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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^^Yaan laagu Xiidin before you can do anything! Also unknown1, the CAPS come off. Why are you shouting?? You are a living example of the angry Mullah.
  2. Adam, he said he wanted a convert, we just went along with it. Dabshid I think you are the number pervert on this site. I would hate to go to the same wedding as you. You probably have X-ray vision which can see through any material but metal. Accudbiliah you are so creepy! Lily I like the Muxadoros because it is the only moment of calm in those weddings. Pluz it makes me think that maybe as well as some sins, I've gained some reward or if nothing else a reminder. I always find it so uncomfortable after the Muxadoro finishes and then the Music comes in seconds later. I wonder if that is out of ignorance or just plain mockery. But I saw that back home and in the Arab world too. Music off when the Adan starts, before you finish your dua, it is on again. Waali.
  3. ^^was she black at one point or fake tan gone too far on a china man?? JB this is silly SOL does not allow ugly ppl to join. Everyone is pretty..just in different ways. :cool:
  4. Ibtisam

    Help Wanted

    ^I'm not. I've been sitting broke for a year. I'm starting to enjoy life without the evils of money
  5. ^^^WHAt :rolleyes: Macasoonkoor. LAst ime I saw you, you looked well enough to have 10jobs! all at the same time. Ms DD my free work load has increased. The number of old ladies coming round my house requesting I fill out forms for them is driving me mad! Do you think it is cheeky for me to charge them? I think will harm many ill people but the cheats had it coming! damn them islaamhi beye uu taarisiyen. Yesterday I filled out a form for this lady who had a surgery six weeks ago, can't even move her arm, and when she went to those assessment centers they said she is fit to work ASAP. Even though the consultant said she needs another 3months off. She is 56years old [that is her fake age, I think her real age is in the 60+] I felt sorry for her, writing all sorts on her appeal form. I’ve never seen more hideous questions. Do you go to the toilet yourself? Can you get up yourself. Acuudbililah.
  6. ^^^Yes I will find something to listen to it with. Visit the Lib. Cara how is it going?? I'm having coffee already.
  7. Ibtisam

    Help Wanted

    ^^^Money yaan imaanka kaa qaadiin! Huungri. LX. SOmalia should hold everything from there hostage including the stones. We need it for a better day.
  8. Ibtisam

    Help Wanted

    ^^^First ask him what do you want with the stones?? How will they be used and is it not stealing, just to ship things to the US waa bilaah NGO. No, no, no, no
  9. Ms DD what is Macsharo?? (Oil?) JB caajaald ii soo diir, explaining what has beening happening and where you been. Halgaan waax kaa soo haadlayah JB. Caajaaldan waaxaan uu tiriyah Ibtisam oo joogota maagaalad London....take it away ya JB
  10. Wlc back my dear^^^ I missed you the others are working on their wlc back speech. I just wanted to keep it simple.
  11. ^^^^Looool I did see a poster which said "Somali brother seeking a nice Mediterranean convert, cooking skills essential, age matters not, previously married ones need not apply. I am waiting" You mean that is B_Geeljire?? No way?? looool
  12. ^^^ You can forget a second one, when the first aad laadahy! [when ur missing the first] Everyone is allowed to dream, go ahead, but remember the difference between dreams and reality. She: Loool AAliya, ladies only are not taped. I'm so proud I've only ever appeared in one video. I had to grovel to my cousin for ages during the editing stage to ensure I was removed. Hard lesson, so now I check and double check before attending.
  13. Ibtisam


    ^^^^This week you are out to offend me so maah?? I'm so tired of saying this over and over again. So I'm not even going to explain myself again. :cool:
  14. Ibtisam


    ^^^^I don't like Goth, full of shid. I know he is heavy weight in Awdal and Somaliland circles, but the guy gives me a headache, even when I agree with what he is saying. I think I developed an allergic reaction to him a few years ago. No, we will find a sister for Xiidigo. I saw this girl at another forum, Somaliland baa maadaax kaa gaashii and she is from Awdal, I’m send her a message and an invite Pluz she won’t be calling her “the girl” at least. :rolleyes:
  15. Ibtisam


    ^^^^Looo. I just felt you as losing your smile in your first post Xiin. Maybe Angry is too strong word; after all it is words on screen I think you are scared of those two miyia?? OR you want a fair fight. First I think you need to find someone other than Xiddigo or Lois to rep Awdal. P.s. Because I know girls can kick ***, but someone more open minded in needed. Same way you are requesting that Red and Oodeye are not sent. People with common ground and who will listen to each other. Otherwise each will come and shout and then go home, and it will be another wasted conference.
  16. So young money chasing boys from LA and Laas Qorey are now SNM Militia?? Eeshe caal. I'm lovin it.
  17. Ibtisam


    ^^^^Yes. As I said hit the books. In fact that is the worse example you could've given! SNM was fighting for something basic at the start, in the last few years of its operation the focused changed many times. But SNM never ever had an agenda called Somaliland state. Waad iska haadeshi The Zack. Why do you sad so angry caawa yaa Xiin?? I wish Xiddigo won more than a debate, but the truth is Somali politics are not made on these pages. I expect you to be fair and say. There must be people who agree with Xiddigo, but there are also ones who agree with Red. They need a borame conference to sort out their stance. Oddyaalishi hooree miyaan eehin?
  18. Ibtisam


    ^^^Lool It is true and caused many fights. They walked out of many of the talks in protest. Lool @ celebrate SNM day. is there a such thing Che?
  19. Ibtisam


    ^^^Then your math and historical facts are hopeless. Better hit the books again my dear. SNM wanted a greater Somalia. I always thought it was because they wanted to have their chance at power and maybe pay those who aided Saiyd back. We would've had a SNM "Barre" terrorising Somalia if they had it their way. But that is just my theory [no facts or inside info]. The fact is, for whatever reason they wanted to stay.
  20. She, do you mean like the dirac shiid looking one? I thought that was for old days to sleep in?? Not dress, but it is covered I guess. That is the same as rocking up in a black bag nooh. Hannefa lol
  21. Ibtisam


    Can someone outline the beef Awdal people have with SNM? P.s. Oh and was this "beef" addressed in those conferences back in 1994/6?
  22. ^^^ thanks. lol @ Dr. Who Pucca, forget the Camera man, how come no one considers the groom as a MAN?? Do they think that night his thoughts and eyes are busy else where or because he is getting married he has no eyes? It is only human nature to look at beautifully under-dressed ladies all jumping around, even if it is your own wedding. If I was guy I'd be sitting getting cold feet thinking: "MAybe, maybe THAT one, no one my Xalimo is good, but wooh check that one out... I wonder if she can dance like that, what if she can't, that one is taller than her, and she has longer nicer hair...the rest of my life with this one, that is kinda scary...maybe maybe..." Come we all know some guys are weak and low self control. I'm sure there are few (or maybe many) who would be blind and deaf to all “the see-threw dirca” dancing ladies and content with their chosen one. But still if the groom is in the wedding, it is not a ladies only wedding. Bella, lol thanks dear. And no only 85-90 people turned up. lol She I have a full Somali wedding to attend soon (my cousin), pray tell me what is a Mama dirca and where do I get one?? :confused: Sounds like just what I need. AL Mu’minia, please do tell, It is the wedding season in full swing.
  23. ^^Can you imagine if he did it all again in his next marriage. Acuudubillah that would be madness. I agree with Malika. I hope he learnt a lesson.
  24. ^^^I want an invite. But I'm mad at you! "Sale out!" Self hating Somali! No one smoked the shisha, and it was just left there, and it was respectable mixing Not the usual madness. This was like anty and uncle meet my dad's sister kinda thing. Lol Che, I was happy to be heading home.
  25. Ibtisam


    ^^^^LOL. From what I know SNM did not want to be a political entity or a different country. They were strongly against this. Most of them are too old to do anything or play any majory role in politics haada.