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Everything posted by Ibtisam
Faheema, I only paid the deposit of £50 per/person. We can pay the rest on the day I'A, so don't worry. Sheh is on holiday (no idea where) I think she is back on sunday.
^^^Kiis baa luugu heesta, kaa sii faakaar how you are going to defend yourself ya Ngonge.
^^I don't like the notion of girls being passed around your family. :rolleyes: P.s. Did I tell you xaal baa laguu heesta, but good luck to Justice. :cool:
Okay I booked the 13th girls. I asked for good looking instructors, waiting for the reply and confirmation. Now can you plan how we getting there. I booked for Faheema, Sheh, Nehand and Me. Did I forget anyone?
^^Classic LOOL Ngonge, could you know get ride of Val, Serenity, Lily, Ms DD, Malika, Bil-Kiss, Justice, Aaliya, and the new kid on the block Amina. One a day, I will help you
^^LOOOL That is just rude! :eek: Lool. I don't like people talking to me if I don't know them. Malika, I hope not, and if I do give me a good hiding
So much effort creating a accidentally meeting, which could back fire. Too much effort for a guy. Nuune as I read that I though he was going to offer to take her to a sperm clinic, so she can do her part for the people without hijacking his life.
^^You know I can, but it would be a waste of time, not to mention it would drive Hayat up the wall and she will attack me.
I'd rather you spoke of the sex shop than your underwears. One is not personal, it is a shop/s on the high street for all to see, the other well... you get me I don't understand you P.s. ? yaa?
^^LOOOL, I like them adds, particularly the one with Geel. Nuune, They have since been cleared, and they got all their asserts back, even kept their name for a while and tried to get lost money for customers back. Then they must have re focused the business as Qaraan. It is less of a Xawaal compared to al Baraket and more on property and investment now. Just those two years set them back a bit, and obviously the market gap they left after they closed was filled by others.
What do you mean approach?? Do you mean like what guys do; I can imagine; you find a farah sitting at a bus stop, on a on busy train or on his way home from the masjiid or just walking along the street. [Xalimo] Salam Wr Wb [farah] W salam [X] Haye, do you live here [F] Looking slightly uncomfortable; erm yes, ..no I'm just trying to get home. [X] I'll walk with you, I saw you from across the road, and I though that brother is so fine mashallah I have to say hello. Are you single walalo? [not waiting for a responses] Why don't you give me your number and we'll get to know each other. [F] :eek: In his head, What The... just happened?
I don't get the big deal here :confused: Different people, different strokes. *Hayat* If you find that you are easily influenced in a negative way, regardless of whether it is language, action or any other way, make your views/concerns known to your friends and if this does not deter them, then distance yourself from them and make new friends, if it is that much of a big deal for you. Also the text you sent to your friend as a reply is far too long for a text, it is a bloody essay. You might want to just call people, rather than text[ing] them. It will save you time and maybe even time. I personally do not have a problem with how people express themselves or communicate with me, as long as I understand them. Therefore I think it is one thing to say you do not like it and will not use it, it is another to try and police grown people. Someone who can write/speak in both slang and standard [any language] is not a retard or degenerate, in fact they are skilled and open minded enough to learn something outside of their own comfort zone. I would go as far as saying it is a transferrable skill which could be useful in many aspects of ones life, particularly if they work with youngsters, have kids, young relatives. If nothing else, it alleviates the isolation young people feel and closes the generation gap between parents and their children [or between the elder and the youngsters]
LOOOL Ngonge, no he was not shorter than her, but he WAs shorter than me Faheema, I'm sad you even tried to deny my duumaashi. Nuune, every baby is nuune noh
Ngonge; Why would I say Mabrook on her. I was at the nikaax. I met him too, nice guy. P.s. You guys are a bit late
All Dahabshill offices in the United states are closing soon. Do you know that? Suuqa madow ayay ku shaqeeyaan hada, yacni bangiyadii waa laga wada xidhay. Karma is a b*tch, Barakaad tay ku sameeyeen ayaa iyaga dib ugu soo noqotay. Xidigo, Acuudbilaah, I've never seen someone so bitter and twisted on things that have very little if no link at all. Don't let your own hate adgia dib kuu soo noqon baal. Unless you want to justify your allegations with regards to Dahabshiils involvement on Barakets misfortunes and subsequent closure, You should stop repeating the same rubbish. This is the 3rd thread I've seen you make similar comments. It seems you are finding it difficult to understand the rule of the market and opportunities. It is demand and supply my dear, and huge market gap, which they filled. Oh and they are not closing down in the US, in fact they've just opened in two new cities. So keep on wishing.
LOOOL, I though Ngonge has found a clever way of boasting about SL ooh duusheey (again) In the general section without it being removed to the Politics section. Congrats JB LOOL @ North, about 50% I would say.
Ngonge bored at work miya?? Angia shaaqo haa iga diigin. THAT so called women went home at 4.00pm. So she came in at 12.30pm, went for lunch at 2pm, came back at 3pm, and then left to go home at 4pm. I don't think she was sitting down long enough to do any work at any one point. If I had sacked, which I did not, it would've been well within any sane persons morals. As for the Salan. Sorry. Asalaum Alikum Wr Wb
Is there a Dahabshill in Holland? anyone? Edit; Okay they don't have any offices. So my next question; What Xawaals are operating in Holland, with offices in Hargisa?
Hello Ibti .. how is it going ? ladies i meant that as a joke .... I'm scared that you actually think like that. for the record Aaliyah a second marriage is not and never has been grounds for divorce from wife numero uno .. a man is within his rights to marry #2, #3, and #4. Prove it from ISlam. A second marriage is and HAS been grounds for divorce. If one can divorce her husband for being short or ugly, your better believe she can divorce him for marrying a second time. No women is obligated to stay married under terms she is not satisfied with. Islamic marriage is not the prison you all make it out to be. Once he reach his decision to marry and he does so, she has to make her own decision to whether to walk away or try to cope. We've had this discussion before and I told you the deen is not what YOU want it to be . I'm good huuno, and urself?
I don't understand this whole credit thing and make feel better or good about doing the basic. Soon we have to baby talk grown people and tell them "well done, I am proud you have a job, or you woke up or you can cook your own food" Where does it stop. It is a shitty world when people have to be proud of people for doing the basic in life. Kids lost in the street are not always the product of broken failies with no financial means, maybe in some cultures, but the somali extended family has always been an effective way of dealing with street kids.
^^Hello GJ. It is. No one should stay in an unhappy marriage regardless of the reason. AAliyah, I do know that there are many "fathers" who do not support their kids, but that does not mean it becomes acceptable behaviour. If someone is going to have kids, they are required to look after them and provide for them. They are not Good for doing this, nor do they deserve congratulations for doing the expected minimum requirement, in this case financial support. By the way I was talking to JB’s comment, I did not even see what you said or did not.
^^Why is that "GOOD" It is his bloody kids, who else is going to send them money and support them. You want him to be considered a "good" guy for feeding his damn kids. :rolleyes:
^^What an a*ss. I think she's alreayd taken more than enough out of that one. 8kids, waaxbaa iisugma haadin.