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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^What is wrong with that. Gave everyone the chance to go and drop off their presents and say hello and meet the other side. It was a nice wedding and it is nice to be bakc home before the sun goes down. So strange though. I almost missed the somali madness of naah faadiisita, amusa etc P.s. I took Blessed and Malika's advise.
  2. ^^^There is a RIyaal internet payroll?? I need to get me some!! Why did no one tell me! :mad: lol P.s. Why does everyone keep calling her the "girl or lady"?? Sexist ***...*** She has a forum name like everyone else. P.s.s. If Somaliland does not exist then there is no one to free. Qaaliaada naag taayah. IF ever peace comes, everyone will be happy. If it does not, each need to move with life. Time waits for no one.
  3. If my little baby sister stole my "potential" man....i'd give her my blessing right after i rip off one of her breasts.....but---that's just me..... Accuduubiliah. The things women will do for a lousy "men" Rip you sister breasts off for a GUY. WHAT??? Do you know how many guys live in this small little world????? That you don't need to rip anyone breasts for, let alone your own sisters! :eek: :eek: Acuudubililah.
  4. I keep missing it, faar waaweye kuu diig please. Ngonge so you are saying you did not expect anything good from him- badoow.
  5. Iris Wlc firstly sis We are not allowed to dance. and she is not wearing a white dress. She got some Asian and Arab thing going on. Heavy as a person. I don't know how she'll walk. Malika okay, thanks. AAliya, they don't do normal diracs anymore, just these silly things that look like you can fit five of you in there!
  6. ^^He said it was him, not me! Read again baal at what he did.
  7. ^^No not an Asian wedding suprisingly I'm wake you up early 2morrow (if I wake up) Yeah I just tried one and the damn Bacweye thing rolls up wen you put cardigan on, It might might have to do though.
  8. Oh I forgot to mention, you get picked up and dropped off! How cool is that, they are coming for me at 1.30 Sharp It cost an Arm and a leg for something you wear for few hrs. Such waste. Still I might have to if I cannot come up with anything else.
  9. Thanks for the dua But no you did not help. I'm dull girl I don't have dresses just hanging in my dresser! lol But thanks anyway. She did not want exclude her male family members who happen to be majority and his friends.
  10. Xiin: Bravery? I missed that, I thought I read he denied it all and turn tail after sneaking around so long. Then they run away together instead of facing the Music and only came back with the oodyaal. Nothing special about that. My mum and dad did that back in the 1950s (without the big sister drama) as reer miyi people. So hardly brave in the 20th Century yaa Xiin. DO tell me what you read which was so brave?
  11. So tomorrow, two of my friends are getting married. Their wedding is slight different to anything I’ve ever been to. There are 85 guest expected to attend, we must all be there by 2.30pm to greet and welcome the bride and groom at 3.00pm. We have all been allocated tablets, two families on opposite sides, and friends and colleagues in the middle. There are caters and a bouncer at the front door. The wedding is MIX, mix seating arrangements etc. There is a video camera, a photographer who will be snapping away all day (Must remember to eat slowly) In the invitation I got, it informs me that since this is the girls home town (London) the travelers (From up north- groom family) will be expected to eat at 3.30pm. Then the friends should follow as soon as they are finished and then finally the girl’s family. Food will be concluded by 5.00pm. Then we have a “duurbaand” and singer, who will perform and we must watch/ listen. At 5.30pm there will be a Islamic talk. And at 6.00pm people can mingle, greet, give presents and have shisha, cakes and snacks. Everyone should leave by 8.30pm. Some of us (30 people, all family and few friends) have been invited to go to the girl’s house after towards, to continuing there. The bride has had a custom made dress with lovely long arms and hijab. It looks fantastic. Everyone else has been asked to dress conservatively. Anyway I got a dirca made, but this thing is ridicules excuse for “clothing” SO some advise: 1) Do I wear a jacket and the shalmaad as hijaab (2morrow it is going to be hot) or Do I wear a cardigan or should just doom on an caabayah with colourful scarf? Or any other bright ideas. Always what do you think of the wedding style???
  12. Loool^ as a man you should be able to think without your emotions (i.e. You liking him as a person) I like him too, but it is still wrong, on so many levels. Two different things.
  13. Xiin IF you are going to say something, it always best to say the honest truth. It might hurt a few people, but in the end it is for the best. In this case everyone should say Macsoonkor including you. It is below the belt. In any case I'm sure by now they both made their peace with their action somehow.
  14. 1) What comes around goes around 2) The older sister (Allah how naaxiristo) rocks (Allah saved her early) because either she found it in heart to forgive her sister and fight her corner to ensure she marries by persuading her mother OR She realised what a JackA*ss he was and thought they deserve each other, the best punishment is for them to be together and live with their sin/guilty.
  15. ^^^Irony of Xiin saying it is suffocating consider his views/comments about the dude Warabey who said the same madness.
  16. Originally posted by LANDER: quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^That’s a distinct possibility yaa Castro ! Amharic would be the language of choice anyway, I must submit, if Somalia breaks up and disintegrates into little insignificant tribal enclaves… ^ Ceebay tacaal So your saying you would rather learn Amharic and be part of the Ethiopian Empire than join your brothers in Somaliland ? P.S. Yes I did catch that before you had a chance to edit :eek: Qaarxiis.com yaa Lander!
  17. Castro I thought about it some more and I stand by it. Xiin I don’t get it?? faar wawey igu diig please. I just find it inconsistent for people to emphasis how much more stable Hargisa or Somaliland is, and then something goes wrong, say well at least it is better than Xamar. :confused Which is what I was pointing out here. Since it is “better than Xamar” it should have different standard to be judged. What is your problem with that?
  18. I watched it and it was okay, kinda sad....
  19. AAAliyah416 Congrats my dear P.s. Did you hook up with Red miisee Khalaf? Loool
  20. Burcaawi, I keep reading these things about new donor attitude, but again no estimation of what and how or when they are getting and what they've done with that they have been given (if they have been given anything) Any info?
  21. Congrats. Wlc to the real world.
  22. ^^^That is NOT something to be proud of. Xamar is in a state of war, Somaliland is not. There is no comparison; Anything is better than Xamar, and the aim should be so much higher than simply being “better” than Xamar. How many people died hoorta?? I keep reading many but nothing else.
  23. Shitty day Morning people