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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^Lool, bloody losers, they think black men have time to put on suit and go and sit and smoke...in London. lol
  2. I know why Aaliyah did not like him. The guy had some crazy views about displacing people from LA. I mean what was all that about.
  3. Serenity, I bitterly denounce some of his ideas, methods and approach, but I can at times look pass them to see the little good ideas, hidden behind.
  4. Lily, It is coming along, but I am having doubts about Islamic relief. There overhead costs is huge, cutting into the donation intended for the orphans! I am thinking it might be better to go through a small Somali developmental organization, like the African Development trust instead, but then I’m scared people might bring politics and clan shiid into it. I’ve so far booked the hall, speakers, henna lady, make-up artist, one abayah stool, trying to find a hijab and book stool. Also need to speak to Ms DD about having her own stool of merchandise I’A. Leaflets are done, just waiting to see if I can find a Somali organization within the weekend. If you know any good, registered, no political/ clan ones, send on please. Next Eid inshallah
  5. Oz, I think this is becoming an obsession for you. I like the brother more than most because he at least tries to do SOMETHING. I posted this because he is banned and cannot do it himself. If you want to make something out of it, or you want to insult him, or discredit him, take the piss out of his shades etc, come out and do it honestly and directly. Don’t hide behind innuendoes about my motives. You need to let it go. :cool:
  6. ^^Pucca Eid Mubarak my dear, how are you?? how was EId??
  7. ^^^Why do I have to request it?? If you miss him, you make your own request. Stop hiding behind me.
  8. ^^I don’t understand how you Africans, can talk as if you are NOT Africans?? :confused: YOU are not helping by pushing these stories and painting or rather adding on flavors. And yes I agree, high profile Africans such as Zuma have been most harmful in most cases, but that should not legitimize these damn stories and the myth that such behavior is wide spread in Africa. He is an ido*it, and it is not funny, so stop laughing!
  9. ^^Erm why else do you think I posted this, instead of him?? :confused: He talks too much, without checking in whose house he is in, that is what he did I hear.
  10. Aanaga family affair soo daax galin. Fine :rolleyes:
  11. Lily & Ms DD, mine was a true nightmare, but nevermind, alhumdulilah. Ms DD shame about the choco wrap. *I am trying really hard to imagine Sheh in a abayah, living in Dubai. Ms DD expect a terrorising call soon I'A.
  12. ^^WHY would I not get it?? I want to see...............
  13. I have heard of a town on the outskirts of Mogadishu famous for these extra curriclum of the Africans.. You know I heard similar thing in Burco, that there is a Siixir school. :eek: where you go and learn. Ibti,We need to take you to Africa,for you to see first hand the savagery that occurs there 'sometimes'.. I think the key word is Sometimes These incidents are by no means representative of Africans or an indication of their behaviour. Yes, there are myths about sex with children and virgins curing sexual disease, and it is this education I am talking about, You speak of schools, but who and what do they learn in these schools. South Africa has a robust education system, yet their approach and stance on AIDs killed millions and sustained these myths. Empty buildings and political motivated education won’t help. The reality Malika is that, things such as these happen in Africa, but if [as the media does] it is highlighted and exemplified, it becomes the essence of what Africa is, synonyms with African identity. That is the problem, I have read the literature, seen the movies and reports, but I am not denying these things happen. I am saying these practices and worse ones happen in the world, but in Africa’s case, they have come to represent Africa. In your first post interestingly enough you mention modern and technological advancement. Just the other day on the newspaper I was reading about the 5schoold kids (16-19) who are on trail for eating 6 fellow students, because they believe Shidan told them to. And no it was not in Africa, it was in Russia, progressive, super-power, technological advanced Russia. So maybe modernization or technological advance is not even the cure. Social ills, child abuse etc is a factor in each society, it is a shame people see it as a manifestation of being African, it happens everywhere, and don't even get me started on places like Asia. It is a myth that it happens in Africa, more than other places, no sir. It is just reported more widely in Africa's case.
  14. ^^WHY PM, we want to see it too! Dirac and this weather, oh lord.
  15. It depends on what he does and what I do; My cousin just gave up working after her second child. She is a specialized neurological nurse, he is a bus driver. She gets paid 45% more than him in a month, it makes no sense to me for her to quit. :confused: I am waiting to see how they will live on standard minimum wage with 2kids, particularly as she has never been poor or watched what she spends.
  16. Looool @ You think too much. Lol. I never knew that was a crime. Lool @ north and viewing preference. Horta how does lowering your gaze work with TV/ pictures? I wonder how much sin you guys will get for that.
  17. ^^^How is the family?? Ngonge; You want people to think you are pretty?? :confused: Pretty dudes are *hmmm how do I say this, they are like London, while the rest of the guys are Africa*.
  18. Malika and Ngonge and co. Ignorance is everywhere and knows no colour or region. Any human being who is deprived of knowledge and progression will inevitable end up going backwards or/and engaging in things which are not acceptable in the modern world. As for cults and witchcraft and crazy ritualise, they are present in the majority of third world countries. The media just focuses on Africa to promote and sustain the savagery status.
  19. Ibti, coming back to your 'Somali' ... someone once said to me that I should read it out loud, and then pretend its a deaf person speaking... and only then can I make sense of it. *evil chuckle*. I think you are quoting yourself there, which I am sure is not credible. But I do remember Ngonge saying I have an online lisp, but I think he was just trying to be funny…and impress you a little Like Ngonge and you can comment on anyone’s Somali. Please. Now can you stop hijacking this thread.
  20. ^^^Why not a weather guy?? They do have those you know
  21. I'm dressed with the same number of layers I was wearing last Dec/Jan. So yes north it is that cold.
  22. ^^^This country sucks, at this rate I'm going back to look and stay with that Hargisa airport geel jire.
  23. Oh Lord it is coooooooooooooooooooold. shiid. And this ****** flu is not leaving me alone. :mad: Other than that, morning and Salam people.
  24. ^^^Anyone who can read Somali WELL, can also read my "Somali". Well if it is so maala yacni, stop posting on it more than you've posted on SOL all year.
  25. ^^I did not take you as a promoter of maalayacin, beeri buu aag marey kinda talk either. :rolleyes: I'm sure when you get home, you will run to your computer to see. Lool @ lookin at himself and listening to his own voice. lol