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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Hmm, I find the idea of putting all your money into one location, one house where everyone knows that yours and they can find you there uncomfortable. If I could dream I would build a beautiful 4 bed room villa with wheels on, so that I can hook it up to a big truck and move randomly to what ever location has my heart at that moment; be it the beach or the city. I think also I dont trust the peace until it remains so for year and years 40yyrs at least!, so the wheels will come in hand, I just wheel it off to the miyi should shid hits the fan. :cool:
  2. Juxa :D Are you so mad? Try to understand that I am just trying to keep up with life. Blessed it was a good solid excuses, one considers going back to studying just to have that solid reason again :eek: I might do my Phd in a few years after all. :D
  3. Nice! Although my problem now is what do we do with all the graduates, even worse than the Arab states, this do it yourself attitude means unless you MAKE a job, there are no jobs, so what is the incentive for studying and spending money studying? Stoic: I went to Abarroso tec yesterday and met the teachers/ owner etc. Nice little place and they are expanding their subject degrees.
  4. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: This thread is truly sad and comical. Sadly it illustrates the distance between people, who for the most part may as well speak different languages. There is nothing special about sharing an ethnicity or even religion if the level of hate and hostilities blind you to this level. Let it go and breath; The fact is IF Somaliland become independent, by the time it has an impact most of us will be old or dead, IF it is not recognized and Somalia improves and they successfully function together, again we'd be dead or too old to experience its reward or otherwise. If the current status of events remains [which seems likely for the foreseeable future] the least we could do is develop a system of tolerance and some sort of hope that maybe long after us being simply Somali will mean something.
  5. So after 11 pages, has anyone moved from their original goal post or is everyone standing at the same spot shouting the same thing??? Somalis problem stems from this inability to listen to each other and hear/consider the others option. With the exception of Taleex and Odysomali, the rest are just too busy defending a side to consider other possibilities. The Zack, I meant the places I went of course and, contrary to Khadar confidence that I only went to Isa*q clans towns, Khalshaal Miyi parameters ayan daafey. Alhumdulilah there was already some talks and agreements between local clans when I was there, so alhumdulilah I didnt see any war (although gun trotting men were around). But on the whole most I met were Pro-SL, those I did meet who were Anti-SL had real and tangible grievances that if dealt with would address the core of their protest. Personally I don't think Somaliland has the resources or the patience to deal with such people and their grievances and they will remain as the swinging vote [if ever there was a vote]
  6. That is wishful thinking, yes it has rained, but most of the livestock could not handle the cold and rain and died, those that survived have not fatten up yet.
  7. I did, but did you not hear that there was abaar and people were dying of thirst and unable to afford food? let alone hilib, subag iyo caano
  8. I have not had or even tasted none of the three you named on Your list much less dhagaha ka keen!
  9. SalamAlikum, 1day weekend just does not do it for me, it is psychologically damaging!
  10. How interesting that the issue has been personalized. I think it is a wide spread common experience that many people particularly from the Somali community share. Most people can't or don't want to diagnosis themselves due to stigma and "Oh I am Muslim we don't experience etc" It is what forces some people to create 8 different accounts on SOL and multiple accounts in other sites and have discussions and debates with themselves [certain threads I have seen 4 different user names giving different opinions and arguing with each other despite it being the same person?!] Isn't THAT a little creativity mixed with depression mixed with conflicting thoughts and ideas?- shouldn't it at least be explored? It is what forces certain folks to rigorously grip on to what they feel gives them an identity, a sense of belonging and being better than washed up bodies and war in Somalia. Much like we in the west stop reading newspapers and news for days and months to get away from the continuous depressive inflow of information, they too cling on to the difference that is Somaliland or the progress in Puntiland. They stay up defending thess difference days and nights on end. It is what forces large segment of our people into drugs [khat, weed etc] and alcohol abuse, these are people with no limits, I am not talking about social drinkers, smokers or chewers, I'm talking about people that have lost life and its content to these habits. Adam, I remember telling you that project was too large for one person, I also remember you use to work on it at all sorts of hours, I am not surprised that it drained you, it was enormous. I hope you have not grown to resent it, perhaps next time you can get some help with the project, a single hand cannot clap on its own and all. I think it was wonderful project that is much needed.
  11. ^^^6Alah how barakeyo, still wa few cases out of how many,
  12. LOOOOL Blessed!!! HAHAHA I am just trying to save poor sods who think they can do both! Wa impossible.com, uu sheeg. Nuune :D
  13. North I agree with Ngonge, I dont think it will make much of a difference because it will take too long for it to proof itself as a viable option, most people will be nervous that it will fall apart and will not jump on the Somalia boat till there has been at least 3-4years of peace and prosperity. You cannot swab 20years so easily without clear stable viable BETTER option. The Zack, I have been travelling the rural area for 6weeks, only got to the cities 10days ago, It might be bias because I arrived at the fever SL time, so supporters more obvious etc, however even in the rural areas and towns I saw the same thing. Which means even IF there are (and I'm sure there are) people who oppose Somaliland, in a vote they would be statistically too insignificant to swing the vote and hence it would still be pro Somaliland outcome.
  14. I don't think marriage and formal studying go together- it is a lot of pressure which you can cope only in a distance relationship (i.e. you don't live together) so they don't get on your toes, unmarried/unattached and living with understanding family or living alone. If I was married and studying at uni- particularly the last yr and postgrad I would've killed him or he would've left by the end of the year. It would've been a very short marriage. Works for some people I guess.
  15. UK rally photos; http://www.demotix.com/news/695007/thousands-somaliland-nationals-lobby-uk-parliament
  16. I kept hearing this song blaring from people driving pass!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujb7EQHDA98&feature=player_embedded Reer UK dabah yar mii shiiden
  17. ^^HOw do you put inshallah next to doing something which clearly wrong and forbidden in Islam??? :confused:
  18. The Zack, based on my observation yesterday in Somaliland; I think it would be a landslide for somaliland case. In fact after seeing people conduct and opinions yesterday I am inclined to say that people would prefer to be in limbo than re-join Somalia. I always thought people supported Somaliland because there was no viable option of Somalia, however since coming to Somaliland 2months ago I am of the opinion now that people here have progressed beyond the waiting game and have seriously put all their eggs in this basket. In saying that, when I was in the west (UK) whenever I saw really militant Somalilanders such as Ngonge, I often assumed it was because they were far away from the situation and felt that the least they could do was really support it like crazy, but the people here have brought into the idea even more.
  19. Adam I also heard/read that there is a link between ADHD and creativity which is sometimes misdiagnosed as manic depression or bipolar because ADHD has similar symptoms. A very high percentage of diagnosed ADDers experience bouts of depression and/or anxiety, and a few have been diagnosed as ADD with manic depression. A very high percentage of eminent writers, artists, inventors, explorers were considered either extremely moody, were manic depressive, or suffered from bouts of unipolar depression. I can name a number of such people. FYI: the usual hierarchy of moodiness is something along the lines of : - Normal mood variations, - Unusual mood cycles or ranges of moods, - Cyclothymia (Bipolar Type II), - Manic Depression (Bipolar Type I) ADDers are somewhere between 2-3. You probably go through days of feeling down (although you can lift yourself or forget for a while), but also periods of high intensity involving lots of ideas, plans, midnight email sessions, and lack of sleep, followed by feeling drained, tiredness, and fatigue. as it would seem that these conditions contributed significantly to their talent, it is a process you have to find a way to break the cycle while at the same time maintaining your creativity. I can recommend some reading for anyone interested.
  20. SalamAlikum, North is it all up and running? Well done
  21. ^^Beautiful pictures!!!!! :D looool Xeefow, maxaad ugu khasbi? She is Not from the NFD, miis you think ALL Somalis in Kenya are from the NFD. If it makes you any less proud of her achievements then say so, but ha ku khasbiin wax aney ahiin. By shoving NFD down her throat you are marginalizing her. She would probably have more impact as a Somali Kenyan, particularly with the new anti Somali/refugee legislation in Kenya and all the other problems. NFD limelight limits her work and what she aims to achieve. Saleex, I know, the sujui side of my relatives bey wax iisu yihin. Habarsanow, go back to chasing your bold inabtiis, ha igu so diciin.
  22. By that I mean she traces her roots directly to the North [her family left the North to Kenya]. So SHE is not from the NFD. Her clan was implied as posters made it her responsibility to resolve /or/ and mock the inhabitants of a particular area. She is more Kenyan than anything else. P.s. NFD ciida deegta anigu maan sheegin,
  23. She is not from the NFD she is actually Isa*aq, nevertheless I'm sure she would do her best for all Somalis and Kenyans, after all this is what she has worked tireless for and has been elected to continue doing.
  24. JB ruunta iska sheek WE know what you update your CV for; :D Juxa ha maqaliin JB, wax kaley ayu moodey the empire building- him and most of Somaliland.