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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. You all need to put a sock in it.You sound like little kids in a play ground. Miid kaasat wuux kuu faanay my ( ) is bigger than yours. Grow up. Please. Duke from Somaliweyen nationalist to Puntiland cheerleader.
  2. URban, I could not agree more. I think Muslims are getting confused trying to mix the normal society expectation of romance and obviously a Muslim practice. Islamic proposals do not go to the girl, in fact the proposal is accepted via your family. Also, I am confused about how the more liberal yet supposed Islamic Somali dating process goes; if you meet a guy and he says lets talk about marriage (i.e. if with the view of getting married) Then really he does not need to propose, once you discover you are compatible, because you was already only speaking or taking the process of marriage. A proposal makes sense if you are just dating someone because you like each other and then they realise they want to be with you (hence the surprise/ unexpected) But no self respecting Muslim sister is going to say he proposed out of the blue. I mean huh? No he did not, you guys were only ever looking to fast track things into a marriage and he approached you the first day for the purpose of marriage. Lol che you are too much! LOL
  3. ^^HE has two older brothers, one is darker, wider (works out) handsome version of him. He is the baby of the family.
  4. Aaah I thought you was going to give me some solid evidence from the diin, rather than your thought. W/salam
  5. ^^IS that your view or the diin? if the diin, please send me the evidence, I need it.
  6. ^^^^that is kind of spooky. Aaliya: who said anything about intimate :confused: I asked how one can be expected to love you completely without knowing you fully and while staying within the allow limits (i.e. only speaking to you infront of your wali, hence severely limiting freedom of speech)
  7. I want to know anyway, bloody cheeky bugger he is (You know he thinks we was tonned down weliba)
  8. ^^^You would cry with him Ms DD LOL AAliyah, how does one show their love before marriage staying within the xaal borders? (there is no such thing as xaal dating after all)
  9. Sheh, I have not got to your story yet, now tell me what he said will ya. I will fry his as*s.
  10. Going down on one knee, is that not copying the gaalo?? *Just had an image of big bearded wadaad droping it low
  11. What did he say?? if you guys join the facebook discussion, you will know what I am talking about.
  12. No, I met one reer bari beeri, he had a calculator on hand, made me write my full name and his below it and then he did something and got 7%, he said my calculations say bad investment.
  13. ^^did you try it?? :eek: with food on hand too! Ms DD I thought it was about a little other thing I've been hearing...
  14. ^^^Not by the sound of thing, knowing what I know, they probably had a calculator and did a math equation to calculate their chances
  15. @MS DD & Sheh!!! WHAT, is this what I think it is?? No way??
  16. LOOL @ I'm ready to have babies :eek: and you seem sort of alright :eek: LOL
  17. They have been "the worst of your life", beause you could not post? Wow what an easy life. Mashallah,yaa luugu caawiryiin. Not posting is not "tragic", not even close, what kind of tilted scale did you use? Ngonge, daabcaal
  18. LOOOL sheh, adgia you are a different type of person, wa baan kaa yaabey, you get younger by the day Malika I'm going to blame you and Lily for when I fall flat on my face
  19. My my, what have we here. Baal wlc back ( I know I will regret this, whn you bite my head off) Ngonge, give it to me I'm friend and I will use it to send you those spy snaps
  20. I got two boxes of chocolate on my desk, I got one yesterday and fridays one. But I can't eat them because I can't taste them. It would be a waste to eat anything tasty. I think I'm take a nab till maghrib
  21. ^^^Im alive and kicking (although not very far today) So alhumdulilah. Thank you dear. Lily told me, if I make my mistakes when I am young, I have time to change directions again and fix them, where as if you make a mistake when you are older, then it matters more. So I've been relaxing and messing about since, doing nothing. I don't think that is what she meant, but its great