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Everything posted by Ibtisam
I thought you said wa la quudsaad/ laga faana- was wondering what they did in Canada to deserve this perception. *was waiting for Africa own to come in here and kugu murarad dilaac! lol Qabil should be a taboo much like FGM (outside the modelling world), not greeted with like salaanta loool ingriskii cararey. lol
Looool, In Arabsiyo they kept asking me ma reer bariga fog baad tahey- Lander gabdah lama hayo- if nothing is wrong with you, Im sure you will find her hidden under some rock. I cant believe you judge on looks based on clan- reer baadiye dhee. btw the clan I spoke of as MA, *the A* is Abdelle or rather Cabdel. I dont know kuwaan laga faano iney isku miid yihin. lol This thread is nuts walahi- made me lol
Abu- Why or why would we need boundaries, this is madness- soon someone is going to say lets have boundaries from your own brother- telling him dont walk on my land. As a nomad, I am free and I have god given right to go and live anywhere for as long as I deem fit. Of course I dont claim any of the land given to me nor followed up to ensure its legality so in reality I dont have, but it is nice to be welcomed!.
I hated them- so strange speaking to yourself, and then a bunch of strangers- kids of relatives reading endless quran and all. I was always asked quran akhiri. I use to hide afterwards and my edo gave up asking me. I was very good at it- the whole salan boqa iyo laabta ka so godey or soemthing quranku dheehanyahey.
If anyone is going to jannah on account of putting up with a random kusband- I agree it will be JB islaan- taalow halo dhiso like the Taj!
Fadumo is a legend! may allah have mercy on her, and all the family. AUN
Loool Lander- I am not sure- sorry. To be honest, they seem to have more men than women- either that or their men are more vocal and loud and their women hidden. Of course the truth is ALL somali women are disproportionately more beautiful than their men. I can confirm that Why ma miid bey kaga degtey?
LOOOOL @ loved her a painful death! XX is truly based on madness, Poster- nope, jiljecla me dont like.- why any one would even contemplate telling a farah or even a man they love or hate them- neither emotion should be felt, and if felt they should never see. True indifference and mockery is always best. Just a hypothetica answer.
Are you guys serious? Carafaad is the ultra ego of Alpha. This my clan is better than yours is madness- let it go. P.s. Bobe- what on earth is with all the arm breaking and nosy- intellect but not a politician? P.s.s. Now that we have all proved we know clan names- let it go will ya.
looool @ I think your memory baa nala joogta!!! hehe SalamAlikum guys. Juxa mac mac
Somaliland Is Suffering From AIDS! But There is a Cure and Hope!
Ibtisam replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
^You can't get rid of NGO- just better controlled and managed so they do what you need doing rather than random short term things. Even in the UK NGO exist to work according to a plan and structure. LEss wastage, corruption and better use of aid. @ Cawaale ^^^^Nothing, he turns blind eye and would says gaaladouba iinkabaad bey xaadan! Juxa, eeer I pay tax- it is not tax free- just relys on honest and people declaring their income and willingness to pay tax. It is not fully enforced- unless you are a company. You need to pay registration every year and it would cost you more if you have not done your tax return come renewly date. OF course if you dont tell them you work or your details or your income then no asks you to pay anything. -
Somaliland Is Suffering From AIDS! But There is a Cure and Hope!
Ibtisam replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
^^^You can't blame your families problems and laziness on a business. IT is like an alcoholic blaming grapes for his problems. Wait; you work for all the foreign agents and you dont pay taxes yet you are here going about increases taxes and getting rid of foreign agencies!. Islan faadida legdaan la fudud. If you really want to pay taxes, I could tip them off about your ridiculous tax-less wages! -
Somaliland Is Suffering From AIDS! But There is a Cure and Hope!
Ibtisam replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
I use to pay 10% when I was full time employed. Now as self employeed, I am to fill a tax return form when I've been active for a year. 10% is nothing compared to Western countries- but the salaries are a lot lower so it makes sense to tax according to people means. -
OH WOW, I love this thread!!!! hahaha this the gold of SOL Hey Daadis a really word/ concept in Somali music, as in ka qub? I'm in Love with Daadis- the Burco in me aya huruufka lagaranya!!! waba pis*s off ku luuqee eh! hehe
Somaliland Is Suffering From AIDS! But There is a Cure and Hope!
Ibtisam replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
Alpha. I know you are trying to socodiisi your thread but please use other means rather than resorting to calling me devil and hypocrite (I never justify cantrabaqash). As for this hogwash you advise- you clearly have limited understanding of developing economies and Somaliland political relations (go beyond the clan lines) otherwise you would not advise on the one hand govt must tax heavily and proportionally and government market control which in layman terms means scaring away business and investments. Somaliland does not need more control, and heavy taxation will make it more prone to corruption, in the absence of legal and enforcements to support and ensure fair and transparent implementing system. You forget Somaliland is where it is at today because the private sector carries it- in education, in business, in politics, in health- punishing that same sector not only stumps growth- particularly the growing new business, but it is also ungrateful way to deal with the sector that carries the most weight.Since the government and political parties collate their wealth and their campaign money from those same private sector businesses- it is not very likely.= wax fahaan as NGonge would say Now, let me be patronising and say- FOCUS dear- separate the NGO and the private sector. P.s. As for the bottom up yad yad yad- your understanding of that is supporting local NGOs set up by the Diaspora. I don’t like this “gaalaad ka so qaada” mentality that people employ. Stealing is stealing- make your own bloody money without ciidna ka so qaadin. I believe local NGOs are even more corrupt, they don’t even pretend not to be corrupt. <img src=" http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/574611_3290103550386_1628112272_n.jpg " alt="" /> Ha ii raadsan warya, naga haad with your cantrabaqash. -
As reer east london would say; Jb allow begging Re Hodan Qaylo- always wondered if there was a women called Hodan who was really loud! lol
KA dhar oo dhibi dal. Stop hijacking this thread warya.
Where is xaafaadihii Dhuurta? even fiqi shinid ayaad uu abtiriseysa the other day!
JB- haa I know; you know reer burco, reer Borama, reer everywhere, reer bikale, reer jiini!
"When many of the then Somali lyrics composers became aligned with the government willing to please the dictatorship, he [Gaarriye] still used his sophisticated arm to defend the ethics and dignity of poetry, and he composed his piece “Qasab kuma balwayn karo” (I can’t be compelled to sing)". http://www.redsea-online.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=964&mode=&order=0&thold=0 For the published English book. Lool Ayoub, my book has not been printed yet, give me another two years. Alpha iyo JB waxaba haa weydiin, unless it is about social hangout spots, chewing and who is who of clans.
^^^^ Loool. You are one creepy kid Ayoub! lol
There is big news soon coming- for the first Somali poet winning one very prestigeous award in Art and liteature. Publicity of this award will start in January. And you can all be very proud! That aside, spedy recovery for this legend. Blessed and reer London, Please attend on Sunday, 2nd September 2012, 6pm at Oxford House, Derbyshire street, E2 6HG, London, to support Abwaan Gaarriye. at this event some of his close friends and admirers of his works academicians of reputable stature, who worked with Gaarriye such as W N Herbert, Sheikh Mahamoud Sheekh Dalmar, Sarah Maquire, Jama Musse Jama, Rashid Sheikh Abdilahi and more will address the meeting highlighting some of the captivating beauty of his fabulous art. Abwaan Gaarriye was always there for us, I hope you can be there for him this time. P.s. For English speakers, translated poems of Garriye have just been published and will be given out in the event as a book.
Somaliland Is Suffering From AIDS! But There is a Cure and Hope!
Ibtisam replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
I hate NGOs too. I hate those silly reports they write even more and their overuse of buzz words that mean jackshiid. Most of all I dislike some of the people who work for NGOs, who endless moan about backward people, how cleaver they are, how much scarifies they are making for being paid to fill out justifications forms, reports and heaven forbid meet few locals (as suppose to them being jobless in the west). Down down with the NGO business for it is nothing more than money making business, with the lion share, shared out in Kenya and the few Somalis here getting the crumbs to justify their existence. Not one NGO has an exit strategy for when they are no longer need, each one needs to write how bad Somalia/ Somaliand is to justify their presence, their RnR paid holidays and pay grade for working in a war zone etc Yep- NGOs and their workers probably pray for instability and chaos, so their donor keeps flowing, their projects sustained and payment to increase. P.s. There are some exceptions but they tent to have their own agend- mainly religous, but they are a lot smaller and more effective. The NDP is good,but a very tall order to achieve! -
Abwaan listen to it!!! Good luck trying to get out of the scrip! sorry I mean daxanta! Blue lol I remember him- what happened to him tolow?
Abwaan, What Dhib? As for your argument- a lady sang a love song Saying I iga rooriin- dont run away. This guy replied with this song- I ii raadsan. So if you are going to do a song- it must be one where she takes back all her old words and says- awalba wax la jeclaado maad aheyn I will leave you to your cajiish shuukansi. Blue, dont let me see you on a street corner singing some love song for a man who told you waad igu riyotee ha i raadsan! I will beat you with your own heels- taught love eh