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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Well I do like you, I think you are a nice confused child. I just want you to write more than two lines. Then I'll get bored with you. aah what the hell, I'm already bored. I'm out people. Salamah
  2. unknown1 keep trying, you might get to more than one line. CL maaxaad laa qoosli?
  3. I deleted them, why would you think I would keep your online PMm's. along the lines of Hello Ibti, why don't you like me and then another PM Do you like me and then another Why do I annoy you Shiid you are clogging my inbox, the real deals aint getting past! Now can you try to write more than one line please.
  4. ^^^Double crossed Over and Over. Ever watch the film Mother and daughter (I think) Where the mother goes and marries rich guys, then the daughter comes and seduces them, the mother works in, catches them and demands a divorce??? Well this the Somali version, daughter and father of two unrelated people (Ngonge &ME) I sell empty boxes to the highest bidders.
  5. ^^^In which case waaxab male laama tihiid. Iska joog
  6. ^^^^Yad yad ya Sheek waax teehey haada!
  7. Ibt I've already been sold long time. If I tell you truth. Ngonge just conned Jb and will be sharing the profit with me. JB will soon realise he got an empty box
  8. ^^^Then was was your trying to chat me up in PM, are you a lesbian?? :eek: good thing I did not respond, what ever the case, and don't even think about deny it, I still have the PMs CL, Hello, how are you?? Yeah I can see what you are saying. I agree. I wanted to add something else, but too tired to think of what now, will do it 2morrow inshallah. The guys, if I can call them that :rolleyes: waste of space.
  9. I think Sayid is having another dream. ^^^^ Look wuuxu qoorey. Dream typing maybe loool
  10. SO How did the event go?? did the girls represent, did the cat drag in few brothers? Feedback please.
  11. What is stoic so angry, and what on earth happened to Sayiid, Sounds like he has gone a mad :confused: The girls leave for two days, and half the boys go mad.
  12. Hello everyone, why do I still see male posters :mad: Malika hello, I'm here.
  13. Okay @ Afro girl. I was just checking. I just never saw this side of you dee, Normal I see adgio dadk faarah indha kaa geeliniyi! I'm off for Maghrib and then do some work. Bye people and have a good evening.
  14. ^^AFro you are normal rude to me, why are you being nice to me caawa?? Maaxad iga raabta?? ruunta ii sheek please. @Xiin
  15. Xiin. I made similar request before, so I'm glade it is gone. Edited as requested.
  16. Xiin Afro baan kaa goonya. The other day, four guys were tag teaming on me, they nearly played football with me, kicking me from every corner. I was so happy to see Afro Walk in, I thought she would ask all to be fair and leave innant alone, instead she joined them with her own well placed kicks, because she was bored and needed entertainment. So in my own moment of boredom, I am finding it hard to resist Hey Afro today I got worked like a slave Now I'm too tired to do any work. lol Ibti were drunk :confused: I only drink on weekends
  17. **Edited* For Xiin; Hello everyone. How was your day??
  18. ^^^HAHAHA, that is the only thing that bothered you, miis you could not get past that line! :eek: Originally posted by NGONGE: You wasted ten years thinking up this nonsense? Forget Somalia, it sounds like it's you who needs help here. LoL @ Ngonge. Guys let the guy dream, even people's dreams baa idinka baaxsan laa haad! Sayid: I cannot argue for or against a dream, after all dee waa just a dream. But if you are going to dream, why limit yourself, You should hear my dreams, they are as big as the world and everything in it united under Islam, with all criminal locked up in the biggest world prison (I'm not thinking Palestine) We’ll make the whole of Russian into the state of Art prison to accommodate them. Let them all kill each other and live there caved in their big country of criminals. The rest of us will have the rest of the world, peaceful, nice. Now that is a dream
  19. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Nepthys, he doesn't care about your anger. he has 86 like you who enjoy the ride. What makes you think they're like me? or better yet I enjoy the ride??? Sidii Ibtisam kuma dhahaayo "aaddaaab laamugaa bariin atheega. nin weeeno baa tahyaa xisoood :rolleyes: [ ] Loooooooooooooooooooooool Nepthy HAHAHA hehe loool haha. Thanks for the laugh! Loooool And I'm not that bad! It sounded like qof carab laa! Wlc Bck* I was going to send you baffin, xaagad kaa dacadey? Good to see you around with your mad self.!
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I must have missed your witty enterence to the site. Nice meeting you. (You're not a student by any chance, are you?) Loool On topic: Loool You guys are all mad.
  21. Looks like we had Arabic and Sawahil take over in troll corner today. I felt un-welcome to post there for the first time since I joined the trolling community
  22. Since I was diagnosised with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), I can’t concentrate for long periods and need to be constantly entertained. Now it all makes perfect sense. Now why did I not think of that before :confused: Mr. Gello. Give it some time, as North said stand your ground, but be professional. Try be nice to him to get him off your back and do your job well, there is nothing he can say if you are doing what your are suppose to be doing. Lastly you are there not to be abused or shouted at, next time he shouts at you, tell him you don't get paid enough to be abused or shouted at and if he has aproblem or you are not doing your job as you are meant to, he can express it without shouting at you. This is not school and you are not a child, nor is he your parent.
  23. WHY oh WHY do I see men in this thread. Can they not read? Can they not listen. What is wrong with them. Don't they understand, WE NEED SPACE. Why are they always near our feet and in our face. Give us some space, we might miss you...in 100yrs or sooooooooooooo. :mad: :mad: Any guy who posts after me now is going to be known as *****, weliba gay aah Loool @ Cara. It is about time your plan starts to work. Val, I'm alhumdulilah goodish, mostly. Malika; Loool, you can learn interesting things from the old man. Has anyone been following the debate on drunk rape victims?? Should they get less compensation because they put themselves in danger by being too drunk?? I know the organisation apologised for making the decision, but what do you think?
  24. ^^Val how are you? And how is your Holiday coming along??