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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^What is normally wrong with my spelling? :confused: I cannot believe "me" baa spelling igu waanaya. Okay then. :cool:
  2. Waryaa Somali Castro, my Ayeeyo is from them ends, don' forget to invite me to the meetings in UK, There is a little campaign on SOL to rewrite history and write out certain clans :eek: Adam as usual I am proud of you brother, holding it down for all Somalis and history
  3. "ME" is doing some research and soul searching, haa laa yaabin, the brother is starting from basics, just give him some sources in this general area and he will figure out his own answers, as for now, everything you tell him he will question it and depend you bring pictures and video tape. I think I have something on the SL liberation of 1960, but if I remember correctly it is in somali. I'll check one of these days.
  4. Red sea Source your picture then you won't have to defend if it is fake or not. This one nor the last one do not show anything to get upset, let alone ashmed about.
  5. ^^^There is a somali saying "Haadaad tooniisid inn laaga hadal/ waax laga sheeko, diimo" ( Die if you want to be talked about) I.e. people's good only comes out when they die and people start talking.
  6. ^^They ruined a good picture qabilist ppl, looking for insults in everything. I don't see anything to be ashmed off to be honest, these people were working for a living and the white people would pay them, they were the taxi of those days. What is the big deal? It is not like they are slaves in chains and must carry master white man.
  7. ^^^When I was there they were using Somali shillings Hoodhoorey (JB correct it for me please) I'm glad they switched, it was falling apart and stinking and finish basicly. LOL @ sabaaxad nigiska looga siibo ayaad istaahiyashaa
  8. ^^^Xiin have you recently found out JB is an SL right hand man sitting on money, if so I will agree with you and say okay he is, but on the condition he goes to Burco and shows my family the money
  9. ^^^Now haada luugu oodaanya your leader is scared of a girl from London muxuu Puntiland kaa taari. Ceeb warya before they make a case out of it. I can already see Duke or DQ running with this.
  10. ^^^You will just run away like last time, no stop hijacking the Maxuuns thread.
  11. ^^^^LOOOOOOL @ Now he can see and hear. Xiin don't be so sure, now he is just a closest supporter. Red Sea, JB iska ceeli, maashajiid buu kaa diigtey!
  12. It is very easy to influence the BBC, they are forced to investigate anything they get more that 25 complaints for, previously they have changed their news bulletin the next hour as result of a campaign. Muhammad Idress is right on point about everything, but instead of moaning I wish he would tell his followers to be more Pro active like him and shape the news in how we want. That’s all the Zionist do, they stay active, and soon journalist and editors get tired of their e-mail inbox being flooded with complaints and non stop ring phone every time they piss off the Zionist. On the other hand, the Muslims just moan to each other. No independent institution or organization is inherently bad, it is just a reflection of its active audience and workers, so get active and get a job with them if you are in that field. Same goes for politics and political parties. P.s. Don't get me Wrong I like Muhammad Idrees.
  13. Ibtisam

    future shock

    I could not make heads or tails out of it, BUT I am more interested in paragon and Faheemas story. SAY what?? Are you guys serious? What if I say it in English, I will try it next time I walk through the park
  14. ^^^YOu know Walahi I was in shock, till paragon came along, I was ready to fly to Hargisa and "feed iyo frenchii" Shidhouse waan yaabey
  15. Poster it is okay for her to have doubts, marriage is a prison, not everyone wants to be locked up for their whole life and it is enough to make anyone think twice and 2000 times about it. Your job is to sale it to her, reassure her anxieties and make her think it is a good idea. You might have to remind her every few months, and then in the summer, make a plan and trap her before she changes her mind again Seriously four years is a long time and obviously there is something there holding you guys together, so either capitalise on that or let it go, but please don't listen to people saying wait for her and remain in limbo. As someone once said to me, you need to pick green light Or stay on red, either way, get off amber. The uncertainties can play havoc with your life and in the end it will tear you both in different directions. So my advise, make a decision about WHAT you want, if you are serious and you want to marry her, then call her and tell her you are coming to see her in a week. That will give her time to think about what she wants, when you meet, tell her want you want and for her to make a decision. Whatever the outcome on that day, the next day needs to be a new start for you, either as soon to be married, or a brother on the road to recovery. Good luck.
  16. ^^^Yes, but he was the daddy of it all. Kept them ALL at one, you mean kept 40% under his foot, 20% up his as*s and 40% aaf kaa suubag yaar loo maariyeh. Please, the means he used to keep them at ONE, is the cause of these fights in the last 20yrs, the distrust and hate he engineered is why everyone is stuck to their clan.
  17. Adgi duke you are broken record, reapeating same old stuff, regardless of the discussion, did you read the last two pages of this thread?
  18. ^^^You miss Afweeney??? :confused: I find that hard to believe, miss you are follow Abshir Bacaadles process of "Duuqi lagama risaanin wa loo taarsaadey taalinikii taaciada dheera" (Sorry, hope you can read that
  19. Err Dukey, Someone already posted this. In any case, what makes him think the PUBLIC of Somaliland give a toss about him, let alone what he says?. He should be talking to and for the public of Puntiland. Attention seeker needs to do something worthwhile and spend less time worrying about SL and their issues.
  20. I hate this song, it is always on universal TV, everytime I go into the sitting room, along with one by Saad Ali crying her eyes out with some graphic images "xaabaali haambe" or something. Why are Somali songs 5mins long??? P.s. He goes to her "soo daawow daananey" (Come close sour one)
  21. ^^^LOOOL I did not even notice them walhi, gosh you have the sight of waarab!!! LOL
  22. ^^^It is called wishful thinking and slight bitterness that someone can change their colours in 20years. It is like saying Hitlers high ranking men are commanders in Isreal.
  23. Only people who can ever legitimise a criminal is the individuals who they killed or their families, I must have missed that conference. I could not believe people in Boroma could not find a better candidate. Accudubililah. If it was not for the sake of peace worshipping, the average northerner would be in arms, but only a fool fights.