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HAHAHA LOL oooouch p.s. I thought people were over this badonimo. I like the new remodel non qabilist oldies such as Jamca Kediey rather than Salan Arabey, Inan Welid baas, Maxamed Seead, and ubshire who traditional gabey along clan lines.
I think I should update this after the abuse I got yesterday. I will do it later
Beyond abused I think after this, I am looking forward to cirka kaa sodac, it can't be worst than this pain. Roll on the 13th...
LOOOL @ Nuune will get there before him. Now that would be fun
LOOL @ Ngonge. Okay okay, we will make sure we do this, I mean not do this anymore. sky diving next week, Faranbac, how about that?? We'll throw you off, without...
I just had a bowl of cheeros, yoghurt, tea, water, orange juice. Now I am going to have chocolates, and on my way I am going to get a yummy sandwich (if I still have space that is)
^^He was wearing an African style khamees, to be honest, I think it was the Khamees at first. Lol @ Your korean love is enough, I am sure he is!
Ngonge you feeling left out, you see if you was still my dumaashi, you would've been invited too
^^^Bisinka :eek: Women you need to be careful. builders are too fast Malika She said she does not like anything that requires running around
^^Few sips of coffee is going to last you till this evening! LOL It should be fun to see Lily high! LOL I edited, Although anyone would want to stalk us three, they'll be too scared! lol sheh meet you at the right platform to head there.
DD You did not enjoy my story FB Yaah I don't understand waaxad qoortey dee? Is that even somali? Ngonge :rolleyes: You know what part of if you are offended or going to take the piss don't read, did you miss?? Seriously, bugger off if it is hurting your eyes. :cool: P.s. FB, as a suuji, you fail to understand there is a difference between speaking and writting in Somali, reer miyi people do not write somali, but they speak and communicate using heavy heavy Somali. I could take many of these so called somali experts and tigh them to a tree with my Somali. :cool:
^^Hello. sheh, yeah- not all of them, I'm sure Ngonge knows which ones not to get me. They are great, I use to use all my lunch money on pick and Mix and not eat anything else till I get home. Ngonge it is 5mins walk from the station before Oxford House.# Sheh I don't think you should meet anyone else for a while
Ngonge When you go home tonigh, pass by the one in Bethnal green and get me two large bags of pick and mix please. It is the only one I know in miles! Thanks in advance. Only thing worth buy from there is pick &mix iyo tights, and pens
LOOOL ducasane aya kuu gaalgashi meeshi! LOL
^^^Lol Ariadne! LOL what they don't like what they study or you dont? I met my kusband, when I was lecturing a bunch of Muslim in Ramadan about Zionism and political activism. He put his name down as a volunteer to help save the ummah.
I know so many stories about Cigaal Shiidaada. Is it a Somali wide story toolow like the dacawo or is it only regional in the north. I will tell you his most famous sheeko, aside from the one uu siko xaaey, and the one he hid behind his wife. Gosh they were all bad! LOL Anyway this one was about his ultimate fuulieynimo. To prove to cynical Ngonge that I can tell a full story in Somali, this one is all in Somali. So BOB read the fatixah! Habeen aya Cigaal Shidaada baa guureyeh. Iska oo waada socoda ayu arkey kurittin/ geed yaar oo waada kaa muuqada. Cigaal the fulley, wuxuu u maleeyeey libax meesha fadiyo oo isaga sugaya. Waraankii buu laa soo baxey, sii uu diyaar uu nooqodo maarku libaax ku soo boodo. Habeen kii oo daan haal kii buu faadiyeh, sii faajigaan ah. Maar kii waagii baryeh, wuxuu arkay kuritiin kii yaar eeh uu libaax weyen moodeyi. Iska oo yaaban buu yirihi; “Kuritiin ooh ma waaan anigu kuu moodey, misee waxaad nooqotay, ama waxaan looba nooqo dooniin. Anigu waaxan kuu moodey Libax, ha se yeishey waax nooqotey kuritiin, laakin waaxan aan loo noqoon doonin habeen guud dan bey! Ngonge eat your heart out! Shiid I got to do some work!
^^^Strangely enough I was going to tell dhagheer next on monday! But the dhagheer story is so long, I don't know if I can do it.
^^That was a private transaction which had nothing to do with me. I told you Allah will reward you and you are still asking about purple lipstick, Acuubilbillah.
^^NO I did not, I wrote more in Somali, then I've ever done on these pages, as I said I'm starting slowly. Now get lost warya :mad: Ciil weyenah
LOOL : Ngonge, and curyaan socota! :eek: LOL Nuune do help me along. As a adi raac, I was told stories about dawaco and waraabo all the time. I have been told countless stories about the cunning dawaco out witting all the other animals. So I am going to tell you one that involves both with some life lesson. Okay here we go, don’t count my mistakes. Beeri ba waxaa saxib aha dacawo and waraabo. The waraabe had lots of xoolo and the dacawo was jealous because iyadu she had xoolo yaar. Then the dacawo is clever, smart and cunning, she befriended the waraabo. The waraabo wuu jaclasiid the dacawo, because she was always being nice to him and hanging around. Waraabe in Somali context waa nac*as aaf dheer. Anyway they agreed iney is guursaadan the two of them. After a while, Libax [Lion] baa xaanusandey, he was looking for wax xoolahiis whoo raacaa for the day. So she went to him, and said “waray libax, waad xaanusansa, anaiga aya kaa naaxaya eh and xool kuu raaco. So he agree and wuu iska seexday for the day. The dacawo waxay cuntey laaxdi ugu shishlaade xoolahii libaxa, when she finished and she was full, she took cad yar and dragged it all the way to the waraabo’s house. He was sleeping, so afka ayeh uu marmariseay the little cad and then went back to look after the rest of the xool. Marku libax soo toosey, wuux uu yimi, dacawo, upon check his stock, he realized his shishliis lax is missing. Upon enquiring, she told him waxaa cunay the warabe, waaxan isku tayeh inaan iska celiyo, but he was stronger. Libax is seef laa boodh Somalisitically, so enraged, waxa baa muu huubsaan, he run all the way to warabe’s house, without asking him anything, he saw afka dhiig leh, wuu cunay the waraabi. Hence all the animals of the warabo naturally waaxa dhaxashey the dacawo. I know it seems like a childish story, but I was a kid then and even in adulthood, careful who you befriend and I think this stories should be told to all these oldies marrying young girls. I started on the easy one, the others are complicated to pen. I am just testing with this one, so tell me how cuuryaan I am.
SalaMAleikum people. Okay, okay before you all throw your toys out, muttering about the irony of Ibtisam Somali class. This is not what you think. I am going to post stories that I was told as a child in the miyi, some with very sketchy details, others I remember clearly, and I am going to post these stories in Somali[ because they don't sound the same in English]. So for those of you who do not like the way I write Somali, the mistakes and the butchering of Somali, and will get offended or tell me off, please take your leave now, before I traumatize you. For those of you who don’t mind my Somali jacbuurise, I am going to tell you some funny stories, from childhood games, songs, geerar, sayings, events, anything I can remember. If you heard the story before please fill in the details for me. Otherwise, feel free to write your own stories. But please easy on the somali I am off to write my first story, will be back Inshallah with it. P.s.Nuune, this is the second phase of the experiment
Farancab I know your old username.
^^^LOLL @ Malika starts her own rumours! LOL
^^^trouble aah?? More Like I am saving for EID when I can sit in my PJs, alone in my sitting room with my bucket of junk food and film and the popcorn and xalwad. hmmm Sheh Do people keep a spare tooth brush at work?? I probably should consider my sugar in take. I'm not going shop, all I have here is chocolates and cheeros. Yummy.