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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^HE just wants to think you are in his crew @ NG Yaad yad, At leat you did not say Banana :rolleyes:
  2. qaat?? as grass chewer?? :mad: LAst time you saw me, you compared me to baboon or was it a monkey :mad:
  3. C&C YEah I do. See I've never had a personal trainer and never bothered reading anything which talks about sugar or "bad foods".
  4. One for the girls Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags. Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done. Five tips for a woman...... 1.. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job. 2. It is important that a man makes you laugh. 3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to You. 4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you. 5. It is important that these four men don't know each other. Quick Joke: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: 'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.'
  5. Xiin is sleeping off the tiredness of defending the shariif for the last two years. HE will come back out when he needs defending again. Haad too many other new cheerleaders around. Xiin likes to be the only defender in the village.
  6. -II- ask for the number and dail from your house (unless is a video call, then you ae stuck) It is snowing really badly now.
  7. -II- I work in a private one, the NHS would let them starve sandwich baad sheegi lol. Cadaan give me heat wave any day plz
  8. WHy does everyone know more then me!! What do you mean it is going to get worse?? :mad: I'm going outside to take pictures of snow and the newly built snow man!
  9. ^^^^YEah yeah we get it Caadaan you guys cope better :rolleyes: Serenity welcome back, did you pass and get certified?
  10. HAHAH @ Ngonge. I just came back in. I saw lots of kids playing and building snow man, I never built one... but is it sad too build one on my own??? -II- I did not go in, when I rang to say I aint coming in, they said, don't worry no one else is here apart from those who drove in. I can imagine the patients getting take away.
  11. Malika: I asked if she wants tea, she goes I'm scared of pissing :confused: So I gave her tea anyway. Then I took her cake and she said "Wiix uukun leeh maa cuuno" Is there egg free cakes? LOL @ Lily. How you going to get back home? Ngonge did you make it in? I was thinking you would not pass up the chance of having an excuse. LOL Malika I would've thought you would be home too, I mean it always snows more outside London. It is snowing like mad outside and I've just been told I have to take lunch to someone in hospital. So much for a nice day in. It is going to be worse tomorrow when the snow gets hard and watery
  12. Well they look good for people who use to live in huts and nomadic life style. For us who seeing unique architecture and beautifully crafted houses daily, we are not likely to be impressed.
  13. ^^Tell me you did not get a taxi to work you goody goody How did all go on the weekend? Are you tired from all? I'm good, what could I do with a day at home. Some old lady came over, chatting away in the sitting room. I'm wondering if I should share my cake and tea but I can't be bothered. Maybe I should stop being evil.
  14. Salam people. I'm snowed in. I skied to the train station only to find out half the trains are not working. So here I am, whats happening.
  15. ^^^err you need to read again what I wrote, I did call anyone names. What do you mean you had "enough of you people" me and who? You must have me confused yaro. In any case nor you nor I are engaged in this process, we are just on the side line, so don't take your little self too seriously. :cool:
  16. Oodweyne lol, you worry too much. I'm sure the dude is aware that people will only take him seriously once they see results in Southern Somalia. No good speechs via the BBC is going to get him credit or do him any good.
  17. You guys are asking for the impossible! Clan loyalty knows no religion and its blind to all morals and standards.
  18. Coincidence my as*s. I’m sure he will get an earful of advise and instructions. Regardless of his personal view, he has to go through the motions. I don't see the point of him going to the meetings at this stage. His attention is looking in the wrong direction and will run the danger of being yet again another president who only has an empty title. It would be in his advantage to start drawing the different fractions together while people are still excited about his prospect of achieving something.
  19. NGonge are you doing overtime to see this through. I'm off home, who knows they will be still be voting by the time I got home and I can catch the grand ending
  20. LOOOL @ Layzie updates! even the call ins! greate, Thanks
  21. LOOL @ Do I scare you; no, Just an impression. P.s. Two times equals always miya. :cool:
  22. Can't listen at work, can you guys transcribe dee Okay I don't care for details, yaa winiyah?
  23. ^^^LOOOOOOL, HAHA that cracked me up! LOL Malika He sounds like he would beat them all silly, let alone play the role of agony uncle.