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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^I guess you've never seen Catherine Tate? It went over your head yaa north. Ngonge; :mad: :rolleyes:
^^^OH no You did not! Take it back old man! Goes on little britain/ Catherine Tate mode:.. Are you disrespecting my family? Are you disrespect my mother, are you calling me a pikey?....
^^^That's my little brother you nasty lady! :cool: Take a look at his signature...
^^^Who? :confused:
^^^Stop it!!! lol Oh lord. lol
^^^Jaaw, Did you watch the Video or you just like bashing Ibtisam? I think I'm change my name, sii fiiciaan baad uuga heeshey the name Ibtisam, maa kuu siiyaa?!
What a bunch of freaks! :rolleyes:
^^^^Loool He is part of the torture boolise.
^^^He's been away, undertaking some training, he is now a fully certified engrisi boolise
I just filled out an online application which took me almost 1.30mins, then I clicked on send, and the browser just closed, losing all data and not sending anything. I really cannot be asked to fill it out again! Issssh.
^^^That is not for me to say and judge. It is between them and Allah. However, you/they cannot justify their lack of wearing one or one that does not fulfill its criteria with reasons that your friend uses. Iyaad no one is going to ask her about an Egyptian prostitute or compare her actions to such individual. She would be asked for her own reasons of why she failed to wear one. Where as the other will be punished for her sins. Maax iisu keen laabaad? One should judge themselves based on Allah expectation of them, not in comparison to how well they are doing compared to messed up Muslims. It is how well I’m doing with regards to what is expected of me that matters at the end of the day, not I’m better than Xalimo next door, who wears hijab but does not pray and runs around suuqa.
^^^I read her little rant about hijabis and non hijabis being the same/ not better than each other because of Egyptian hijabi prostitutes compared to nice polite non hijabis. :rolleyes: THEN I went around her site and looked at some pictures. Then I posted my comment Must I explaining exactly what constitutes hijab to you old man! If Hijab means covering your HAIR then yes, she has a Hijab on, but that is not the case. Isseh: Hmmm if you say so, but we both know different :cool:
I don't see what is so funny :confused: Subxanallah.
Originally posted by Isseh: ^Wah! I said Im a fan of her but not her! Did the bloody sun is frying your brain? :confused: Yaa?? Engrisi Everything else waa stuff and nonsenses to quote Ngonge. Waaxaad sheegte maaleeh. I always knew you was a flip flopping dude. Now lets not hijack this important thread
^^^ I write essays, even when I'm trolling. After all I have a reputation to maintain. Waaxan ku waadiyeh, I know you aspire to be like me, but must you follow so closely in my foot steps! You know you can be a fan and still keep your characteristics and personality! Careful you don't lose Isseh while trying to be just like me, walk, talk and act like Isseh dee.
^^When did you join the half line crew?? :rolleyes:
The Hijabblog women link that you bet we'll all agree with. HAve you see her/the pictures. I don't mind a little colour (I love colours) but come on, hats and wrapping it around your neck. :cool:
Ngonge: Wearing a hat is not Hijab. So No I for one do not agree with her. Non Muslims will not accept you more if you wear you scarf backward, but nor will you be fulfilling your Islamic duty. Basically deexad ayaad kuluntey, you are nor here nor there. The Somali saying which I will not murder is; "a fox, that left her own foot prints and could not reach the other will die of starvation" Edit: Hello Bob They are no written about it because, good news is not news, particularly if it portrays Islam in good light. I mean to think there are normal Hijabified women who speak English and are competent workers, it is impossible, really :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: ^^^ Waan arkay in Ilka-jiir iyo wax lagu dhadhajiyo. I mean wax quman adaan ka heynnaa dhulkaas. All are useless pro-TFG. BTW, throwing stones is a favourite hobby in BURCO. The legendary man who was caught throwing stones at neighbours roof is quoted to have said, "Kaa aan gacanta ku hayo uun aan ka saaro horta ee la isugoo"; when asked to stop. Consequently, it is quite acceptable for Ibtisam to launch an avalanche. It is not in bad faith, it is in the blood. A&T This name does not give you the right to underhandedly ceey Burco!! Waan iis oganhey! Lool @Kaa aan gacanta ku hayo uun aan ka saaro horta ee la isugoo"; Did you make that one up??
You drank Avocado! Oh lord.... lol Lool Ngonge, why are you hating on CL!!! CL, Do you ever buy anything?? Or waad daawataa uun. Thanks for telling me, I'm keeping well away from central this week then.
I'm surprised you are thinking of marrying both of them, specially when she seems so unstable to consider killing herself because some farah refused to marry her. She must be just pulling your leg or something. What does your normal wife2be thinking about consider miid kaal before your wedding?? I think you have bigger worries than the American Sharici! :eek: If you want a mad life, being emotionally blackmailed then marry them both. But you can imagine, she will be like, if you don't stay with me this week, I'm going to kill myself. My advise is to direct her to the deen and leave her be, adgiuna don't complicate your own life out of guilty if you've not done anything to her. Inshallah via the deen, she will see logic and that the world is bigger than Red Sea. Uu ducee and leave her well alone.
^^I could not agree more with Lily It is a sad fact that many sisters feel that the hijab is holding them back, or they feel pressured to take it off. I had a friend who volunteered in a Muslim Lobby group with me, through out university, upon completing our study, she had many interviews, although she was qualified and had the experience, she was not hired. For about a year, she did one internship after another. Finally she dropped out of the organization, and I did not see her for about 8months. Finally when I did, I was sad to see that she had accepted the very same prejudices we use to lobby against, by taking off her hijab. Although she found a job at the British foreign office and been promptly promoted, I could sense she was not happy about selling an important component of her deen to get a lousy job. The burden and the guilty will mean that regardless of how many promotions she gets, she can never be happy or proud in what she’s achieved. Obviously it is a different matter if you have never wore it, did not see the value of it, or was coerced into wearing it, you will happy in your little world and proud of your achievement after escaping the prison of hijab. It is sad and disappointing that many give into perception, rather than fighting it.
I'm free Lily, so free I cannot believe it Maybe you was wearing heels last time? :confused: or you've lost weigh. Hey JB and CL, what's popping?
^^^Loool Don't ruin the dress. How you doing dear