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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. So tired!!!!!! all the time!!!!! First Ramadan I have more than 3 people in my house. Currently up to nearly 10 people on normal none guest days, if we have guest which we normally do, it is even more people. Yiiiks.
  2. Che in which case Oodweyne is probably on the right track, who wants to see a bloody pissing contest- though at whose expense is a question worthy asking. I actually missed that part you now quote- partly due to my skim reading nature.
  3. Che engrisigii fails me- come again? maxaad leedehy?
  4. I am neither your cousin, nor your atheero salaax, Oodweyne on the other hand, is a brother from another mother- literally who knew habrah iyo aabo Che are you feeling left out
  5. lol, juxa why ar eu sleeping so soon! WHAT e-mails???? the ones you sent in your mind Faheema, I hear u are moving again- i hate to hear news via other people!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr
  6. Oodweyne, I could not agree more with your comments above; hence why I find it most surprising that a Diaspora kid or adult, rather than happily waive the overall national flag, will campaign so hard, offended everyone on behalf of a label, a name; never mind Somaliland has some years to grow still, I just hope it can grow fast enough and in the right direction. P.s. Glad to see you well and up and about in the forum. Salaax we can live in hope, 2 or 10, does not bother me wither way.
  7. All this dance and play, we know Cirro will win, and he is best friends with Silanyo who you hate so much
  8. The Wadani convo of 15 cars leaves in the early hours to join the convention- oh well, The article is badly written, miid engrisiid yaaqaan ba wax noso qor lagu yidhah! This whole them and us is unhealthy, negativity and nonsense just so in the end he can say, we made sacrifices too- no shid Sherlock.. We'll agree to disagree.
  9. They have nothing specific and above what they have in common with normal people in Somaliland, the fact they are in attendance does not really mean anything. Wait for a while and you shall see, it will be back to hargeisa, and nearly four political parties each headed by the said clan. Their interest are not aligned or the same. I dont know what ministers said- but I know of at least one from the said clan who is objecting- is it because he is a self hating hoodlum or is it because he sees the option of wider support and collaboration rather trying to fit a a shoe two sizes too big in far away sanaag while claiming to want to rule the community?
  10. Somalia, Taleexi was trying to change the topic, and you are trying to help him/her? along to avoid and weather the storm. Shame on you both, xajji xanjuuf baad ka baqaden!
  11. Saalax, what community, when did the said clan leave the community? Hoodlums and former supporters of garadag- I am neither, just pointing out the obvious, and a reminder that the next president will need to govern such hoodlums and all community, not just the said clan. I think you will find that labad lamaan in sanaag have more in common than say one would have with Duur's sub clan in hawd of hargeisa or in Go'ad. IF you try to argue otherwise you will just look like a Diaspora online clanist rather than reflecting the reality. :Rolleyes:
  12. ^^^^Lool wax walan!! Okay noted, can't say I share that view/ experience or feelings. waan ka xumahey inaad iis fashilisey, so iska raalin noqo
  13. ^^^^ Oodweyne kama baryayan dee in any case, Oodweyne of all people would otherwise be singing their praises if it were not for this nonsense of a meeting.
  14. I really really dislike people like this said man, who clealry is just looking for his interest, pockets and benefit, every society has them, I think if each society shut the road behind them and stopped this nonsense of walking backward and forward within months, then they will disappear. Tomorrow he will be walking the other way because the grass is greener there and people will welcome him back instead of treating him like the loser he is! Then if and when he switches yet again, he still gets a welcome by the other party. A win win for him sadly!.
  15. This meeting is ridiculousness to say the least. If anything it illustrates that THE said clan's different categories have nothing in common. It is a waste of resources and at the wrong time! On a different note, I think the new parties have done more haram than good for Somaliland, with clan emerging (I mean break down into tiny little subs) each wanting a share of parties. You would think parties will dissolve the clan division, but no. Such waste!
  16. Faheema learnt Somali and Punjabi- she did not really go to an Arab country Adam, Iam sure you can judge that yourself, plus Im the worst person to ask, you should ask someone more sentimental and love dovy- like Malika or Val, although you if you have to ask- then you already sort of have your answer. Juxa would say, buy her another box and iska suuk, dont sound like your in a rush either I dont want to see you singing this five yrs down the line. Ngonge keeps speaking on Juxa words? leesh? Howdy everyone. Che Bengali- you are joining my family P.s. why are you not answering me on Skype- why must I ask you on SOL
  17. Your friend is indecisive and too hasty then, after all that fuss and deciding he wants nothing to do with her, suddenly after his hotheaded reaction, now he is doubting his judgement. I hope your friend does not read sol (you know all the girls who never go out live out in the virtual world anonymously) Okay I;ll leave your friend alone! Lol at stalling on purpose- maybe she is just not so sure and confident about commitment and all the responsibility that come with it. At 25 and 26, you are both too young with so much of life to live. She does not sound like a model seeker- insecure and paranoid men are waste- no one wants to baby sit a grown men and smooth his ego P,s, about the topic- you never did tell us how you proposed after all that research?
  18. Timbuktu is on my visiting wish list- maybe next summer. ElPunto, arre you kidding??
  19. loool poor farah! a lesson well learn and one he will never lived down!! Che who do you have a crush on? do share
  20. Hey val Im good, how you doing. As for Adam, Im just trying to help a sister out dee and give him a gentle push.
  21. Adam, Your friend jumped ship because he saw a picture with no hijab, had she jumped ship because she revealed she was a former drug alcohol addict, we would not be having this discussion. My objection is based on people whose so called policies are based on a facades of looks, dress or perception. If you find out for yourself they are a waste, then of course you would head a different way. But if you are superficial enough then you will end up with superficial stuff like covered niqabis with undercover lifestyle and he probably deserves it. That guy I mentioned spend years dating endless girls we though were loose and he'd never marry and always said when he married, he will find himself a good "pure" girl. Well he got his version and rightly so! Interestingly enough Adam, you should marry your poor queen- how long does an engagement last these days? People will start to think she is a bad girl hanging with you for so long even worse if you dont for whatever reason decide not to marry eventually- shock and horror you will ruin her chances of finding a good man as they will all judge the fact she was with you for so long. Juxa Val sorry to hear that!! Malika dont come here (SL) to relax, JB is mad for advertising it as a place of rest! JB sorry to here so, how is the Moving Library- review the old thread and write your reviews dhee
  22. Che IF he was my brother I would've Laakin I am pretty sure that neither one of my brothers wrote that!
  23. The book is selling for $60 on Amazon! At that rate it better be blood well written and a documented master documentation!! I hate reading sad depressing literature, so I'll give it a miss.
  24. LOL LOL, dhadkaan max heesta!!!!! Sii soco, soo soco, wadaadad ayaa liiqi at this rate!! Xabsadey is due for a switch soon miyaan aheyn
  25. Chimera depends on why he let the advances slide? For God I assume, in which case his reward with Allah not HER, and his "scarifies" noted. As for does it give him the right to be paranoid and judgmental- actually no it does not- it is a personality trait- not a god given right, shaqadiisa ma aha- social, religiously or otherwise. If everyone worried about themselves and their actions a little more and a little less about what everyone did, doing and may do, we might actually progress in life. My interest is in this person NOW- where they are heading, for what reasons and how they plan to get there, their morals, behaviour and religious aspirations NOW and the Future- My interest in the past is in passing reference. ]b] Religious knowledge without action is useless, religious clothing without the moral code to back it up is false advertisement, a lie.. Hypocri/sy. [/b] You can always ask her or him- but running off is both childish and immature I had a friend like yours once, He judged and run off from some xalimos because in his view, she had too many male friends, one hair was showing, and he glimpsed her ankles by accident while she run for the bus. He eventually married a niqabi hijabi who was technically/ physically a virgin but all the guys in her area knew about her belly button piercing and beauty spots surrounding her left breast- they were respectful enough not to tell the poor bugger- so last I knew he was happy. I'm just saying; The ankle showing girl later married a south American brother- last I saw she was happy. I am a firm believer that one way or another- everyone gets what they truly deserve, be it a ***, thug or a saint, and you should pick based on a little bit more than her ankles were showing or I saw his muscle showing picture 10yrs ago. P.s. In saying all that everyone hates something; for example I have a severe dislike for guys who is acquainted with everyone- Every time you try go for a walk or out, half of town must be greeted! people should have small group of friends and that's it. Lool @ your perceived convo with children. Maaddeey- good to hear.