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Lol, Well Well, lol. PeaceNow, you are not helping with such emotional threads. I saw a better list once in a book, African Pride it was called I think.
^^A bit of sun! and less rain....Is that much to ask for??... Same time last year we were 3shades darker and in the parks!.
^^^What is the use repeating things, here is my full detailed response. It helps to read what people have said before trying to beat them into a box. Me, This is going into all kinds of directions. I believe I've made my point and I heard the same old tired one form you. Haal kaa haaiino joogto
I'll be dead for sure, The people who live then will make the same mistakes as us, struggle threw, make decisions or the world will end or horn will be part of the sea or it will be a desert, or the dijaal will take over, or Jesus will be ruling.. My point is I don’t have a clue. Frankly I do not think we are capable of shaping what will happen in 100years. It takes time to build and few minutes to destroy. Convincing, what if they tell you to hit the road, then will you blast and bush your way thorough?
...."Mock the Week" is a satirical comedy quiz, here is a small part of the script. In this game Rory Bremner is George W. Bush making his State Of The Union Address and Hugh Dennis is saying what he really means. Rory (as George Bush) My fellow Americans. Hugh And people of New Orleans. Rory Last year you re-elected me as President of out great country. Hugh If you think I'm ******, what does that say about you? Rory Last year in the State of the Union Address, I concentrated on domestic issues. Hugh I didn't want to talk about Iraq. Rory This year, I'm gonna concentrate on energy. Hugh I still don't want to talk about Iraq. Rory See, we face in America, a great energy crisis. Hugh You see in America, we have created a great energy crisis. Rory We have to reach an agreement with those countries who exploit the world's resources, India, China, Asia. Hugh Invade India, China, Asia. Anyway the point of this thread was, what programs are you addicted to?? For some (not mentioning any names, they plan their evenings around big brother HAHA), for others it is prison break, or CSI (I think people who want to know how to kill people watch this programs ) I hate series, because it means that by next week's episode, I cannot remember what happened previously, hence why I stick to: Would I lie to you, Mock the week, Newsknight with Trevor McDonald, Friday night project, etc.
^^^Lol^^They are just trying to help. Even in somali people have a fear of being skinny, they say baal eeg saa uu qaalashi to perfectly normal health looking individual. Val I hope and pray that you never reach there, regardless of how many kids you have lol @ well fed.
^^lol^ I'm scared of the lightening and thunder. If it as back home, I would've run out, because rain smells so good. At the moment I'm enjoying watching from my window while people run for cover.
At the moment Jack Shid, because it is not even plausible. It is as bad as me embracing the idea that Somalia could be a regional superpower. It is a waste of my time, effort and energy to believe and argue for something that I cannot even imagine. If by implementation you mean blasting your way there, then i have a problem. Otherwise you can plan and implement as you like, when i start to see the reailty of it might start to mean something. In the meantime, I'm going to make do with what i have, because i don't see another better alternative.
Torrential rain sweeps across UK Flooding has affected Maidenhead in Berkshire badly. Torrential rain is sweeping across the UK, with flash floods leaving some homes waterlogged and schools closed. The band of severe weather has hit southern and central England and Wales, and will move north to reach Scotland and Northern Ireland over the weekend. Rain is falling at up to 18mm (0.7in) an hour and some areas could see levels reach 100mm (3.9in) in 24 hours. The Environment Agency has two flood warnings, and the Met Office has severe weather warnings for England and Wales. A National Trust property, Basildon Park, in the west of the county has been closed because shops and the car park are flooded. Five people have been reported trapped by flash flooding on the first floor of a building in Barry, south Wales, where members of the public have requested sandbags and a fire service dinghy has been sent. Roads flooded BBC weather forecaster Rob McElwee said most counties west of London, and as far north as Manchester, were affected. Wet weather will spread across the country over the weekend He said: "The whole lot will move slowly northwards and during Saturday it will be trying to cover Scotland and Northern Ireland." Residents evacuated The Met Office's severe weather warnings are for the whole of England and Wales on Friday and Saturday. Residents have been evacuated from villages in North Yorkshire after Skeeby Beck burst its banks. Up to 25 fire crews have been dispatched, but North Yorkshire Police have said that flooding has "subsided significantly". School holidays People across the country have been told the weather could lead to flooding and cause disruption to outdoor events and transport networks. My God, I have never seen so much rain, I think I might just sleep at my work place if continues raining like this! :eek:
Nef I guess you are confusing usernames, I have not mentioned ownership at all, in fact i said the opposit...and nor did ME. ME This is old ME, I've been thorough this, Yes it is a noble idea, a good ideal, but that is it, an idea, I'm a realist, you stick to your dreams. I'm not interested in winning or losing any argument, nor do I conform to a particular argument or ideology, as much as you would love to put me in a box. I'm sorry that you think that discussion and ideas thrown around have an impact on what happens on the ground back home. As much as I would love for this to be true, I doubt any of them care what we think or suggest, nor do they make the effort to read and find out, (they barley listen to the ones screaming in their face) so maxad iska xiijin? The debates here, are just means of people making themselves feel better, and have a rant about the situation, and redirect their frustration with the whole sad story. Again your desirable ideals are not a near reality, and I see no reason to support it. By the way we have already established in the politics section what you mean by "coexistance of all somalis within one state" so i'm not even going to go there again.
^^^lool^^ I think you have a long long way to go still, (I'm tempted to say may you never reach there) so you can finish your chocolate bar. p.s. I’ve added the image.
^^^lol. I can see you standing up to "these people" behind your computer screen. Nef, move out of the way before he shoots you for "fake neutrality"
The fattening rooms. Happiness believes being fat is a healthy look In some African societies being fat remains a symbol of status and power - despite the well-known problems connected to obesity, In Nigeria, the rich can pay for special "fattening rooms" to put on extra weight. BBC World Service's Outlook programme spoke to a couple who opted for such a service before their wedding. "In the morning you eat fine," says Happiness Edem, recalling her time in the fattening room in the Nigerian city of Calabar. "After eating you can take a bath. From there you can sleep, you sleep fine, you wake up, you eat, you sleep." Happiness attended the fattening centre for a total of six months, at the request of her husband, Morris Eyo Edem, leading up to their wedding. By the time she had come out, her body shape had changed completely - to the delight of her husband. Fattening culture The average weight of a Nigerian woman is 60kg - but Happiness is well over twice that. As a prince, Mr Edem requires a particularly large wife, and adds that a slim wife would have no appeal for him. Happiness maintains her weight through garri "I don't think I will ever even do that," he says. "People will think I am not rich... If a woman is not fat and has not gone through that process she does not qualify for marriage." :eek: After she had been fattened up, he continued to maintain her weight through feeding her up on garri, a sort of porridge made from cassava tubers, and native salads, known as Ekpan Koko and Oto. "I add rice and beans and more meat and fish to make her more huge and big to maintain the stature you want your woman to be,". he adds And the Prince and his wife, who belong to the Efik tribe, certainly see no reason to change. "When you are fat, it makes you look healthy," says Happiness. "People respect you. People honour you. Wherever you go, they say, 'your husband feed you fine. "If you go to a village, people can come out to look at you, because you are healthy." Despite the risks of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems associated with being overweight, Happiness says she has had no problems as a result of her stature. "It is all about cultures," says her husband. "The culture here in our area permits women to go into fattening room. But the culture in Europe and other Asian or American does not."
Please reply if you have anything to contribute to this discussion. lol too bad that was not part of the original post. I assume you were talking to me. Nor I or you can point to the hidden agenda of the author, nor can I see any motive to why she would have any hidden agendas. ThePoint: Hmmm, I need to look into that, I'll get back to you after I find that out.
^^That comment was not to you dear, I'd already finished talking to you, it was my general comment from the responses. I did not see you mention a one clan Somaliland at all. Now that you have mentioned it. You go on to say, it is a short hand for a particular clan. Really? And in case you are wondering I’m a reasonable person, just a bit dim at times. I did try google, but nothing, It gave me a whole list of the clans that live there.
I thought since you were so good at finding out implied meanings, you will get my implied point... Which is questioning her credibility and assuming she too is spreading SL propaganda is also childish and takes paranoia to the next level. Sarcastic or not, it was another unneeded comment, or rather you seem to have adopted the famous weapon of throw everything you have all at once. Whether I’m sharper, or smarter is also irrelevant, I could be a dim blond or just a confused mixed up individual, again that is not the point of this thread, or the topic, or the original argument. I’m done with this. p.s. Editing your post so often makes replying confusing, as things tent to appear or disappear after I replied.
Originally posted by me: on the 11th July 2007. First of all congratulations on the 6666 posts. Ta labaad its a valid point, not that I expect of you to admit that. I am glad you admitted she works in the secessionist enclave. We are moving forward. Whats next is she married to Riyaales cousin. And is this article not lobbying for the secessionist cause while using the Somali arts? It seems like you are falling over your previous comments Northerner. Remember this post?? no go to page 2 of this thread. Don't worry Xanthus will do, I hate people who call anything other than my name.
Again you point remains childish and irrelevant to the topic at hand, nor can you justify why your cried over the man's identity or tried to make a mounting about nothing, nor can you support your accusations leveled at the author of this article (who by the way is not married to Riyaal cousin, read her profile.) I'm in two minds about opening a new thread just for you to rant on and go around in circles so that you do not disrupt other threads. p.s. They have books, no need for teachers, and I was wondering when you would notice the correct modifications. Maybe you should read threads, the whole post before responding, it will help avoid unnecessary debates such as this. I conclude with this, you and chief need to stop crying wolf all the time or as Xin puts it every time you spot “implied propaganda” you are very close to losing the plot, some such as north will argue you’ve already lost it, meel kaasta waaxaba kaa daaqayah. :rolleyes:
Me Now you are arguing for the sake of arguing. I have improved my history since, i even took a trip there remember, and don't even say they told me their side!. Ok we agree that he is long dead and that he would/might have been neutral on political issues just like Hadrawi. We are making progress. The secessionist region that your talking about was never called 'Somaliland' before the nineties, as you have pointed out in previous threads history is not your strongest point. Okay so what was it called, a name so different that one cannot imagin how somaliland came about! The area was called British Somaliland, It was called what?, i did not hear that, British Somaliland Now why on earth did i think it was called somaliland! :mad: stop playing childish games yaa ME. For the sake of clarity let me summarize what we discussed. 1. He lived long before Somaliland as a political ideology. 2. He would/might have been neautral politically, we can ask him when we die . 3. The secessionist enity was called Somaliland before joing forces witht the south and becoming Somalia, in the nineties, they could not think of a better name or solution then just to return to what they already knew! 4. Qabiil does not make one a supporter of political ideology. ^^that i agree with.
1. Cilmi Boodheri is a great poet, and is amongst my favorites......quraafaadka aan akhriyo isagaan ka soo xadaa, sheeko xaliimo kasta looga sheekeeyana wey tahay. 2. Cilmi Boodheri was born in a certain town and from a certain clan and thats his identity, I am not disagreeing with that the people who are closer to him clanwise can also boast and brag about the accomplishments of 'their' poet. so far so good Now whats my objection against this article? This article is associating Cilmi Boodheri who lived so many years ago with the secessionist entity thats of recent times. Cilmi Boodheri is being used as a propoganda tool for the secessionist entity, that has nothing to do with him except if your saying that its a clan thing. And because he was a member of a certain clan, then by default he would have supported the secessionist idea. NOPE NO NO, read again my friend, the article simple pointed out his region, with or without politics, a means of identifying where he hailed from. As for politics, whether he would or would not have supported it political,… the smart thing for a celebrity or icon is not to take sides, and seem neutral grounding, he may or may not have, who knows and who cares? He is long dead, and he is famous for other reasons. I have raised the question of whether Cilmi Boodheri would support the secessionist entity if he was alive today. Because modern day poets such as Hadrawi who is amongst the greatest living Somali poets today does support the secessionist enity and is known for his outspoken pro Somali Unity stance. The same goes for Bacadle. But the does not distance them from their people and identity, nor has it put a wedge between them and their people, Hadrawi is forever attending their events, having tea and meetings with them, and Burco is still where he calls home, and where he's main support is. Again people like him for his work, and for the Landers, his political stand does not make a difference, after all waa oodakodi. I am saying that a Somali icon like Cilmi Boodheri who is long dead should not be abused for propoganda purposes by the secessionists. If this kind of thing continues it will damage the Somali arts. I am also saying that the arts should be above politics, otherwise it will be like the TFG poet, the Puntland band, the USC keyboard player, the SNF writter, the USP gabyaa etc. etc. That I have no problems with, (by the way there are TFG poets/ musicians who are employed for everything lalaland) he was not alive to make a decision of the political nature of Somaliland, so it cannot be said he argued for it, nor can anyone say he would have objected to it. BUT how was that relevant to this white Italian girls article?? And where did she say he supports Somaliland?? Or is paranoia the new fashion. So Xanthus here is my question for you. Now is Cilmi Boodheri's identity a secessionist identity? and isn't secessionist a political ideology since when is it identity? I am not denying the man his identity (clan, regions..etc), I am speaking out against those that are abusing the man's legacy for their politics. I never said anything about a political ideology (although now that you mention it, if you embrace it does become part of your identity) but what I am saying is he has an identity which was pointed out/ named as Somaliland which it was called long before 1991, so your objection is overruled, now please get over it. One can be from Somaliland region without having a SomaliLander Ideology.
We have many great Somali icons from all Somali regions with admirable achievement and outstanding legacy, so place is not a factor The place will not make any somali more or less somali , since all Somalis are equally Somali, being a somali means either you are a citizen of Somalia, or you are member of an ethnic group called somali In Somalia, all Somalis are citizens of Somalia, regardless of their birthplace The founding father of the modern Somali Republic and the first president of Somalia honorable Adam Abdullah Osman was born in Baladweyne, Hiiraan region Cabdillahi Suldaan Timacadde was a great somali poet was born in the small town of Galoolley, near Gabiley, Woqooyi Galbeed region And you have just shot yourself in the foot! Every mentioned icon was “either a citizen of Somalia or member of an ethnic group called Somali” So what the hell was your objection to this thread? What was burning you and others so much that this thread has reached 8pages. Was it not the simple mention (by the original author) of his birth region, same way you have just stated above that honorable Adam Abdullah Osman was born in Baladweyne, Hiiraan region ^^Can I object to this and cry that you cannot say that, Adam Abdullah Osman is a national hero and therefore it cannot be said that he is from Hiiraan region, …or does this only apply if it is “Somaliland”? Nomadique- and Dabshid Thanks and stop trolling on non troll topics I’ve been dying to say that to some one, now I get to say it to two people in one go ThePoint Personally, I wouldn't include that information in any post unless absolutely vital. But the original post simply linked to another site so the fuss there is somewhat strange to me. This is why I’m surprised, and I’m assuming it has only become an issue because people have lost the distinguishing factors between the essence of Somali identity and current political factors which does not sit well with them. I’m not surprised that the original objector namely ME cried out when he saw the title and passed out when he read that it was one of his admired icons that was being discussed. THePoint, I agree that it is an interesting point of discussion and under it is own thread I would happily discuss it, but in this discussion at no point is birth region useful. I also agree that in the case of national icons a particular care is needed because even modern celebrities know that the fame is only as wide as the audience and will try and reach out/ appeal to everyone. In order to sustain a national icon The other thing is, few people here seem to assume that the article said he was reer-hebel-hebel, I must have missed that part. I’m sorry but unless I’m confused and you guys are saying only one clan lives in Somaliland, you better find some other useful argument, because this one is clearly invalid, the article mentioned a region and a town, I did not see any reer-hebel-hebel. Further more this article was clearly using it as means of identifying his life and how it all began, rather than hitting a political goal home. Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale While I agree with everything you said, I find myself thinking, now why on earth does he say ME is right, ME who is having a hard time admiring someone unless they are disassociated with their identity, ( their clan and birth place is part of this). Irish or Scotsmen take pride in the same individual while acknowledging his birth place and identity. They embrace the difference and take pride in what he stood for. Putting someone down just because the individual isn't related is as bad as accepting and holding someone up while denying the very essence of what forms their identity. When the likes of ME can admire someone and like them, while at the same acknowledging their identity, then and ONLY then can it be said that the heart is clean and that is true pride. Legend of Z being a moderator has its advantages I see.
Boodhari was a Somalilander and he will always be a somalilander, because he cannot be reborn in a different area. Further more the people who are from Somaliland are more likely to be aware or more familiar with his work, because they probably supported him, spread his word, up held his legacy, over looked his mistakes long before everyone else jumped on the bandwagon. Everyone did not receive his work at the same time, nor did he miraculous appear, spread his own work, advertised himself and sustained his own legacy after he died. Every artist/ legend is raised by a community who initially support him because they are aware of their talent/ gift (this includes the prophet by the way) Someone from other parts of Somalia may have only heard of him long after he died, or heard a vague account of his work, may never have seen him, where as a SomaliLander at his time may have lived near him, traveled with, shared some food, went to a wedding together, participated in his burial, heard his recitations for himself rather than thorough 2nd /3rd party. For the younger generation, they maybe be a far descendent of his family, or they eat at the restaurant, met a relative of his or some sort of encounter while dwelling in the same land. I find it disturbing that grown a*ss men cannot comprehend that a national icon has an identity, he is from reer-hebel hebel, who are closer and dear to him than you. It is illogical to assume that everyone else has an identity (which is different from nationality or Qaran) but national icons, haada maa gaarac baa miis ciika uu kaa soo daacy?? While no one has "ownership" of any Somali hero/Icon, it is ridiculous to assume they dropped out of the sky with no family/ clan or heritage, pointing out their identity does not take anything from him, and people who objecting to it do so because their small hateful mind cannot comprehend simple facts, maybe you are having a hard time that someone you some what value is claimed by something you dislike so much. The truth of the matter is, the only reason people are objecting is because of their dislike for Somaliland does not sit well with admiring someone from that same place they dislike. Maybe you need to remember that aside from being a current political entity, Somaliland is a region which a significant percentage of the Somali population hails from, that should easy your discomfort, without making a spectacular a*ss of yourself. Chief has gone several length to prove that Sayid is from Puntiland and not Somaliland, posting maps and pictures as evidence, only to conclude with Again, by saying Cilmi Bodheri or any other Somali icon is from “reer hebel land” show how you believe the tribal nonsense Right! And I assume you just posted this lengthy thread pinpointing exactly where he hails from and if it is in lalaland or doublelalaland for the fun of it, because after all according to you no one has any special claims over him so it does not really matter if he is from Burco or Kismayo or lalaland. You said he was a great national hero who fought for his country Somalia for more than 20 years against colonial invaders in many parts of Somali peninsula Great, wonderful…....hang on, are you saying staying where he is from hinders his achievements, so he must cut all traces to that place in order to have a legacy?? or that it makes him any less somali? I've ignore this thread for a while because it is pointless argument, that fact it has reached 7pages is sad reflection of our deterioration. It is even more embarrassing that “some” of you debating this pointless stupi*dity normally pride yourself above the average Somali mind, and may even think of yourself as an intellect.
Women up :confused: What an earth is that. For over exposure & indecent troll like behavior in the non troll topics I think I am going to open my own troll topic and talk to myself. You guys do nothing but complain about my contribution to this forum, baaal tiada haa igu iimannia please. Stay out of my ocean people!
^^^She does not read somali! and I could not care less what you think about me I'm send some bugs with that geedi xamari Now faarah igaa ceel
Faarah- Brown; Not so Obvious to me, please break it down.