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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. The cartoon is beyond sad Waalhi. Subxanallah, graphic iga deeh.
  2. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: These secessionists waa majnuun, waa dad is nacay, waa dad ilaahay nacay, waa dad walaahood nacay, waa shaydamiin kuligood. :eek: @ waa dad ilaahay nacay, I don't know which is worse^^^ or when you wanted to rape their women :rolleyes:
  3. Now that we've got your attention, here's what really happened. A bus driver refused to drive a bus carrying an atheist advert. The driver in Question was Mr Ron Heather who objected because the message conflicted with his Christian faith. The Telegraph covered the story on a fairly factual basis without any sensationalist rhetoric. Whereas the Mail used the opening phrase "For the devout Christian and man of principle, it was a step too far" Just imagine how different the coverage would have been if the bus driver was Muslim? Still not convinced Islamophobia exists? Mpacuk.org Telegraph headline: "Atheist bus adverts: Christian refuses to drive bus declaring 'there's probably no God'" Daily Mail headline: "Christian refuses to drive bus with atheist message: 'There's probably no God'"
  4. ^^^YEah as long as they have Burco iska deeh I'm kidding Ngonge, *ducks*
  5. ^^^LOOL It is not good to be paranoid and suspicious either. If you don't trust and think the best of people you will find fault with everyone. Don't be sad about it. LOOL @ SS, I guess it is just not in my nature, I think it depends on your childhood, I was a lone child and use to keep everything to myself, play by myself, go out by myself, I'm still largely the same . As for the lady, I think she was doing on her own, she had a little plan that she was going to spy on him and find some facts, by the time they talked her up, it did not matter that she had no evidence and was just going to sound like an emotional paranoid women. He probably just laughed at her, and her family told her bring the proof or keep your husband. Now he knows she is watching him and will be careful.
  6. ^^What do you mean?? You want him to take you there?
  7. What does mganaga mean? loos women?
  8. I was waiting for the punch line Ngonge, but all i got was a slight dig LOOl Thanks, kept me company while I had lunch
  9. Malika only reason I go to politics is because this place is slowly dying, I need to annoy people and piss people off on daily basis dee. If the general section is live, you won't see me in politics. LOOL nunne I'm not that hopless. But you guys should teach me one word a day. Malika deal?
  10. Does anyone speak english anymore in this corner :rolleyes:
  11. Adam: I think you misunderstood me, what I mean is that for those in the north they would move further away (even the neutral ones or the unsure ones) if Morgan was elected. Simply because it would be recreating the circumstances that led to their previous abuse. The argument in the north would not be based on Morgan is a warlord, but rather how are we expected to come under the rule of the same individuals who massacred us and we fought against to remove. The outrage/protest would not be simple as result of seeing a criminal being put into a high position, but rather one who has the history of Morgan. As for comparison between Morgan and Riyaal, I explained two pages back WHY the civilians attitude is different towards them. Qalibi Adgey, as usual you are slightly lost. If morgan is selected it would only alienate people in the north further and legitimise the call of those who seek a separate state. If you cannot see that from your position then get some glasses.
  12. ^^^Not unless he has fake pictures up
  13. ^^ Sheekayad aay kuu toosisanya. Emperor: He was a president of "Somalia" as you kept telling as, the other was one of key characters in a rebel movement. Seriously this is pointless argument. There is nothing to defend or even argue about, you are comparing a so called head of state with all the state resources to a guerilla warfare.
  14. Emperor: Who is arguing with you about his history :confused: he was part of a rebel movement, I think he is even quite proud of that too. But your argument of comparing Yey and Silaanyo does not wash, nor is the TFG equivalent to SNM. As for the Borame and Sool, aah here we go again, we can go around all you want, but in the Somali context no one is innocent. They say two wrongs don’t make a right, but I guess emotions overrides at times. Are some life’s worth more than others?? You say this is not about Barre, actually it is, because the reason Sool and Booame which you are so quick to mention was on opposite side of the conflict was because of him. Did the history books only start with a rebel movements reactions? I don’t think so and the crimes committed by all parties are also documented, that does not by any means justify the reaction. P.s. Btw SNM did not have a single leader, it had a decentralized and fluid structure. Silaanyo was not in Boorame or Sool nor was he commanding a unit over these areas, but by all means attach the crimes to him.
  15. Paragon: SO why did you pick on JB supposed intentions without pointing out Emperors deviation from topic and his obvious wrong outburst. Is that gacaan hiillo?? :confused: Indeed lets move on. P.s. I'm not child, I don't and never needed anyone egg me on, I had a view regardless of whether JB laughs or ciirka qaabto. :cool: Emperor: Lool @ Ibtisam, you almost looked like you got me there, but Siilaanyo too was a warlord and a traitor, he sought the support of Ethiopia and led SNM rebel movement commiting crimes against humanity. That's your hero, thus you should throw stones if you live in a house made of glass.... Ooh haadan kuu faaham, you are still mad about Barre's down fall as result of the "rebel movement commited crimes against humanity", which of course Barre never did. :rolleyes:
  16. ^^^Paragon I was not expecting that from you, as one of the sain individuals in SOL, I expect nothing but the truth from you. Emperor for years was advertising and campaigning for a bunch on warlords who brought Ethiopia to Somalia, and then NOW after all that he and co want to talk about traitors and warlords. Even worse, he is mocking SL for being a clan enclave, err the man is now campaigning for Puntland, what is that :confused: surely not a democratic, multi clan and multi cultural state.
  17. ^^^Emperor, surely they guy who supported Yey and the TFG is not talking about warlords and traitors
  18. ^^^I doubt you would want that, knowing you, you would get bored and be like Waar niiku shaaqalaan baadaan, maax naa soo hoortakey all the time, It is the first signs of obsessive behavior you- tell her to be careful SS: I like knowing that only me and me have had an input into a decision I've made, and take responsibility for it. Imagine if you got talked into doing something and when it all fails you realise you should not have been doing the said thing to start with. I often observe sisters when they are in a group and they react differently to when you corner them alone, I always think they are more contractive and less emotional and more logically processing information. When they are in a group weye iisu buubuuniyaan. Once there were some ladies in my house, one of them mentioned that her husband was acting up slightly, they told her so many stories about ones who started acting up a little strange and then did some madness, that by the time the lady left my house, I was sure she was going to storm in, infuriated about all the possibilities they offered and start a huge fight. I don’t know what happened after she left my house.
  19. ^^^You guys are nuts :eek: LOOOL @ the moon. LOOOL @ Duke: "After all they are Somalis" Here I thinking taan wuu uu tiidi.
  20. JB adgiu once you start to oppose someone, xaadigaa maa siidisiid, particularly if the issue was SL Red sea, you have a point there, I'm tired of reading about Puntland successful elections (why are there 200 threads about this) and SL successful registration (again why don't you just have one thread) and the damn caravan iyo Al shabbab. I propose we just have 5sticky topics under those headings so we don’t have to keep seeing new threads about it. Failing that we should have a sticky thread for JB and Dukey, they can post their daily contributions on there, and anyone who wants to read it can go to JB’s thread ama dukes thread. Failing that, we should all just try to keep to topics.
  21. ^^^Maaax diplomacy, niiki meeshi waad kuu qaarxiis eh!
  22. ^^^LOl at topic secret, I won't tell anyone. here
  23. ^^^^LOOOL Originally posted by juma-nne: If i may ask Norf1 a speculative question. what migh be the strategy? Is it going to happen in Stages? Once the inauguration takes place in Hargeysa Then move the capital to 'Burco' Then invite The south to join him there and BOOM!! The greater somalia is re-estblished no more seccesion I cant wait to see such a blessed 'caravan' eventually landing just next to XIIN'S Doorstep. HAHAHA See even these baby steps sound better than Xiin's jumping ship I like this new kid, only if the south take huge steps between now and then, otherwise he would have a hard time selling that idea to anyone.
  24. It is not harsh, just more anti social I don't make decisions in groups, nor do I need approval or check or discuss anything friend, waxxan toona aya sameye, then I tell them some months after the fact, If I mess up, oh well I start again. I think that’s why I get on better with men. Yeah people do have different expectation of friends. I don't mind listening or giving feed back if I am asked.
  25. "ME" Xagaad kaa dacadey?? I wrote some notes for you during the weekend. Some of their ancestors(the zanja of south-east africa) apparently sOMALI iyo Carab/others ba adonsatey. Hence why you have SOmali Bantus in SOmalia. That is a somali rumour to belittle certain sects of our society.