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Everything posted by Ibtisam
SANAAG: Secessionist lose more militias to Puntland Somalia
Ibtisam replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^^^^How happy would you be?? Naaftu maa kaa biix laheyd if it all fall apart and it was an all out war?? Ruun sheek baal. -
I've already changed once to be a man, you want me to be a lady again? SHiid. Iska daaf then.
^^^It was who posted it and why they posted it and how they posted it and what they said, that got the reaction... In fcat I'm sure even you would've had something to say.
Lool @ surf backwards. Sure. I need a job. How demanding are you? and are you a mean boss?
So^^^You type three whole lines! :eek: lol
Blogging - Tell Your Own truths! Refuse to be Edited out of History!
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
I did, loved it and reposted here on SOL. Thanks. Been listening to it since. Its great. -
^^^Why won't you open it?? it is battle of the sex. Only 8mins long. Watch it.
^^^Well he is not here, so I'm keep her sweet for him Girl come, what is wrong with you? Have you not seen this thread about Hargisa girls Name your price and he Shall pay you for a chat, forget anything else! I will be your lawyer for free. [hate to see sister not getting her due!]
I love the end when the tall skinny ladies pokes the guy in the face! lol and in the end the guys run away! loool Classic.
Loool. Your Somali is good, you sound like Isslaanyaar of aadi laa joogta near Burco. By the way if you are Burco, then this is doomed love. Paragon is not allowed with 40mile radius to Burco girls. There is a standing court order against him. Otherwise as I said; I saw him sitting by the bus stop, picking at a rose, saying she loves me, she loves me not.
Don't worry I will send you his number! Pluz he told he, he would die without you, so hold on a bit longer!
Fantastic; here The ladies kick ***!!
Beyond perverted. Have you not figured out how to PM him yet. Paragon, see weye, help a sister out.
Blogging - Tell Your Own truths! Refuse to be Edited out of History!
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
^^^I read JB's one... does not sound like the JB we know. Paragon yours is boring can you write about something exciting? -
Thierry: NOpe that is not my argument, don’t assume. Let me tell you. My reasons for boycotting M&S is not because it contributes to the economic development of Israel. No, because then I would have to boycott others such as Tesco, Sainsbury yad yad ya and so many more who contribute to the economy by trading with Israeli farmers and companies. In fact it will be impossible to get rid of everything that has passed thorough an Israeli company. Computer chips, software’s the list is endless. My problem with M& S is because of two reasons; 1) M&S' imports illegally produced goods from occupied Palestine often by the hands of exploited Palestinian labourers. This is illegal according to international law and in violation of EU trade agreements. (this was reported in the Guardian in 2001) 2) In the same year in the annual conference; they started to sponsor (15%) the Israeli defence and security budget. That is not trade Thierry. I’m not going to bother about the rest of your argument, because all is says to me is I’m worried for myself and my survival, so I will keep quite while they get abused. Don’t worry our turn will come for endorsing and supporting the oppressions. Then we will wonder why no one is speaking up on our behalf. Looking after number one and making excuses eh. Lazy I don't expect you to understand the most basic things, this would be expecting too much. I never claimed to be a good Muslim. Beenta iska daa and learn how to read. Most of the boycot camapign are none-Muslims. Last thing I need from you is advise. Keep it, you need it. :cool: I've wasted enough time on this thread. Haa diin maacaanatood McDs ppl. **Sorry poster for the Hijack. I'm out.
Boycotting McDonald or any product is not going to solve the problem after all our Messenger traded with the Jews in Medina and they were the same people that broke the treaty to secure Medina from any outside assault. DO you really want we to tell you how silly and flawed this argument is??? Do you want to explain to me how that is even a logical argument? Remember the boycot is not because they are Jewish. Also someone posed a similar question to Br Khalid Yasin in one of the lectures I watched and he stated that such acts might backfire as Muslim products might be boycotted. What Muslim products are sold in Isreal? I would like to know, so Please do tell?
Ngonge, what is pointless is arguing with you instead of doing something worthwhile with my time. While I don't doubt you have tons of knowledge about shares and subsidiaries even with particular references to M&S and McDs, I just told you, and I'm tell you again; NO sir, even in a globalised interlinked market, I don't and I will not. Do you know why?? BEcause I make it my business not to and while most people can and may get confused by the package I don't. OK. Now Mr. Know it ALL/ FULLY. I don't really care what you know, but what you don't is that people perception and taste changes all the time. M&S knows that too, hence their image clear up and marketing campaigns. You say it is pointless to go against this, because it is a waste of energy and you are bound to fail. I say I can’t fail till I try, and if I do, it is not a problem, I will try something else. I am highlighting your ignorance of the subject you are fighting for. You highlighted nothing but your fear of failure. I already told you I was aware they are ot a corner shop. I understand their scope and grip, yet I still choice to go ahead because I know M&S supports Israel with approximately $233 million in trade every year as well as their contribution to the IDS. My aim is to a but a dent in it. P.s. Do you know M&S started an ethical marketing drive to counter the negative impact of the boycot camapign? p.s.s.
Originally posted by Gediid: ^^^^U make sh!t up faster than anyone I know.AW DAL kulahaa waar 1986 ayaa AW DAL aabo siyaad sameeyey from carving up waqooyi galbeed.I guess since aad magaca soo sameysey kan ku darso markaas. Abu Aw Dal (Waqooyi galbeed) Qix qax qax. lol MM: Source please.
136 SNM-deserted militia are welcomed to unite with P-land army
Ibtisam replied to QabiilDiid's topic in Politics
^^^What has that got to with anything and how do you know what her/his intentions are. Forget that even if that was his intentions they are wrong and you are wrong too. There is nothing funny or entertaining about this level of stuip*idity. Neither one of you are my buddies. :rolleyes: -
NGonge, it is not all or nothing. The aim is not necessarily to get them bankrupt. The aim is to stop them contributing financial assistant. They will not lose their Muslims customers because most people don't equate underwear and food to politics. So that is your campaign then is it not? once people equate the two and they understand the connection, your job is done, they can either continue buying or they may spend their money elsewhere. But if people fail to make the connection and you don’t tell them, how can you blame them for buying food and underwear? Lastly Ngonge. Don't insult my intelligent, I do not buy M&S subsidiaries or companies they own shares in or with. And I know exactly what I am doing, just because you don't understand or it makes no sense to you, it does not mean it is pointless. :cool: P.s. Everything seems impossible at first!
Xiin, you implied Ibitisam buu daandaan isoga digya haadaa, so don't judge him on this. I'm not impressed :rolleyes:
Blogging - Tell Your Own truths! Refuse to be Edited out of History!
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
The blogging has been used to spread lies, lies and more lies. So people blog to counter those lies...well at least I do. -
Johnny B. No I don't blame the passive Muslims fully, but along with few other factors, I blame passive top dogs (i.e the Muslim insitutions & leaders, parents) who have largely negelected the Muslim youth and allowed the gap, which has allowed extremist to take advantage of young ignorant youths. I blame all the failure of Muslims at the feet of Muslim institutions and leaders. AND I blame the Masses for not fighting for better leaders and better institutions which are capable of providing directions and defending them if need be. So in my view at some stage, it is everyone’s fault.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^wuu is yeel-yeelayyaa Ibtisaam baa loo ammaanay oo uu danleeyahay'e dan iyo heela how u gelin adeer. Xiin, how can you?? I'm so offended. Haad laaga bilabow war baa iino yaal. :mad: