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Everything posted by Ibtisam
Ngonge, sounds like you are going to have to bail me out via Dahabshill too Nuune, I should've done that, I was thinking about crying and acting hysterical, but I thought people might think Hijaabs are nuts, they cry and freak out over bank cards, bless them they don’t know the system yet
^^Your List is Somaliland bias. Ayoub, JB, North, Ngonge, Oodeweyne [hardcore Landers] Then you have Malika, Rudy and Xajji Xanduuf, who have a tendency to lean that way. The rest of Somalia is left with 5/6 representatives. P.s. I did not count Nuune iyou Nur because they are everywhere and nowhere. P.s.s. Please appoint my replacement Adam.
^^^For what and where? Sounds fine to me. Faheema LOL, your too fast, just get it sorted will ya LOl Lily I'm not sure about skiing, but I love iceskating.
^^^Everything is chip and pin, these days, unless he does one of those online transactions. In anyway case, I already told them I don't have my card, so if anything happens I aint paying!
Ms DD :mad: Haa iila haadlin, ciil iyo caad wyena. Sayid, not everyone is like you, they don't all want to jump my bones. :rolleyes: So yes I gave him my number and he did say he would call once the branch closes. Salam AAliyah, it takes 10 working days to get a new card!
Dear A&T First of all congratulation, I hope you will be successful in your position and will treat everyone equally and justicely. I would hereby like to withdraw from my current position of Difaaca iyo Weerarka. While I thank you for your appointment, due to several reasons I cannot participate. Firstly, a major shortcoming of mine, is my inability to follow order, answer to a high authority than mine or carry out missions I do not agree with. For this reason I fear if you give me this position, when we come to headlock and disagree, I will endanger your position and over throw you using the resources intended for defense and attack of outsider. In addition, as you are building a semi democratic government, you should appointment someone who is open to being fired, hired and moved around for the benefit of your government. Secondly, I would like to work independently of the government in interest and issue groups. Should we agree on something together, the government is welcome to work and help me with it, should they not, I will lobby, annoy and fight that cause. I will be the check and balance to test your resilience, patients, freedom allowed and ability for you and your government to compromise on issues of public interest. Lastly I would recommend that you appoint Adam Zaylac Mohammed for this position. I firmly believe he will be an assert to your government in strategy, education and character, Once again I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best. My only advise is; be nice to the maskeen, kind to orphans, helpful to the poor, educate the ignorant, don’t be a dictator, don’t misplace and misuse resources, don’t be an oppressor, and know when you have to let go of power, use power but don’t let it consume you and take over. I will be patiently watching Kind regards Lady Ibtisam.
I hate HATE HATE the damn bank!!!! Errrg. :mad: I was speaking to someone on the phone :mad: and using the cash point, I absent mindedly walked away with out retrieving my card from the machine. A little man run after me to tell me, I went back to the machine, The machine must have taken it back when it timed out [or the guy who was telling i left it took it] I went inside the branch and wait 30mins!!! :mad: for someone to see me, the line was sooooooooo long and workers so slooooooooow. The *S***** man went around in circles, quizzed me like I was an alian, and the said "if your story checks out, we will call you to come and collect your card" :confused: say WHAt? I said what do you mean "checks" out?? He said "well this is what you are telling me, I have to see what the machine is saying, maybe it took your card for another reason" LOl I wanted to struggle him. I said "look, I need my card yeah, when you finish speaking to the machine and it confirms my story, call me so I can come and get my card.
++Faheema I will come with you and so would Nehand, can you find more info and book for us??? Petty please. Not the in door one! Sheh I am jumping ship to Faheema if she can pull his off. Go Faheema GO Go-Karting we can go any day, but I'm planning on become a fat little old lady, so I have to do all the exciting things or weight restricted things now dee
^^^Waar kaa daa, haa uu saadin! So what will happen after the capture all the land. I wonder if they have a plan?? Or will they just start fighting again?? Who is the head leader of Al shabab? I mean do they have a political structure that can function as a state. With out a plan, it will all fall down on its own. They need to place a structure and someone sort of order in each town before they move on. It will make life easier for them and the people. Wonder how Sharif fits into all this? Will they spare him? Let him and Co into the equation with their two faced peace talk campaign. There sure are some interesting developments, but Al shabab has lost a lot of creditability, and are so isolated, with so many enemies how will they survive let alone govern?
@Faheema You know look more innocent, no one is going to believe that a women who does not want a man looking at her beauty will ask a boy to treat her like a sex slave or have an affair, while she is MARRIED. I mean hajjibs are far too oppressed for that, they don't even speak engris most of the time. Or maybe she wants them to think, Aaah she is integrated hijaab, looks different, but dirty like us, at least she is not afraid of her husband. OR MAYBE this accusations and trail and testing times, have reminded her of her lord and she is sincerely trying to draw closer to her lord, in obeying his commands maybe he will make this all easy on her and let the truth prevail. Worship and obedience to your lord is a such private thing, we can never know the intention behind it, I believe it is the last option. The rest of you stop being cynical. Sometimes it takes a lot to make you conscious of you deen and practice, it could be death, stress, experience, drama and hardship. She is clearly going through some taught times, uu duceya.
NOW I would love to go bungee jumping, or sky diving. It would be so wonderful. But something told me, these girls are scared of hights
^^^Faheema You hide a baby very well last weekend, bisinka Good Luck, hope you get the NEWS! Can you imagine a name named NGONGE. I've been thinking of baby names this week. Can't find any good ones. P.s. No I am not having a baby, It is for a friend
Aint you two a bit judgmental. Leave her be. I don't think she did, there are plenty of over 16yr olds who would be more than happy to give her a hand, hijaab and all. Maybe it was her jinn. P.s. She is a Muslimah, give her the benefit of doubt till we know her guilt. Adultery is a very serious crime in Islam. P.s.s. I wonder if her husband is sticking by her? IF he is Arab or PAkistan she will be dead before trail date, guilty or not!
I found that if you ignore or decline a friend request the other person knows about it...then it just gets awkward... WHAT???? :mad: No way Oh shiid. I've been ignoring two people consistently for so long. One of them has sent me 12 requests, and the other 5 :eek: Idil how do they know?? LOOL @ creative stories to make new friends. LOOOL Morning all
^^^LOOOL @ like the kid with the camera. I think some people take this whole telling the authority a bit far. Someone felt the need to inform the police that the imam at the local mosque was a terrorist because he was collecting money for somalis affected by the war. They also felt the need tot he tell police that he[the imam] had another wife in Somalia (which is not true oddly enough) This resulted in the imam's family house being raided by armed officers, his family traumatized and him sitting in a jail cell for the last three months now, while they find information from Somalia :confused: By extension the lessons at the mosques have also closed and others are too scared to teach the community for fear of also being shifted. Now protocol tell me how one is distinguish as a terrorist, how do you define a terrorist? Is it someone who supports a different fraction to you in Somalia? There has been misuse of this practice with people literally just reporting people they dislike or whose life they want to ruin, out of jealous and envy. Unless someone says to me, hey Ibti, this bomb is going off in few hrs there, I aint report no one based on their views or who they support. No sir. Ruining some ones life by labeling them as terrorist is a serious crime, and you better have solid proof that they are intending to harm people. P.s. Although on second though, maybe we should report Abdulilah Yusuf and his MPs next time they are here.
^BUt but but you are with Ngonge, you can't be thinking of me. I mean really :rolleyes:
^^She is mad she missed the opportunity to come through thr window and spend a few hrs cooking with you
'Every Moment Is An Opportunity For Those Who Are Ready To Seize It'
Ibtisam replied to Queen Arawello's topic in General
^^^HAye, ASPIRE to be like you baad tidi, First answer my question and exclude me from your list waa bilaa sweetness eh! Yaan cuunah kuu digin LOL P.s. Don't believe in any rumours. -
'Every Moment Is An Opportunity For Those Who Are Ready To Seize It'
Ibtisam replied to Queen Arawello's topic in General
Yad wankers ku sheegi?? I’m going to do a mini campaign against you to make sure no one ever responds to one of your threads, unless you specify who you meant and if I am on that list :mad: LOOOOOOOOOOL @ NO where as bad as JB iyo Sayid! LOL -
^^As Allah is my protector. There shall be no visits. Humans ka ba qaar baa iska jiin aah you know P.s. I assume since it is not voluntary and by the sound of it beyond my control I would not get any sins for it. I might just have to enjoy the ride I can't believe I said that!!!
abu-sunnah Says: March 22, 2008 at 2:55 pm jinn are real …i was visited nightly by female jinn and the jinn had relationship with me while i was sleep, i was in a coma type sleep but fully aware of what was happening, i communicated with her and had conversations through my mind.she said she was my wife and i think she wanted kids by me.. she used to wake me up for salat.. sometimes i awaken and she lay on top of me,i did not actual see her but i felt her by feeling her while i was awaking she had a overwhelming beautiful figure and long hair.it became a headache after a while because i worked a lot and could not get any sleep because of this jinn wanting to lay with me and have sex and kiss me all night.i was not scared because i only fear Allah and i think thats what attracted her to me.i belive i cross over to the orther side some how with Allah permission she was a good jinn i never had any problems with her. but i did recite sura 2 -255 when i did not want to be bothered..i guess i scared her away by telling her to fear Allah i knew how to get rid of her when i wanted…to sum it all up i did have relationship with her on several ocassions with my cloths on and i did feel her with my soul on certain ocassions and i could communicate with her through my mind.. i got scared and i stop because i was getting super powers hearing through buildings people talking on one incident the female jinn said she wanted to control my mind .. i told her she,ll have a better chance escaping out of hell because that will never happen.she knew i was running the show . i have a lot more incounters if you interested let me know..i hope im not half jinn half human because im strong 38 look 20 and people see me and cross the orther street because of the light of Allah on my face..i belived if i wanted to i can control the jinn with Allah permission because of my good deeds and no major sins… confused.com this guy from NGonges source. I mean WHAT? my mouth was dry and she poured water in my souls mouth from the orther side due to the heat from her which caused my body to loose fluids.i communicated with her through my mind and reminder her About Allah , i was able to grab hold of her with my soul this is strange , and she salam me and i salam her as she departed. so now im seeing that the soul can communicate and the soul can move about when its commanded by ALLAH permission , i never really got up and walked or tralved , just grabbing and talking , my next faZe is to wander about and open my eyes what i exsperience will be shocking i may add i woke up and drunk a whole carton of orange juice boy i was dehidrated. I think he is just having dreams.
^^^I'm not scared Oz, I just don't see the point speculating, because I'll take it to extremes, I mean since there are human-Jiin relations, do they use the internet too?? Can they read what we write?? I mean where does one stop speculating. Do they share our light and electricity? Do they get cold? Allahu Acalum, we've been told so little and there is so much more to it. I guess we'll never know till we die.
I think I had my dose of shidan and Jiin talk for the day
^^^So how do you explain all these people claiming to see Jiins and go for a hump. Me thinks a lot of Somali men have babies with Shidans. Malika, that is normal, I've seen this even in London, in fact one of my relative a human guy who is now married with kids baa kaa haadla, he asked her to marry him about 7yrs ago and she laughed at him and told him you must be joking. Now everytime she gets a proposal she passes out and he speaks and says "If I could not have you, no one will, I will either kill you or prevent it happening". Worse thing is he is now married with kids. :eek: I don't think he is even aware inna gaaley miskeenta. Humans, Shidan baa daad kaa kale or ka haadla. I have yet to see qof Jiin kaley.