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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^Loool^ @ siday geel ka dhacen. BG I'm offended! seriously, aah never mind eh.
^^^No way??? you could've said hello. That is so rude!
^^^I can explain it by the lack of fathers, they are bad role models who waste all their time chewing and come home when the kids are leaving for school. Don't contribute to the child's upbringing and discipline and to top it all off, does not approve of birth control and wants a child every year. There have been many cases where a father does not know the names of his kids, but there is yet to be a mother who does not remember her kid’s name. Other factors such as society, poverty, lack of opportunities and popular youth culture can also be used to explain dysfunctional families.
^^You must remember what it felt like to be young and confused BG. I mean I doubt we were ever as bad as these ones, but ahaam* I'm hoping they improve soon.
^^No, you use to write more than a few lines to sugar-coat what ever point you was making. Haada you just write one raw line!
^^^Recently you are getting a new attitude. I like it, it is in your face and to the point. Blessed Lool
^^^Not true, don't speak for everyone. :rolleyes:
^^Sorry It should said big TEAM, yet never reach far. When they were coming out, it looked like half of Canada was sent
^^^Loool^^ Saqajaanimo eh Richard Burton yaa waax kaa degista? Wait till you read what he thinks of the guys
Canada has such big time, but yet...:confused, nevermind. We are on 17 Medals! by monday we should be on 25!
Africa: Wlc to talking about its somali club. :rolleyes: Haaben baad socota. That line waa lagag hoorey walaal. Pucca: IT should be Ramadan everyday for these people :eek:
Come guys Waa Ramadan. shiid :mad: Can you stop picking women body parts like it is a local meat shop! :mad:
^^^^lol. Africa; never mind.
^^So you hate somali women. Ok. Maaxad like garaysa?
^^^I thought every guy did that, some are just better at hiding it then others :rolleyes:
^^^Looooooooooooool^ Haha haha Africa is just hating on the thought that others may take over. Africa I'm suprised you call these people "Friends" while they insult your sisters. Are they saying Somali girs are too ugly and bad personalities for them?? I say drop them!
AfricaOwn, lol waad iska haadeshey. Anaga naa weyedi. If only somali girls were not so loyal to their skinny's you guys will be forced to consider the Asians iyo other Africans. JB ciyaal baad soo nooqons by the day ninyaho. Sometimes your child side takes over!
CC; wlc back and good to see you around. I will try and finish the Quran. Stop wasting time and change my life style inshallah.
Cabdiyo did you have one of those times you wish the ground will open up and take you in I feel for you sister.
^^^Loool @ dhubab and Pucca. Africa: Me dear, you could be 50 year old, ugly, manly old rag for all they care, if they think you are female.... Did you not read the article? the women said even female dogs would be a target! All guys take interest in Somali women :rolleyes: Syrians even have a saying about marrying somali women.
A Somali offering advise on how other heads of state should behave or say. Oh dear me. We need to focus on our own shiid and stop worrying about everyone else.
what is wrong with good old tigisi?
hahaaha someone told me. but when i saw them they like saying nigga **** and so on. then i said something and then throwing stones at me and chasing me. they were cats , im the mouse. ^^^^*Oh my god you wrote two lines! * Woooho 12.26pm, sunday 17th august 2008! I will get you to write three lines soon!
She Waad isla baaxdey illen! Go gaga over me kuulaah. You did not really think....Oh you did? That is so sweet In any case you was asking about Ramadan! clear your mind lady. Deliver? No dear, that is called restaurants, not families and certainly not mine. They don't leave me any food if I don't get home in time [they leave some for my brothers though! :mad: ] let alone deliver! Urban that is nasty!
^^And you did nothing :rolleyes: Cabidyo: Do you really want them to do that?? I get the urge to throw whatever I have in my hand. Waan ceey in English, Somali and Arabic and spat in their direction. Say Salam, you must be kidding! Creepy, preverted bast@rds.