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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Munira, I know my somali is very good right! lol lool. Nomadique lol for sure. :cool:
  2. I think you need Sleep, follow Rokko's lead dear, and re read 2morrow when you are fresh and awake and Farah is no where in sight, I'm sure y'll agree then. lool Honestly you are right, lol. I give up, too many people on your side, if you cannot beat them, join them.
  3. Maaxa kaamcaah kuu laabee adiga today?? too much work?
  4. Nomadique: ^^^Your point being?? I'm still a fellow women, America is cra*P at everything other than bombing people. Case closed, you need re assess your case. Rokko, waa dumaaroo intass kuufilan :rolleyes: You better snatch that back FASt! Mind the swinging PM door on your way out
  5. I'm not allowed to visit those links. I'll just leave it at that shall I
  6. Munira: ^^^loool^^ yes mum, but i have 30mins left, I promise to behave mother, can i stay lol Nomadique- Now when did you become this guys spokes person?? and why on earth are you helping him, he is a guy and an american at that, what on earth happened to girl power!?? Isolate America etc
  7. ^^too bad they don't love you :rolleyes: Lool,See we Americans invent our own sports & tournaments & declare ourselves World Champs even though no other country participates in these games. [ lool, self declared hopeless bunch, you sure are hopeless. Waaxba haa iigo reexiin Rokko, you get yourself out from this rat hole and explain. Rokko has gone to lick his wounds. Lol
  8. ^^The source lacks the means to get notice, so pick a side girlfriend. Farah ^^^loool @cheats, Adgia you are American nooh?? iska aamus please, you only have good runners (few) and nothing else, and golf. so you better bow down lool that has me cracking up, lol @UK and england, say what? lool. and you have yet to explain ur rule dear, you cannot get out that easily, and rokko just said he hates me, surely you won't leave me with him, now would ya?? Rokko: lool, yeah yeah old man :rolleyes: It is my gain. I did notice, I was just looking for a way to get you off my tail, and now i have. lol now that was easy!
  9. Nomadique: I can only think of a few, and they struggled to get even those few, Would not exactly call them successes stories. Anyway, have you guys forgotten you guys are Somali nationals, why are u even supporting them, waad luuteen big time. At least we have more black players in most sport/(apart from snooker.) You should all you just support England. And if it is skill based support, then neither Aussie or England has the best skill, so just give up the lot of you. Labaad baa waa laaka fiicanyah. Farah I'm not familiar with the rules and positions, i though in rugby, you just have to be big bully, run from your side to the other all at once, while damaging everyone on the way. What is this hooker position north is an expert on??? pray, explain yourself.
  10. Farah^^^lool yeah right!^ ROKKo: Dee yeelkaa, maa awaal baad ii jecledi ( that should read, Who cares, not like you liked me anyway ) lool Nomadique- Please do, and I mean it! lol lool @all men must be...
  11. Nomadique: lol, what did i do now!? lool @Ape man's game.
  12. ^^^Loool^ Why are you gonna sale em and make money that Way??
  13. Why her mothers? she can just use someone else eggs, and pay for it, avoid complications.
  14. ^^^you guys are too Cra*P to even make there! lol. I better run a mile if he is related to you, I wnat nothing to do with anything that even knows you , although.....
  15. loool, Speaking of Hunguri, where on earth did him and CL go Jac?? i think questions need to be asked. lool
  16. loool North, I agree open a travel agency to get dosh on the side, and rip these UK folks off, even before they reach somalia. lol lool :nollywood
  17. I can believe that happened in Glasgow, they were drank as F.... by the time they got to the concert.
  18. looool. Interesting article. Thanks ME.
  19. ^^IT wz 3yrs ago dear, easy there , I've been told that she now loves Canadians, and in fact she even married one. Word on the street is, he divorced her after a while and she is looking for a new Canadian kusband. I recommended she tries google and SOL to help with her search.
  20. ^^^Lool^ @ your aunt had to help you pick up your Jaw...lool. Seeing is believing and everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side! lol, p.s. All those people that moved here from there are skinny and dark too, and bad mannered, less religious and traditional. lol
  21. ^^^lool^^ Munira tirirrah iss kaa daa. And someone told me, I say it best when I say nothing at all, hence why i just :rolleyes:
  22. ^^^He is somali Chinese, why on earth do you want hindi on the London team lool, you crack me up! p.s. What is wrong with Dark and Skinny ( just trying to stick up for our boys .) Honestly munira it is because we get a bit more sun here and they have a better diet. Anyway they all look like little kids. p.s.s. I would not call them good looking, they have been air brushed p.s.s. Ngonge please tell your friend to give the boys a better coloured kit! issh
  23. I read da whole thing frm page 1, thinking you just had a child! Gosh :rolleyes: