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NG anigu miyaan "billa" maxa iga kaley nin geel baadan ma gaajo ayan ka cabsanaya. Creative or otherwise anigu xool uuma diranayo.
Juxa I agree, just saw his posts in the politics section- not the result of a boy with "mental health issues" Van, SOLers once welcomed 8-10 newbie’s in a matter a few days( each opened a thread saying I am new from a different place wlc me, each had a different personality and different genders)- it turned out afterwards that all the accounts were one and the same person- since then when a newbie says welcome me, everyone assumes it is the same person until we see a few more posts So wlc and so daaf and I hope you enjoy your time in this asylum. Juxa do you remember the time no one believe Caadan was really a white man on a Somali forum and they made him post pictures, and still no one believed him so he posted a picture of him holding signs with memebers names on them :D :D lol
Wait: you guys are complaining about $66-$70 for a whole tank?, seriously that is cheaper than London- its around £65 here- which is I guess $80 or so; But then again normally people just use the public transport. Me thinks the prices need to go up a bit more to keep up
^^^THAT is NASTY on so many levels; :eek:
Somalis always want to chose between two evils and say it is the lesser evil; They are BOTH bad, I can't bring myself to support either (by funds or arms) and I would not be willing to die for either, both have crimes to answer for, and both are responsible for burning Somalis to the ground. Even worse Shariff has invited foreign troops back who as always are quick to shoot and build support for the madness of Al shabab. Xajji Xanjuf and GD have more in common then I thought- XX is telling Duke (a forum name to fix Somalia) and GD is telling XX your clan is responsible for all the mess. Waali.com
JUXA: Salams dear breath and police ha uu yeedin!!! JB yaa? waxad tiidiba lagu yiid
Johnny you are just pi*ssed I said dying as a disbeliever is a bigger than if he did all that but died as a Muslim. In any case this was not about forgiveness or sympathy, I dont have sympathy for him because he left his home and made his bed, but I dont think it is good for us as humans to condem people to hell, and the person I had this convo with agreed with me. So what is your beef Johnny??? P.s. I would say the same about Godane- but of course people will think he is my uncle if I did, :cool: Somalis are not new to losing people and long before this white kid came along we were losing people. We are asking people to move beyond these crimes, being xasid wont bring anyone back.
It is a shame to lose your humanity and respect for others- even those you dislike or even hate that it drives you to ultimate disrespect and inhumane actions. We should not pass beyond the point of celebrating peoples death and issuing “god like” judgements like we are Allah’s ambassador and he told us so. I find extremely difficult and impossible to condemn qof isku sheegey Muslim to hell or rejoice in their death- it’s even worse if they have family and u don’t have the human decency to hide your joy and pay your respect. It is traits like this it would in the future make it impossible for people to embrace and put their differences aside. :eek:
Stoic, that is scary stuff, that is what happens when you have little knowledge and big drive!!! Cawaale okay P.s. If he was Somali mar horey aya la oodan laha she is "Defending" him because wa isku qolo, we'd be on page 10 now just a small reflection on how mistrust and paranoid we’ve become as a community
Cawaale, I understand your rage, more than anyone I do walahi, laakin emotions iyo deento sometimes conflict. HE could've done ALL that you mentioned and died believing Allah and he would STILL be better than qof an Muslim aheyin who did all the good in the world but died not believing Allah. Being Xaasid wont help your fellow citizen, least we can do is uu ducey or find a practicle way to help them, laakin xaasid ciilin ma kiciyo as Somalis say. Khyre inshallah.
All this Jiin talks means people stay away from this corner. Consider this is Faheema fav movie of all times She must feel right at home with Nuune and Jb Eating Kimis with a Knife and fork
Cawaale;700617 wrote: Ibti, I am sure you know if a Muslim calls another kafir, and the latter was not such, the charge will indeed turn back upon him. Abu mansuur accused Somali Muslims to be Gaalo. Now i am not claiming to be Sheikh and am not giving fatwa or any kind of statement. Daalim kastaa maalin ayuu leeyahay, inkasto oo aan la hubin kan aan ka hadleyno in uu dhintay waxaan RAJEYNAYAA in ay run tahay!! Cawaale, to be honest I dont know him laakin he looks Muslim, nor do I know his history very much. In saying that IF he called another Muslim kafir (The hadith is one of them is surely a Kafir) I dont know WHO the other party was and alhu aclum who the "word" fell on, that ignoring tawba and such, which again we don’t know about. Everyone has a day to go, daalim or otherwise and surely Allah will judge each and everyone and he is the best of judges; IF he is dead and he is a Muslim "may Allah forgive him for his sins with his mercy" if he was not a Muslim it we don’t need inan habartanoo. If he is still alive may Allah guide him and everyone. I don’t see why cadabti ciid lugu duceyo, it is not like Jannah is out of capacity or that he will be sharing your space if you make it. For their wrong regardless of how small, they shall be judged on it, trust Allah will do justice for anyone he wronged. The same goes without saying to dictators, warlords, your worst enemy etc; To my limited knowledge the sahib and the prophets (PBU them all) were not in the habit of dadk cadabat ugu ducey- In fact I can only vaguly recall one such incident (the person was already dead) The only people we know who are xasid enough iin qof kaley cadabtii ugu duceyan is those who are already in hellfire as narrated in various places in the Quran. :(
^^You think our neighbours have our best interest at heart. Somalis don’t need any more intervention or sponsored reconciliations- interference and handouts only balance the status quo and keep us in our current state. The soon Somalis realize that cutting out the middle man and focus inwards the faster we can rise above this mess. JB I don’t like these sort of lazy the big bad wolves is coming to burn the horn. Somalis have no reason to blow up east Africa and our conflicts hardly ever spill beyond our own cities. Although focus the fleeing people pour into these neighbours; but all this hype about the horn is going to hell because Somalia is messed up is fear mongering. Al Shabab is not in the region and bored young boys with guns in Somalia with no strategy or focus is hardly going to take over the horn or cause problems in the Horn. If it was it would've happened at the height of their power when the TFG was controlling 0.45km.
Alpha I am, I just don’t like gimmicks and commercialized stuff. Today(the day after) the hype is over and everyone goes to sleep for a year, only to come out and recycle the same old stories with no real progress. JUXA lol, there is no Man's day because they have the other 364.5 days it would seem
We will of course agree to disagree JB- I did not say was useless, but I find patronizing that there needs to be a day where women's economic, political and social achievements are celebrated- it is like really? Our local council gave the MEN the day off in the local library and closed sections and some closed the whole library for men, making it a women only access day. Everything is a tool- the problem is how you use it.
^^Malika for the London tube or Haregisa? yeah so I've been told but driving in SL wa sucide Insurance turned me down already- they said wa too high risk @ Juxa. Can't even get health insurance
Jinkagu ku diil @ JB xasiid number1, I knew innan ka cadesiiy yesterday you monkey LOOOOL JUXA that was what I was thinking Xaley, Haregisa dharx weye xagaan ka geeli!
^^^@ Juxa No Bengalis don’t acknowledge WID- he told me; what you need to do in one day that you can't do the rest of the year? I said some fresh air, a movie and none spicy food please. So we opened the window, watched a movie and he cooked none spicy food JB; IWD happens each year regardless of any progress- and strangely enough I've seen then use last years case study for a few years- if it is about raising awareness then they should be doing that every day! and yes it is about funding and money- Women iyo progress and the core stones of the Millennium goals.
It was tiny that you would not notice unless you was looking for it and it is not sticking out or anything, just uneven- its an old station; Qadar allah really. It hurt even more when I stomped hard to snap it back in place. Alhumdulilah I didnt break anything, must have drank canoo geel as a kid or something