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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Protocol Walaa yaa ku heesta. :confused: I am happy Bossaso is safe (even safer than Hargeisa as you say). Kudus to the people of Bossaso. P.s. You noticed I said the people of SL are doing fine, I never said anything about Hargisa. I don't think the whole of SL can be compared to Bossaso, (not even close to same scale) that said Puntiland is also fairly safe for its people. Not sure about others. Easy on the paranoia. Miis when you see the letters SL, you feel the need to throw something into the mix too
  2. ^^Oh SLand. Well they seem to be doing ok, so I would not worry too much about including them in anything at this stage. Even without a "king" they have somehow managed to get their shiid together long enough to provide peaceful conditions for the people who live there. Therefore they don't have problems (well not as big as the south anyway).
  3. ^^^There is an IKIng in somalia, that does not come under D or H?? Aaah I must go back and check the clan map. I always though everyone in Somalia came under those two big clans. How small are they? In anycase those two are the major players, I think if they find a common ground and power sharing agreement there will be peace in Somalia.
  4. SO What is THIS king going to do? what is his role? And how is he going to hold the WHOLE of D block together? :confused: Does he have any power or capability to speak for his whole clan. If he is an effective leader that people follow, with better caqal than Yey, it may in the long run make it easier to negotiate with D block. Maybe H town need to also find a King, and then the two kings can find away out of this mess. (I'm just dreaming here I guess, aah well, never mind)
  5. ^^Why so?? If nothing else, they could learn about political participation in the UK and how they could make life a little more comfortable for themselves here in the UK. I do agree that it is a waste of time on the Somalia front. It is pointless debates- all meetings, and does nothing for Somalia. It just makes people feel better after they shouted a few times and blamed someone. Ngonge: Raze from MPAC is a nice little boy (20yrs old), A shike too, so don't worry about that
  6. ^^Your Asian side coming out CL-Ji I just got to work, finished having breakfast, then going to pray, then I will see what has to be done. I got soaked. I can't wait to move away from this cold, rainy place. :mad: I never felt so tired as I did last night, I went to sleep at 10pm!!! I slept through till 6.45am. Then I was tired and it was raining really badly, so I though I'd stay in bed till 8.30, when I woke up again it was 10.00am :eek: And I'm tired still. I don't think I've slept this much in a long time.
  7. That is lots of guest for 2hrs, what do they each get 10mins to speak at 100miles per/hr or something. :confused: P.s. I say only 2hrs, because although 6-9, it bet it won't start till 7.30pm. Ngonge it is down the road from you, you lazy so and so, you could make friends with the SOL boys
  8. ^^Did you miss the fish part, lots of fish, more fish than salad... I'm still eating. I don't like girls that eat just salad :mad: :rolleyes: That is not food. Where is everyone?
  9. Salam people. I'm having a nice lunch, fish and salad. I can't finish it, Went to Mr.Jerk, they gave me enough food for an army :eek:
  10. ^^^ Loool Okay we'll split hair, but hey at least now if any of them were thinking of getting you some as presents, they know which ones to get
  11. Ibtisam


    Ibti...Do you believe others downplay your own sufferings and your sincere beliefs about things or for matter your genuine opinions about issues of the pasts and current. I think some people refuse to accept genuine opinions or agree to wrongs that have been committed, or if they do, they belittle it. This closes off any move to compromise or common ground/ platform. I think people do this a result of blind loyality to someone or something/ ideology. This is the problem I have for the Somalinimo dreams. Somalis are far to injuried to play happy family and brush things under the carpet. Now Dr. Phil
  12. Ibtisam


    Che, yes I have cuqaada about somethings. I often find myself editing posts in one particular area, because when I read it back I see how others might view/take it. Someone cannot have cuqaad about everything. My cuqaad is belittling people’s pain/ suffering now or historically (for example the guy called Somalia an dhis rants about 1978 war, and the guy who signs off with california) I also have a major cuqaad about people who follow individuals, I often assume there is more than meets the eye. With this assumption I often take everything they say as hot air or sound bite. I can be seen to undermine or even be rude to such individuals because I cannot understand how someone can support an individual (political or religious) and agree with them all the time. The prime examples who I run into are JB and Riyaal, Duke and Yey, Xiin and shariif, Theirry and Labour, CL and Conservitives...
  13. Ibtisam


    ^^^Here we have bias, I'm not a lander nor is Xidigo. Che we could go around in circles. I think education and recognizing that it is possible you have cudaad about something is a good start. Once you know you are bias or angry, you might need to go against your impulses and think more logical and rationally or force yourself to see the bigger picture. Concentrate and see if you can view the problem from others point of view. It is called the “What if syndrome”
  14. ^^This is getting stupi*d. I'm not going to quote for you my response, go back to the first page and read it if you need a reminder. I spoke as an individual, and I spoke of your lack of understanding with regards to the market mechanism, and your false allegations. If you wanted you could've responded to this, BUT you instead went on a triad about "LAnders" :confused: Just jumping from post to pillar. Now if you have something solid to back up your he said, she said, and I heard, do so. As for me, I’m done with this, before I’m accused of having shares with the company or something.
  15. ^^^Lol I was reading anything into it. Honest Xidigo; YOu also said THIS below, miise you don't even know what you said. Originally posted by Xidigo*: ^^ Intaanad hudug igu odhan bal horta wax hubso Qudad baa idinka buuxisee. :rolleyes: Ala, afkaa la is goosanayaaba, Oo dahabshiilku ma clan shiil baa waaba yaab eh. All of you Clan Landers, let me tell you some thing, no one here is twisting anything. Wels Fargo closed all their accounts and they are no longer providing services to Dhiigshiil, I know that for fact and dhiigshiil is mostly taking money orders and checks from their customers and even when they receive cash from a customer, they changed it to money orders and mail to Ohio. You can call their heard quarter in Ohio, speak to one of the managers there, and ask why all their offices prefer to take checks or money order instead of cash? This came from the state dept.And soon it will be official, so let us wait for that day and in the meantime godadkiina iskaga noqda. Red sea, you can go and ask the MN office. Jacaylbaro, Dahadbshiil waa dhiig acab, waxay barakaad ku dhigeen maad ilawday.
  16. “They” is a too big collective description, therefore I could not possible comment of the needs of their happiness, and guess each agent who is current unhappy and figure out a way to smile.
  17. ^^Oh did you, by the looks of this, you looked like you did not. I stopped using Dahabshiil - I don't like foreigners handling my money... Gosh most are bitter old men, waaba ka baqee markey su'aal ku weydiiyaan...With all that money they're making, I am sure they can afford a little happiness, heck even a smile will do... But since you already knew, sorry, my bad. Good thing that I did not add, that most agents just get normal wages too, and therefore might not have alot of money. :cool:
  18. Ibtisam


    It is, when your judgment is clouded by one thing, and no matter waax luugu hoord diig, you cannot see beyond your on bias, angry or frustration. It is an emotional response often associated with pain, It can be based on a real foundation or a misconception.
  19. Okay, Lloyds TSB is going to close its services to the Islamic bank of Britain. Does that mean Islamic bank of Britain is shutting down?? :confused: I don't think so, they will just find another clearing bank, as will dahabshiil. Dahabshill has even in the past when Al baraket was closed down experience problems and was investigated. I remember for a while their offices in Dubia and Ethiopia were temporarily closed. However after a brief investigation, everything was restored. As for the cheques and money order. It is called safe guarding yourself. Do you know even in the UK if you want to send over £1,000 you need prove of identity? They just don’t want to be accused of money laundering, so people don’t bring them so much cash, which they then have to transfer to their central office, without a paper trail of how they acquired the money. You see what I mean about hate and twisted bullshid, your are so clannish it is beyond believe, what has Dahabshill (a company active all over the world and all over Somalia got to do with being a Lander) :confused: I think Xidigo weye diminese if she hears qoof who is not from her little village is making it in life. Shidaan iska naar and say alhumdulilah. I'm suprised you have not yet Claimed Dahabshill waa SNM :eek: Save your gloating and cantrabaqash for when (as you claim, they are shut down, if it ever happens) cuqdad yaan kuu diilin, just breath. KK You do know that Agents are not necessarily from the same town or even country as the owner?? It is not a small family business you know.
  20. ^^If we live to tell the tale I'm already feeling sick.
  21. ^^Well congratulation, although I'm offended I found this out via Ngonge on SOL :eek: I am going to start sulking at this rate!
  22. ^^Why was I not invited Ngonge, the little kid can continue dustying his shoulders off [not that I was on it anyway] Ciyaal, he has not grown much has he. I suggest you upgrade the picture for the other sister. But better start saving to pay for my Xaal.
  23. ^^Come on sis, why do people always pick Khadija [RA] case or say the prophet did this, the truth is no man is worth or important enough in this day and age to do what Khadija did to land the treasure she did. There are no more prophets, nor I am anywhere near as good as Khadija, so I'd rather not be the dacawo that left its own foot prints, tii kaalin gaadi weyes.
  24. ^^^Same reason I did not add myself, disqualified from Farahs. I like Lily tests for worthy men. She always was a smart girl. CL, It is not that I wanted old man brother, but I got use to it, he stuck it on me like a bad habit, then without notice, he is now being labeled on another sister. I mean it is not good for my image, I feel like I have been publicly dumped and humiliated by old man and his brother. What is that all about, people have been PMing expressing how sorry they are and how I deserve better. Ngonge did not even have the balls to tell me, I just saw them cozying up in the women section, planning the wedding. :eek: I am very offended. :mad: