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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^Yad yad ya, indeed waad iska haadeshy, now uskuud
  2. ^^Buuxo, How can you adopt his Tuulo term for Hargisa and Burco Intel, You know I've always liked you better than Zu, you are my favourite aussie dude on SOL so stop lurking about and come on out. LOZ :rolleyes: wad isk haadashey
  3. Several UK newspapers on Sunday and Monday published alarmist stories based upon a new report entitled Islam on Campus by the Centre for Social Cohesion and a YouGov poll also commissioned by the CfSC. The website of the CfSC explains its purpose as trying to generate: "new thinking that can help bring Britain's ethnic and religious communities closer together while strengthening British traditions of openness, tolerance and democracy." The headlines included "A third of Muslim students back killings (Sunday Times), One third of British Muslim students say it's acceptable to kill for Islam" (London Evening Standard) and "Killing for religion is justified, say third of Muslim students" (Sunday Telegraph). Clear enough? Now I have blogged previously on Cif about my misgivings concerning the "findings" of several agenda-driven outfits falsely posing as thinktanks. And this particular case has proved to be no different. A look at the YouGov poll revealed that a far more ambiguous question was actually posed to the Muslim students who took part in the survey. The question was: Is it ever justifiable to kill in the name of religion? The responses were as follows: Yes in order to preserve and promote that religion (4%) Yes but only if that religion is under attack (28%) No it is never justifiable (53%) Not sure (15%) Are the results really that surprising given that "Yes, but only if that religion is under attack" can bear so many different meanings? The director of the Centre for Social Cohesion is an excitable chap called Douglas Murray. He wrote a book a couple of years back called Neoconservatism: Why We Need It. More pertinent to this blog, he has publicly expressed views about Muslims that give us a better idea of what he understands by "social cohesion". In a February 2006 speech entitled What Are We To Do About Islam? delivered at the Pim Fortuyn Memorial Conference in The Hague, Murray asked: "Why is it that time and again the liberal west is crumpling before the violence, intimidation and thuggery of Islam?" Ah, those liberals, eh? So what did Murray propose to do then? "I promised to propose some of the solutions to this problem ..." Oh good, so let's hear your number one option. "All immigration into Europe from Muslim countries must stop." Now we're getting somewhere! Are all black people to be excluded too, or would advocating that position more obviously contravene our racial discrimination laws? Yes, I think it might, so perhaps it is best to stick to Muslims. Anything else you have in mind? "Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board: Europe must look like a less attractive proposition." A prophet! You appear to have anticipated Martin Amis's outburst. And of course it should go without saying that Muslims in Europe who for any reason take part in, plot, assist or condone violence against the west (not just the country they happen to have found sanctuary in, but any country in the west or western troops) must be forcibly deported back to their place of origin. But of course. And what about those Muslims who are born in Europe and have European citizenship but are convicted of terror-related acts, should we treat them like other criminals or can we be a little bit more stern? "Where a person was born in the west, they should be deported to the country of origin of their parent or grandparent." Mr Murray, you appear to have planned for everything! A solution for every eventuality. Almost a final solution one might say! How about those Muslims who are overseas though. Can't we do something about them too? "Abroad we must continue our work at taking the war to the terrorists. We are winning that war, and we should extend that war." Yes, social cohesion, you say. You know I think I understand just exactly what you mean. here Inayat Bunglawala
  4. ^^^Can't you say hello anymore dear? @ Intel Buuxo yeah work...
  5. ^^^Adiga maax Burco iyo Hargisa laag siiya maanta??
  6. Hey Buuxo Iska waaran. I'm drawing thats what's up, adigan?
  7. Yes it is "past time" while they are doing their smelly 9-5
  8. She is alseep. What, are you doing a road call? Sorry did I bore you?? waabaan kaa tegey. Normally I'm enough for most See ya
  9. ^^I was wondering which city you was confusing Hargisa with. I was thinking kaanu weligi Hargisa umu aag maarin! Lool @ not so smart. I don't remember that, how long ago was it?
  10. ^^^Hargeisa weather is very predictable, the UK is not. In the UK, each day you must take with you an umbrella, sun scream, a T-shirt and a jacket, boots and flip flops as well as blanket (in case you want to go to the park if it is sunny)So you are prepared whatever the weather, and the weather man is always wrong, particularly BBC
  11. ^^^You are so nasty!!! I meant she must be working at the shop!!!! You twisted.... shiiid, you better edit that if you want her to ever talk to you again! It is called UK weather. No it is cold.
  12. ^^^It is raining like MAD right now. I doubt anyone is on the streets! sunny day you must be kidding, it is crazy. I'd sit here and watch from the window Thanks, but I study any time and day, there are no rules. <<nerd Ms DD has customers haada, she'll be back, your fault, she run away from you!
  13. ^^Loool you fool! Now as in since I last saw you on troll corner and you was moaning and crying due to lack of sleep. I'm studying [or I should be] WHY what exciting plans do you have?
  14. Xaaraan buu kuu naaxey like that, I hope the poor iney caawrii him, whoever he is. It is not fair they starve because of the people he supports, while they reach obesity.
  15. ^^What do I care what you think?? :rolleyes: jack********** you ************ if *******, ***** and ******* Anyway why don't you, you, him, and co ****** so that the rest of the people can ****** you ***** :mad: it is the truth and I refuse to take it back! :cool:
  16. ^^Sorry yes, where did you creep in from, I thought it was quality time for me and Ms DD. How are you and are you sleeping now?? P.s.s You.. SHy?? Hahah llool, don't make me laugh! The things you've said since 2002!! :eek:
  17. ^^^Well your name is not erm Ahm* as innocent as some of the other things he comments on. I mean he is only a man after all, and your name is suggestive ducks I don't why you can't stop crying. Maybe you are just hormonal or something. Or you are sad unconsciously. :confused:
  18. ^^flowing as in crying?? Hello
  19. *I can't wake up* Been at uni for 2hrs, I've done jack shiiid...
  20. you remind me of this comedian, who said in abu dubai, people commit fornication, gamble, drink, but when you bring them pork, they tell you it's haraam So the TFG happy clappers want to know "Somaaliyay maxaa idiin talo ah" after the fu*cked a whole country up, turned it upside down. Ciil iyo caado weyena, yaa idiin waad gogoya, that is the first talo.
  21. Firstly you said The event was very productive. There was a group of consultants from DFID (Dept. of International Development) looking to consult British Somalis on aid to Somalia. So many active and successful Somali people there. Mashallah. And I kicked myself for missing out and then you said To be honest the event went on for much longer than it should have. some retards kept asking the same questions over and over again. It was really boring. I almost fell asleep. I wasnt paying attention to DFID stance on somali politics? they support the TFG? Lool so I did not miss much then. So rude of you not to listen. Yes DFID is government funded and aligned with the British foreign office. In the last few years they have been supporting and trying to legitimise the TFG and their bogus government institutions. I thought maybe they finally realised they were wasting their money and asking for a new direction, I was told that was the purpose of the focus group when I was invited.
  22. ^^^I don't believe that, I will see what she has to say about that. Had you told me she threw her flip flops at you I might have believed you but I cannot imagine that women being nice to you of all people! So is DFID going to change focus and not support TFG anymore or were they just collecting different viewpoints?
  23. ^^^No way??? :eek: How was the event??
  24. ^^^FB is not working for me today. Won't let me log on. :confused: I'll check 2morrow inshallah.
  25. ^^^Hey *waves* How are you? Geel_Jire I don't have any freedom and I have many responsibility. I think females students are different. Judging from Ngonge post on his student life, you guys need to check out the student life now because it is not like how it was in the 1990s. We work hard and have tons of responsibilities to balance together.