it before the end of the day Sayid use Primelanguages. They are the best and reasonable price.
Dont make me put a formal complaint and make you lose your new job @ Sayid I know your boss and he is a supporter of this idea- in fact he gave the facts and numbers needed to qualify Juxa loool, no, no opportunity as such!!!
W/salam. Sayid glad your mother finally made it in!!! err what is sabrologo??? Did she have muqumaad with her? if so meel ii diig my bit without subag
ma lottery ciyar baad isku leedhiin?? YA salam, warabaad heesan