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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^LOOL I never noticed it before till you pointed it out now! LOOOL indeed. Ms DD what happened to your walking all day??? Does your computer work while you walk eh??? Cambaro yaar from Burco is coming tonight as well, she was able to fit us into her busy busy diary LOl Malika, i won't be trying the food, really don't want to get ill there :eek:
The Question of Somali Unity: Does it Matter Anymore?
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
^^Mogadishu Society. A new concept championed by nomad “Me” iyo Mija. -
The Question of Somali Unity: Does it Matter Anymore?
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Is M society a nice way of defending a clan haada? For the last two days I keep reading about the Mogdishio society. :confused: -
SMS as in text? I don't ve your number. so lets stick to what we know.
Qalbi-Adeyg I gave you a 1, the night you said you was going to rape women in Burco, and no we are and never will be cool. :cool:
Those words certainly don't fit your personality, we'll stick to PM/ Msn yeah
^^You have my number?? since when? I don't want to speak to you via phone, waaban kaa baaqayah eh!
^^^Thank you dear. Where are all the girls today? Top 60 Ghetto Black Names
^^^I need to speak to you about something, I keep forgetting. Waan kuu so socad, but you can bugger off to your weekend for now.
This show is about who can bend backwards and kiss as*s the best!! I don’t know how any self respecting individual with a ounce of dignity can be treated like xool, bullied, insulted and made to look like a absolute ultimate idi*ot, ALL in the name of money. It is a rat experiment to see how far people will go for money. Akhaas.
I've done 90% of my work already, got in at 8.45 and worked like a robot (well apart from few minutes here and there) Just having breakfast. So any trollers to help the rest of the day speed away. Hello
^^Jaaw, what do you want me to proof or challenge, that waax daadku ceye looga diigo is not true?? You must be out of your mind. Furthermore lets even assume that a fictitious old father, who probably never existed one day got hungry and eat dead meat. So what?? :confused: What does that have to do with all their descendents?? Even in Islam in extreme hungry you are allowed to eat dead and pork, so what exactly is there to challenge?? It is insulting that you would even consider at this point to ask for proof or for the primitive folk tales to be challenged.
^^^Yes it has been challenged many times and found to be a load of rubbish, and if your sorry ignorant a*ss was not a fake, you would not even ask such stupi*d question. :mad:
You are preaching to the converted old man. I will ship my dead body over when I die. :eek: Freak
Depends on what the ****** stands for but generally when it comes to marriage, I'm open to trying another race. No I've never felt superior to anyone, apart from this silly blood that I once employed. She was an empty pretty shell, don’t think I even felt superior to her, I just remember I wanted to strangle her several times. EdIT: Well not you, but I have no problems with the said clan.
^^Either you don't have a point, or you do not know what it is. Not feeling inferior, does not always mean you feel superior, you could feel equal, which is what early Somalis felt.
^^^^That is Marx and few others. When did they speak for Somalis as such :confused: Offensive Stuff and nonsense. I agree with Che, starting off on a FALSE hypothesis and then trying to build an mountain of a argument on it. P.s Some literature notes that during the colonial times, the Somali did not feel inferior to the white man, nor did he express a desire to be like the white man, in fact they often laughed at the white man’s weakness and inability to cope in nomadic life styles. Nomads often tried to “educate” the white man in the survival of nomadic life.! THat is not by any means as Isla-Weynaan, but rather being content with their way of life.
Epidemic in our community :eek: Why really, considering our current community (UK) lack of culture/ language is hardly a plague, probably least of worries behind a long list of crimes, drugs, run away teenagers, antisocial behaviour, lack of deen, increasing prison population, underachievement. I could go on. This issue is like fixing the makeup of a women who just got run over by a lorry. Ngonge, it is possible, but those are the two extremes I meet. 48 :eek: gosh time does pass fast, I remember when you was able to walk on your own without a stick.
TB treatment success against the odds in Somaliland
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Why politics section?? Good development indeed. -
^^It is for the likes of me, north iyo Ngonge dhee, ma buuk been aah baa??
I was just highlighting that only as a successful individual can you do anything for anyone else. Somali culture on its own is pants. You have to take something else to the shiir. Somali cultural awareness is like the icing on the cake, it makes it look pretty and little sweeter, but who needs icing if you have a yummy chocolate cake. Icing on its own will just make you sick after 1minute. P.s. He has not had kids because in accordance with western culture he is planning and enjoying married life first, children were not his primary motivation for getting married. It is common in self hating Somalis LOL
As usual you are just throwing judgements around with no justifications Marx. Heads up, you cannot hate them so much and at the same time want to help them. Pick one: 1) Mohammed is 30years old, he can only understand Somali, but cannot reply back. He speaks Arabic and French, as well as English. Two degrees, a masters and affiliated with many associations, he is a high flyer in his field, a practicing Muslim and looks after his family. He makes friends with those he runs into in his daily life, does not mix with Somalis and usual hang out spots. His only contribution to anything Somali, is when someone is his family is doing a collection or his monthly contributions to Islamic relief. He married two years ago and no children yet, his wife works and they are registered as married. 2) Abdi, is also 30years old, he speaks perfect Somali and English, he can recite poems, knows all the clannish stereotypes and biases, he knows Somali history according to his clans interpretation, he went to malcaamad, and knows the 31st chapter of the Quran. He is a resident figure at all Somali events, he chews qaad occasionally, smokes and has tons of Somali friends and no other friends, he contributes to Somalia/ SL via his clan/ family. He has an Okay job for the last 4years without promotion, and is comfortable. He dropped out of uni, because he thinks he will go back to Somalia and open a business. He married a college drop out 4years ago and they have 2kids and one on the way. His wife is registered as separate and is on the dole, this does not bother him at all. So Marx, which one offers a better future to society, Somalia and most importantly his family? Which one is a disgrace and an embarrassment?
^^^As sad as it maybe, most successful Somali youngsters are individuals who keep to themselves and keep their head down, not participating in any events or cultural awareness sessions. Those who hanged around with other Somalis and wasted their time or events iyo cultural awareness lag behind both in individual achievement, expectations and desire to get ahead. Instead they live in a little bubble that it is okay to just get by and not take any risks or push yourself so hard, after all everyone you know is in the same boat. They find it difficult to settle in different environments and as such get stuck in dead end jobs. The most successful people in our community are barely visible, because they have adapted to their environment and are go getters, rather than participating in talking shops and wasting their time standing around coffee shops/ shisha spots, instead mixing with the most successful and self driven people, regardless of their background/ race. Kids who mix with others, get on very well with other, perform better in life, and worse comes to worse, they reach about 25years old and then do a two months crash course in Somali-ness.
Hazel Blears' standoff with Muslim Council overshadows new anti-terror launch A standoff between the communities secretary, Hazel Blears, and the Muslim Council of Britain was said last night to "cut to the heart" of the government's revised counter-terror strategy to challenge those who defend terrorism and violent extremism. Blears has suspended official links with the MCB over allegations that its deputy general secretary endorsed a Hamas call for attacks on foreign troops, including possibly British troops, if they try to intercept arms smuggled into Gaza. Blears last night pressed the MCB for further clarification after it distanced itself from a declaration calling for a new jihad over Gaza made by the Hamas-backed "global anti-aggression campaign" in Istanbul last month. The cabinet minister is still pressing the MCB's deputy general secretary, Dr Daud Abdullah, who attended and signed the Istanbul declaration, to clarify his own position. The dispute, involving a senior government minister and one of the most significant Muslim "umbrella" organisations, coincided with the launch of the Contest 2 counter-terror strategy and illustrated the determination of ministers to challenge radical views that fall short of support for violence but reject and undermine "our shared values". Ministers have pulled back from spelling out a checklist of views that might constitute extremism. Instead, the Home Office strategy document published yesterday opts for a more low-key commitment to challenge those who "reject parliamentary democracy, dismiss the rule of law and promote intolerance and discrimination on the basis of race, faith, ethnicity, gender or sexuality". The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said yesterday the government had no intention of outlawing these views or criminalising those who held them: "Freedom of thought and speech are rights which are fundamental to our society. But we will not hear these views in silence. We should all stand up for our shared values and not concede the floor to those who dismiss then." At the Home Office launch of the revised strategy, Smith made it clear this extended to challenging those who voiced homophobic views in public. The document also spells out that the new policy will be reflected in the groups that are supported and the projects that are sponsored as part of the £70m programme to prevent violent extremism. But this failed to satisfy the Conservatives, with the shadow home secretary, Chris Grayling, claiming that ministers were still funding groups that "propagate extremism". The revised counter-terror strategy contains fresh warnings about the likelihood of a "dirty bomb" attack in Britain, saying that changing technology and increased smuggling of chemical, radiological and biological materials make the prospect more realistic. It also discloses that counter-measures are being taken in Britain in anticipation of the possible importation of the use of roadside bombs and other improvised explosive devices from Iraq and Afghanistan. The continued fragmentation of the al-Qaida organisation may lead to smaller, more autonomous networks but it predicts these new "self-starting" organisations will have access to new technology and may become capable of conducting more lethal operations. Senior Whitehall officials acknowledged serious concern about the impact in Britain of the deteriorating situation in the Pakistan/Afghanistan borderlands, where al-Qaida groups have been involved in the direction and training of some terror cells in Britain. But the threat may diminish as "terrorism is subject to greater challenge in and by communities in this country, notably but not only by British Muslims, making it harder for terrorists to operate here and to recruit people to their cause". The document also reflects more sophisticated thinking within MI5 about the process of radicalisation, making clear that the security services do not think there is a single cause or pathway to extremism. It acknowledges that political and economic grievances, including perceptions of British foreign policy in the Islamic world, have played a role, and that Iraq, Afghanistan and perceived inaction over Palestine have also contributed to anger and controversy. But it notes that such grievances do not always or often lead to radicalisation, and that social and psychological factors are also important to the individual, often rooted in conflicts of identity. The strategy plays down the influence of radical preachers and instead talks of supportive peer groups and charismatic individuals as being crucial to the process of radicalisation. The strategy says that while many contemporary terrorist organisations purport to have religious objectives, many terrorists have little or no religious understanding or knowledge. The implication of this analysis is that in addition to tough law enforcement operations, the counter-terrorism programme also engages with "vulnerable" individuals who are at risk of being recruited or have already been recruited by violent extremists. Contest 2 • Those who defend terrorism and violent extremism to be challenged but not banned or prosecuted. • New threat from "dirty bomb" as technology changes due to increased smuggling of chemical and biological materials. • Al-Qaida fragmenting but "self-starting" successor groups may pose more lethal threat. • Counter-terror budget to rise to £3.5bn a year by 2011. Controversial statement: 'Obligations' to the people of Gaza The Istanbul statement claims God has granted victory to Gazans over their "Zionist Jewish occupiers". But it also complains of an "international and local conspiracy" against Gaza, implicating Palestine leaders in the West Bank and accusing the Egyptian government of treason (though without mentioning it by name). The statement then sets out eight "obligations" for the Muslim community - "its religious scholars, its rulers and its peoples": • To aid the people of Gaza in rebuilding "what the Zionist aggression destroyed"; to compensate the injured and support widows and orphans. • In the delivery of aid and reconstruction, to deal only with Hamas. • Not to recognise the Palestinian Authority as representative of the Palestinian people. • To withhold aid from the undeserving or untrustworthy and to punish those who cause "mayhem, negligence and waste" of funds. • To find a fair formula for reconciliation "between the sons of the Palestinian people" (ie Fatah and Hamas), so as to establish a legitimate authority that will "carry on with jihad and resistance against the occupier until the liberation of all Palestine". • To open all crossings in and out of Palestine, giving the Palestinians access to "money, clothing, food, medicine, weapons and other essentials". • To regard all those who contribute substantially to the "crimes and brutality" of Israel in the same way as Israel itself. • To reject and "fight by all means" the sending of foreign warships into Muslim waters on the basis of "claiming to control the borders and prevent the smuggling of arms to Gaza". Source: www.guardian.co.uk
The government may be the only loser in this untimely dispute On the very day that the government announced a long-awaited strategy on countering terrorism, the communities secretary, Hazel Blears, froze relations with the country's biggest Muslim organisation: immediately there were questions about whether the timing of the two events was co-ordinated or simply an unfortunate coincidence. The counter-terrorism document, Contest, urges engagement and dialogue with the Muslim community to prevent alienation and disaffection taking root, while at the same time Blears seems to have decided to bring to a head a long-running grievance with the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), an umbrella body for hundreds of mosques and community organisations across the country. Blears insists that her disagreement with the MCB reflects the key principle within Contest of challenging extremist views. But inevitably the two will be confused by many Muslims as yet another example of how government actions are often at odds with a much more pragmatic rhetoric of collaboration. The MCB has already been suspended from a number of government advisory bodies, such as the Muslim Imams National Advisory Board, and an interfaith consultative body after it emerged that Daud Abdullah, its deputy general secretary, had signed a declaration in Istanbul which the government interpreted as condoning attacks on British troops. The MCB has rejected Blears's calls for Abdullah to resign, insisting that he has been elected by the membership of the organisation and it would compromise its independence from government. This is the most public spat in a relationship which has grown increasingly strained in the last few years, and has led to fraught debates within Whitehall about who in the Muslim community the government should talk to. Ironically, the MCB was a body set up in the late 1990s with the active encouragement of both the then home secretary, Jack Straw, and the Conservative party. The MCB was initially considered a success across Whitehall and it managed to recruit a wide range of mosques and Muslim organisations from a variety of theological schools across the country. But since 2005 the government has switched tack and pursued a policy of promoting alternative Muslim organisations and distancing itself from the MCB. A powerful lobby of thinktanks and some commentators have urged the government to disassociate itself from any Muslim grouping with links either present or past to Islamism. Given that many of the most politically active in the Muslim community have a background in or links to different schools of Islamist politics around the globe, it has proved a very divisive issue within the Muslim community. Many prominent figures in the MCB make no apology for their association with Islamism, which they interpret as entirely non-violent and in accordance with democracy and British values such as freedom of speech and human rights. The government's policy of promoting new Muslim organisations has had a very mixed track record in recent years and generated considerable suspicion and hostility within the community. Ruth Kelly, Blears's predecessor, was instrumental in the founding of the Sufi Muslim Council, but it has failed to build credibility within the community. Government patronage of the British Muslim Forum appears to have prompted an internal crisis and it has now retreated from public engagement and has a very low public profile, appointing as leader an Urdu-speaking cleric. The government has invested nearly £1m in the London-based thinktank the Quillam Foundation, but it is widely recognised that it has few connections to grassroots Muslim communities outside London. The government insists that if Abdullah does not resign, it will have no more dealings with the MCB, and that there are plenty of other Muslim organisations it can engage with. For the MCB, this disagreement with government, while unpleasant, has the unexpected consequence of boosting its standing in the Muslim community. Since the MCB has never had much funding from government - a few grants for specific projects but no core funding and nothing since 2004 - and since many member organisations will continue to liaise with local authorities on preventing terrorism strategies, Blears's decision is unlikely to have any effect on its work day to day. Some regard this latest outburst from Blears as populist grandstanding in the wake of the recent incident in Luton when a soldiers' parade was heckled by a group of Muslim demonstrators. But the MCB is confident that in the long term the government will need to re-engage with it. Given the need to reach the kinds of organisations that the MCB represents, the government will in the end have no option, argued one member of the MCB. What is at stake is the vexed issue of how the government reaches the kind of very conservative, introverted and defensive organisations - the mosques in the backstreets of impoverished neighbourhoods in Lancashire, the West Midlands and West Yorkshire - that are the real frontline in the struggle to challenge violent extremism. The MCB has many detractors but many of them would also agree that it has attempted to link such organisations into the British mainstream. Inevitably, now that Abdullah has become a cause celebre, great attention will be given to the exact wording of the declaration that he signed at the Istanbul global anti-aggression campaign. He insists that it does not condone attacks on British troops, but yesterday Blears's office stood by its interpretation. Source: http://www.guardian. co.uk/politics/2009/ mar/25/labour-counte r-terrorism-strategy