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^^^Looool^^ Lucky he did not take you down to the station and charge you for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.
Shame that BMF and those ****** "Muslim MPs" Supported it. What I’m even more disgusted at is that Muslim organisations like BMF have supported this ridiculous idea. “We support tough measures against terrorism and all forms of criminality as long as they are applied fairly and proportionately across all communities.” Guardian Ok, nobody said there shouldn’t be tough measures against terrorism. Of course there should. Terrorism, suicide bombing, it’s all forbidden in Islam. But this is just preposterous! Britain already had the longest pre-charge detention period in the whole of Europe. Why would anyone support an idea like that? "I am reassured that the safeguards proposed go a long way in protecting civil liberties.” The Telegraph But, this motion, doesn’t protect our communities, it infringes your civil liberties. There are many human right groups that will be protesting this motion but I fail to understand why the BMF has supported it. This motion has been put into place to specifically target Muslims. Once again it’s a case of one Muslim letting another down. Only this time round it’s not a single Muslim, it’s a whole organisation. BMF has a lot to answer for and they need to be held accountable. Khurshid Ahmed’s weasel-worded article in the Comment is Free section of The Guardian mysteriously changed its title three times in one day; firstly, “BMF Opposes 42 Day Detention” then “BMF Supports 42 day Detention” and finally “Supporting Tough Measures”. Remember the BMF supports the neo-con Sufi Muslim Council and also backed the idea of Muslim students being spied upon. This latest act of betrayal did not go unnoticed by the some of the Islamophobic elements in the press. Both The Sun and the Daily Telegraph lauded the BMF’s craven position and this must not go unchallenged. The question left hanging in the air is what did the BMF receive in return and what are the leadership of the BMF up to? The one question that has been answered is that we all now know what the “F” stands for in BMF.
Ngonge is not the condescending old codger you know on SOL, in fact he's a really great guy, and funny as well, with a lot of stories to tell. If you ever meet him, ask him about the "Cadde Madowbe" story ARe you sure?? The dude is even worse in real life I think. Maybe because he was showing his best side for few hrs. Don't be fooled! Looooooooool @ Castro! haha
Thanks everyone. Pucca yeah I'll let you know what I find. I recently changed my bed, four months ago. Lily I'm check that one out inshallah. Thanks all.
So 42days it is for now. Damn that idoit brown. I hope the lords reject this. :cool:
Malika ......................................yeah....blah blah Do you get my point now? P.s. When I went miyi I met mothers with 7-12 kids who were the same size as me at the age of 45+ :eek: (I left them my clothes) They don't even have all the drugs and doctors and facilities to help them carry, monitor and birth a child. Gangsters bilaah adjustment. P.s. The issue is not about whether women endure more or not, that is given. The process of birth and recovery happens all over the world. Somali women just have a bad process of recovery filled with kimis for uumuush, hilib, canno because she is still eating for two! (A myth to start with in the first place) As I said .....................blah................blah check me in 20years Malika for I do not know what shall happen
^^^^Loool, you take your laptop into the meetings?? Nin waalan, Lool CL, you do work, that someone else is proud to steal!!? :eek: lol
Ngonge: WHy don't you consider joining them. Okay so I'm going to join this race to size zero as well Put you guys don't actually have a concrete plan. What is you are following? is there a plan or is it each to their own. Do we come on here to report when we have broken our diet and the rest scream at you?? Anyway Good luck all, I know you can do it. P.s. Caadaan good to see you taking control of your life. Serenity: Lol You can talk, you hate walking and I'm sure you don't spend your evenings at the gym! Joins Nepthy cheering crew for now
^^^^Looooool I agree with CL, People will treat you how you allow them to treat you, and it will be too late to try and get them to change if you don’t train them early! Malika, changes are given yes, however you should still look, healthy human, who looks her age. It is not even about him, I mean if he left you, you should look good enough to hit the market running with your kid in hand, not be overweight, look 40+, unhealthy and now depressed coz he left your as*S. It is vital you are attractive enough to live your own life, not feel that because you’ve settled for him and let yourself go, he can kick you about like a football. :cool: When you threaten that you are going to upgrade, it should have some merits. If you are looking good, he knows that you won’t put up with shid, because you’ll just go and pick yourself another one to entertain yourself with…for a while Ngonge are you sure you wanna send your brother my way?? I intend to be a mean bit*ch
^^^^Loool^ Haha
^^^^loool^ I don't think they are allowed on bikes that young 2months! lol
Isseh Thanks Stoic Let me try this baal. Adam and Stoic; I hate doctors, she'll just give me painkillers. I know it. North I've been doing it for a while now, in Jazz we mostly learn balance and contracting the right muscles, stretches etc. My backache is not new, I'm long term sufferer.
Dabshid: You can say that again. Lily do you know of any?? Ngonge, There is no evidence for its efficacy. It has not been submitted to clinical trials, And those marks look really bad. North...hmmmm. I've been going Jazz and hip hop classes.
Hayat, women have been having babies for years. Having a baby is not an excuse to get as big as house. There is a difference between gaining weigh when you are pregnant and letting yourself go. You should aim to lose the excess fat you've gained and if your husband is kind enough to go gym with you or buy you a treadmill then you've found yourself a good husband I think. It is only fair he still finds his wife attractive and of similar standard he married. IF he wanted big women, he would've married one to start with. On the same hand, a woman should not have to put up with potbelly, fat husband, unless she married him like that. Both men and women tent to get comfortable when they marry and grow in all kinds of direction. Being in shape is healthy part of living. P.s. I don’t like men or women who talk about their husband/wives bad points and shortcomings. SO I don’t think he is a creep if he tells her, but telling the world makes him an ultimate heartless/ inconsiderate creep. P.s.s. In time you would both moderately change in accordance with the natural aging process and your bodies won't be the same (more so for women than men), but extreme changes like tons of weigh that you don't lose after the birth is not excusable.
Ngonge: WHat is that?? ANd have you tried it?? JB: Taan waaba ee egetahy. What is your point with this picture. Loool CL, you crazy lady!
^^^ A bit heartless my dear. Siidaas aye laa nooqtee. You should not wish bad things on them regardless, and certainly not for your own benefit or because you feel they are an embarrassment/ hindrances to you as a Somali. While you came to SA to make a living, these people are just passing by, trying to get to other better places with better opportunities. Not all of them had the life line the guy you mentioned had either.
Ministers are making last-ditch efforts to persuade rebel Labour MPs to back them in the crunch vote over extending the terror detention limit to 42 days. With the vote "very, very tight" a fresh compensation deal for suspects held but not charged is being offered. Minister Tony McNulty said that given Labour's recent difficulties it needed the vote "like a hole in the head". Tory David Davis says opponents have won the argument, even if they do not win the vote due at about 1800 BST. The Conservatives, Lib Dems and about 30 Labour MPs oppose the 42-day extension. BBC The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) disagrees. The chairman, Trevor Phillips said: "We remain unpersuaded that the government has yet provided compelling evidence for what our legal advice shows would be an effective suspension of some human rights, and the wholesale alienation of a part of our community whose engagement is itself vital to the fight against terrorism." Phillips is not the only one who disagrees; Kate Allen, the director for Amnesty International UK, wrote to backbench MP’s: "I am not reassured by the Government's recent 'concessions". The Home Secretary will now have to be satisfied that there is a 'grave and exceptional terrorist threat' before authorising an extension. This definition is sweepingly broad. Parliament will debate and vote on the extension earlier than previously. However, this debate would be meaningless because of the risk of prejudicing future trials. Finally, the Bill makes no provision for proper judicial safeguards. What about Liberty? Their press release states: The Government’s Counter-Terror Bill amendments are "cons", not concessions, and offer no safeguards for suspects who could be detained for up to six weeks and then released without charge. [...] "...Forty-two days detention without charge has not been transformed into the emergency power promised by Ministers. The policy is as dangerous as ever."
^^^Get out of my thread yaa JB, with your bogus suggestions from bootleg doctors in Hargisa. Even if you have a flu, they say get married, because they don’t know what else to say.
I doubt a husband can make my torso shorter, or relieve pressure in my lower back/ nerves or help with better blood circulation to muscles in my lower back. There is a chance that rather than help, he’ll cause me more stress and pain. :cool: Useless suggestion yaa JB. :rolleyes: Afro I’m try that now, thanks. Geeljiree: Yogo, I’m not that patient.
^^^What?? Like Chinese foot massages? JB, no
Any cure??? I woke up fine, but by 9 o’clock I was in immense pain. I can’t walk, stand, sit or lie down. It hurts regardless, and there is no obviou patter it follows (ok more in the winter than summer) But other than that totally random. In my short life I’ve tired acupuncture, massages and lower back muscle strengthening, exercise. Nothing has worked. I don't want to keep pooping painkillers. :cool:
Herbal Inns on Oxford Street. 02077347817. They are certified, I got 7sessions for £150 I think. (DOn't go to the Bond Street one) Ask for Doctor Yu (I think, something like that, don't go for the man ) Otherwise I think Wholefood in Kingstington highstreet has started doing it or Fresh & wild in soho.
^^^Morning CL. Shall I suggest an acupuncture place? I had 7sessions done in the winter for my back. Thinking of going back myself.
They need to sto eating so much, and sto sleeping in the afternoon. And no Politics talk in the office. Arab office is like a somali Maaqaaxi! Everyone is political expert and they just talk and talk and talk. I doubt they pray for so long.