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Looool. This is funny Hahaha
Ngonge, don't worry about feeling sorry for me wallalo. And stop patronizing me! So your reasoning is that M&S are too big, well placed in the world market to make a dent n their profit. My reasoning is that every Muslim has a conscious, and if you remind them often, and bug them enough, they will follow you. I know that ethical consumerism is on the rise within the non Muslim population, my campaign is aligned with that. In time inshallah it will make a difference. If it does not, then at least I did not contribute. Your objection is based on you being too lazy and too aware of corporate power of M&S. Hence you decided it is impossible before you even tried to do anything. The typical mind of a defeatist. You said it was not because the task is too difficult that makes you sit on the fence, but when I directly asked you about the contribution of Muslims and whether that has a direct result or not, you side stepped the issue. The difference is, I think Muslim support and contribution to M&S can make a difference, you don’t (although you realize this logically flawed as I explained in my last post (i.e. M&S will shrink again)) Edit: No Ngonge. The reason people go blowing up buildings is because passive Muslims give them no alterative ways to channel their angry. They tell them everything is pointless and worthless and they only thing they can do is make dua and stand by and watch. Passive Muslims stand around screaming it is Xaram to get involved in politics, or Xaram and pointless to do campaigns or engage with non Muslims. We should just keep our head down and take shid from the society they say. Some say we should blend in, others say lets create a society within the western society. Let them mock us in this world and Allah will avenge for us in the hereafter. They will murder, kill and torture Muslims because what do you expect they are Kufars. We will sit here and cry and make dua, because there is no point doing nothing else, what else is there to do brother? Oh I know lets have a debate about it, yes we'll debate about anything and everything over some tea, but lets do jackshid. THAT is what ruined Islam, that is why people blow themselves up. Because the young generation lacks the basic Islamic education, so when people come to them and say Oh I do have something you can do as well as making dua, they do it without a second thought convinced that it is better than doing nothing. Passive Muslims gave extreme Muslims a void to fill, Passive Muslims make active Muslims job harder, because they work against us and under mind us. P.s.s. Speaking about Campaigns, I'm doing one against Israeli dates sold in all Muslim shops during Ramadan. I’ll be in your area, I better not see you buy any!
Loool MS DD, ninki baa laag ceey. You guys are evil and harsh! lol. Shooting a brother down. Men are each others worse enemy. I can understand me and Malika, but you guys :eek:
Unknown1, don't listen to A&T. I don't know wuux sheegayo. In Syria, they call men Ibtisam and ladies Ibtisaam.
You just contradicted yourself dear NGonge. My point was that Muslims both here and in the Muslim world contribute substantial to M&S. I did not ask what its original base was. Yes, M&S has a strong middle class customer base, but in recent years they branched out. The new customers are largely made up of Muslims and foreigners in general. This has allowed M &S to reach levels it has not reached before in terms of profit, number of branches. Which is fine to a certain extent. BUT my problem is not with the white Middle class English customers. My problem lies with the Muslims who have contributed to this expansion and continuing to sustain the growth of M&S. If M&S still relied on its grassroots customer (i.e. the British Middle Class) It will not have enough profit to be throwing away percentages to the Israeli defence budget, like they are doing now. They will go back to their strong hold areas. How much would you estimate the Branch in Dubia contributes? or the one in Edgeware Road for example. If they spent their money else where will it not have an impact? is that a realistic goal? P.s. Passive Muslims is the reason Muslims are humiliated across the world. It is the reason why anyone can do and say what they like about Muslims without blinking. It is the reason the essence of our faith is disappearing. Passive Muslims are the enemy within.
I thought he had a daughter? or he got married? Either way congrats to the brother.
^^^She already told us that lady! Keep up. LOZ lol, I don't think so. Lool Ngonge, it is impossible not to feel guilty. But why would you put yourself in that place. Erm I know people who went out people for months coz they felt gulity Ms I agree with LOZ. Kick him silly. Those are personal things you should not get from a stranger.
Ms DD :eek: :eek: They say everyone has a price. I'm still looking for mine. I don't think it is true though.
This thread is about Somaliland and Tanziana, Lakiin chit chat baa kaa daacdeey. I don't think I even read the article. Unknown1 go General.
It is always nice to avoid that feeling of owing them an explanation. And then if they stingy they will beat themselves up for spending that few pounds on you. I think it is misleading to accept their gift unless you want them to pursue you. Especially if they already expressed interest and you said no. Then the intention of the gift is to persuade you to reconsider. (How insulting he thinks you might change your mind because of the gift, is he saying your a gold digger?)
Unknown1 we are here. Do you know there are other sections of this forum? and you are allowed to post in other threads too try it okay, laakin no shouting/ caps. Okay. Btw Wlc
Ms DD. Listen to me, unless you want him, never accept the gift. There is no such thing as gift with no expectation, unless its from ur dad Even your brother wants you to iron his shirt or something.
Ngonge, I swear to you that M&S get most of their money from st*upid rich Muslims, particularly in the summer month (free tax) and load up. I use to hang out with Socialist as a child, handing out leaflets outside M&S. It was always Muslims going in. (In London anyway) NGonge; You know what I hate about you?? You never want to do something if it seems too hard, or if the odds are against you! Get a back bone dude. Sometimes it is okay to try, you might fail, but then again people might join you. But no, you always want to sit on the fence till the matter is decided and then be the last one of the masses to stroll threw the door. Your negativity give me a headache. Bloody passive Muslim. P.s. They maynot go bankrupt because of me and like minded people, but at least they won't get any richer or use my money (however small) to abuse people. So no it is not an empty gesture. I sleep well knowing that my money did not help kill anyone. And when i watch TV and see them [Zionist] target practicing on kids, I don't feel sick and guilty thinking maybe my money contributed towards that gun or uniform or his training. I just feel sad and bitter that I'm not doing enough.
MS DD never accept a gift frm a guy... unless you are related to them or there is something wrong with them Depends on why they gave you the gift and how they gave it and your relationship with them.
Nope, I never ever ever said such thing. Bring evidence or take it back!
^^Why because I have self control?? and an over active conscious? Ms DD You should, you would feel good when they go fully bankrupt. I feel like I contributed to their financial woes in a small way.
How do you know Mr. Unknown1?
Waaa biila proposal, yaa kaa suugaya innad haadshiidiba. Buudku wuu kuu saaranyahe already. They might say sorry after they beat you black and blue and you recover weeks later if you stick around. But most don't, run for life.
Read His view on Muslims: http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/forget-lilylivered-liberalism-time-to-take-stand-and-say- we-dont-want-muslim-immigrants-1038583.html
Chief Islamophobe and anti-Muslim racist Kevin Myers of the Irish Independent took a break from his usual denigration of Muslims and Islam, and turned his attentions to Africans: "Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS", - He argues that all africa produces is a 'predatory and dysfunctional economic, social and sexual system.' The doe-eyed distended child comes under particular fire as Myers maintains that in adulthood this innocent becomes a 'priapic, Kalashnikov-bearing hearty, siring children whenever the whim takes him'. -The Immigrant Council of Ireland has taken exception to Myers latest invective and has lodged a complaint with An Garda Siochana (the Irish police) questioning whether the article is in breach of the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act. Section 2 (1) of the Incitement to Hatred Act states that it is an offence for a person "to publish or distribute written material" if the "written material, words, behaviour, visual images or sounds, as the case may be, are threatening, abusive or insulting and are intended or, having regard to all the circumstances, are likely to stir up hatred". The ICI issued the following advice to those who wish to support them in their noble endeavour: -the complaint should be made to the person or organisation's local Garda station. Because the issue is a complex one, they should ask if a sergeant can take their statement. - The person or organisation making the complaint should say that they are making a complaint about the publication of an article they believe is racist and that the complaint is being made under Section 2 of the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act, 1989. -The Gardaí should then take a written statement from the person. -If the person or organisation's local Garda station is Pearse Street Garda Station, they should ask for Sergeant Eamonn Lynch, who has been appointed to co-ordinate the issue there. In addition to the above, a complaint should also be sent to both the NCCRI and The Office of the Press Ombudsman. It is time to take a stand and say we will not accept hate speech! And if you are the in UKcould write to the Irish Embassy at 17 Grosvenor Pl London, SW1X 7HR, United Kingdom +44 20 72352171 admin@embassyhomepage.com His article in Full HERE
^^^Why, thank you. I'm glad I made you laugh.
^^^Damn right your would, they chase you and break your skinny legs! Maada kuu daaca. Caar.
Then my gender is irrelevant, because either way you will respect me.
JB I hope that charity appeal so not my behalf. Shiid. dude take it easy will ya. I'm good. :rolleyes: