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Everything posted by Ibtisam
Sounds like a great project.I hope it works out as well as the website makes it sound.
^^^^ sorry, drink lots of water. Ngonge: Not a bad idea, fundraising to benefit to treat yourself! I would never have thought, in fact that is why I hate them volunteer positions where you have to raise some funds, like VSO. Talk about cheeky, you want to give up a year of my life, and make a charity case out of myself in order to go! :mad: I've lost my voice and my throat is killing me- but it is not a flu :confused: ...don't even know why, last time I screamed it was Mandela's concert, did not speak much yesterday, I was listening and typing. :confused:
^^^I am so not one of them I'm so sad you think so! Acduubiliah miin shaydaani raajiim. :cool:
Lol^^^The Muslim take over. Who knows we may have the Islam section spill over to the general section now, with all these new Mashallah's.
Loool this is too funny. They [unknown1 & dhulqarnayn] can't decide if they should chat each other up or swear at each other. Are you male or female! hehe looool Hahaha. Does it matter toolow??
^^Easily confused? Not my fault atheer.
I don't think any one needs to be taken care of; unless you are not fully able or still a child*. :cool: *Castro, so do you understand the difference? Or did you miss my rant on page 8?
Brofessor_Geeljire, good EDIT* I saw, miyaad baaqatey?? Balayga WlC. Good first thread
Blessed Did you not know??? lol
Geel_Jire, you know waaxan laa legtamaye my project, so was just keeping my head down. How is yours coming along? JB got tired of people saying he floods the site, yad yad ya, He was like fine waan iidnika teeg, wuu tuudey and ninka soo ceeliyah! As My edo says "so ladqabeeyeh!"
Is she not the one who in some show on MTV, kept asking her husband if Tuna was chicken?? "I know it is tuna, but is it chicken" and he goes "No baby it is tuna" and she goes "yeah... I know it is tuna, but is it chicken…do you know what I mean" I thought he would’ve killed her, not have a flipping baby with the bimbo! And no I still cannot see a baby bump, it must be early months.
^^I though he said, the only other women [other than his wife] whose baby kicking he will check is the one he posted :confused: Nooh???
^^^Caadi maa tihid! lol
Stoic, who is she? and how can you see if she is carrying? :confused:
^^So who do you support?? Everyone in politics in Somalia has blood on their hands. Is there an innocent party/ group?? Poster, I don’t support their methods, but what they claim to stand for or want to achieve I support. How they can get there and if I can support that is a different story.
Geelka: :rolleyes: why?? there are already enough mothers watching their children kill, being killed or running to live. :rolleyes: :mad:
^^^Are you sure you are Somali?? and a man? Or how many kids do you have?? do you already have enough for a football team (including the sub) and hence finally realised that too many kids can be a problem? Yes I've come across it before...
^^^Loool, so you get all giddy about a pregnant cadaan ladies, but you don't like kids once they come out. So you have a pregnant white lady fetish or something??? :confused:
^^^Someone needs to have some kids of their own ASAP....Before you get arrested for strange behaviour around pregnant ladies.
Loooooooooooooooool. HAhaha Loool. Bless them. Are they nearly 40, and this is the first child?? Most pregnant ladies will often ask you feel the baby kicking, it is a very rewarding thing for them to feel their baby move, some talk and chat with the baby in time with the kicks So did you say thanks??
Castro EDIT: Well I wrote it now, no point deleting it; Not to turn this into politics thread, but can I point out that that I’ve never supported Somaliland for the sake of it or because it is perfect. I just don't like the fact that people want to destroy the little stability people of Somaliland have for a concept of Somaliniom which is non existent and a fraud. Can you understand the difference between supporting something because of what it facilitates for the people in that region and supporting a concept of secession regardless of what it does or does not do? I could not care who or what was facilitating the conditions to let people get on with their basic life’s. I’d even support Burcoland, Hargisaland, LAland, AwdalLand. I could not care less what they call themselves or how big the territory is. Anything to avoid the madness and endless cycle we’ve been going around since I was born. I don’t have any ideals about sovereignty and Somaliniom, nor do I have faith that a greater Somali will return and be successful, inclusive and fair to all. I think people speak in double face, full of bitter and only a few are honest when they talk of such things. I think these things are not important at the rate people are dying and suffering, nor is it helping people back home, Somaliniom never paid for anyone's school. So I am going to support every little town/ entity which maintains a close to normality conditions. :cool: Xiin Lool, thanks Cara: Loool, HaHaha at sending the adhi to the traffic! lol
^^^No, :cool: I have less faith in her. Come on give people in Somaliland more credit, they have proven track record of keeping their head down and holding their ground. :rolleyes: I'm offended on their part by the comparison.
^^^No, waaxas anagu maa naaqaan...it looks interesting though.
ruuxaamo?? Shaking? :confused: What is that called in burco??
^^^Good to know you know where to keep the real saving, this silly excuses of floating money being used and lost is no no no. buy some diamonds, it will always be valuable Keep it save and auction it off when you reach poverty. Run Cara and join the long line of people collecting their savings [although theirs is a bit more than yours] But the less you have the more you need your money, you cannot afford to lose a penny, go, run, run. We'll wait here for you to report back