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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^^Oh come on, I am trying to help a brother out. He is already acting beaten and the said women has not even stepped into the picture! There are some who will have him for dinner with his current attitude. At the very least he needs to appear solid- hard is maybe a bit too much to ask for.
Bob; south Africa iyo Angola waad baarety, do you think it will be any harder to learn other regions in Somalia? You are in danger of becoming dadka sheegta far away lands just because they've spent most of their life there. Blessed @ LOL @ waiting on Hooyo and Abo. Chicken, first at least visit, before you start debating about moving.
I am going back inshallah. I think part of me has already gone back, it has been waiting in Burco for my body to catch up. So I am on my way out. Just trying to figure out how I can live there without the whole billion relatives dropping in daily. For those of you waiting on Xamar and making excuses for not going back, I suggest you get your phonebook out and start looking for your relative from Puntiland and Somaliand- if you don't have any, then you better start giving your brothers and sisters out to cement some links in those regions. You cannot be sitting in caadan land your whole life, particularly those planning on having kids here(wait till they tell you to F off)
Aah you low self esteem farah, how can some women tell you your life worth is coming up short. You need to tell her where to get off. :eek:
KK, they look painful (although it says leather lining, which once you beat it down must be comfortable.) The grey ones sure are beautiful, patent leather sometimes runs the risks of looking like cheap PVC, but in this case it looks yummy. EDIT: $350 for those shoes!! I don't think I've ever spent that much on anything for me!!! :eek: Lily, for that price it is beads and real stones mixed with hand sequence/ embroiders.
^^^it means you tried to post too soon afterwards. Never figured you for one who thought Islam should be locked up in the Islam section How is your project on Somalia coming along?? Finished right?
People have too much time! loool
It is not the wrong section. There is never a section for a reminder, and since few of us waste lots of time on this section, thanks for the link, it is fantastic. Poster Allah Khyir haa kuu siyo for sending me in that direction. I was getting ready to find a play list to keep me company for the next few hrs of comedy iyo rubbish
^^^Thanks will read through these tonight thanks a bunch. Sorry Kaye, I jumped on your ship without asking. I'll answer your next questions. Who knows you might also find Adam links interesting. Thanks Adam.
^^^ I've been asked to put together something on the new developing culture of the Somali youth. It is going to be part of a collection of papers on Metropolis in Flux - Contemporary Cultural Migrations in London. I've already done the primary study, just looking for practical examples to cement it. So Somali cultural organisations that mointor changing values/ attitudes (that is a bit too much to ask) So maybe even articles on the somali youth and where they are at. Postive ones please.
^^^Adam, brother since you are in a helping mood; Help a sister out here: I am trying to find something on young London based Somalis (something positive and linked with culture- maintain roots (not a party/ independency day etc) Ages between 18-29, kind like on going long term projects; any links you have at hand?? I know it is not your area, so a long shot. Kaya: Good luck, let us know when it is out. I think everyone answered your questions already
Ilaahey ha u naxarissto. So many people turned out by the looks of it.
^^^is that sequence or beads??? Looks nice though on the picture, although up close if is sequence it will look tacky. The bleats look great.
^^^Yeah possible, but it slowly grows on some, like when they are 40, suddenly they want to be a mother, before than they will mock the idea and be hating. Others from when they are 15, the plan how many kids they are going to have. It must have something to do with the environment. If you are from a big family, you are more likely to want a big family yourself.... or maybe not. Malika why do you ask?? and you did not tell us what you think?
I think it is mostly something we are nurtured with, it depends on our up bringing. Men aside, how your brought up affects your inclination towards having kids, or even baby sitting kids. Some women love kids and your can see they are natural careers because on their experience. Others have to force themselves. My little niece is 10years old, from when her younger sister was born, when she was 7years old, we leave her to take care of her, the other two were a lot older and busy. She loves kids, she's been talking about having kids since her younger sister was born. Talking about “So when can I have my own” :eek: I told her she needs to do well in her primary school exams the other day, at least key stage 4/5, she turn around and said, that’s okay, I don't want to be a doctor like Xalimo (her 15yr old sister) I want to be a house wife. :mad: I am not child or man friendly, I come with a warning, I was not born with it nor was I nurtured with that role.
737Jet Boing lands first time in cigal international airport hargeysa.
Ibtisam replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
Infact our gangsters are bring prostitutes from djibouti and pimping them out... Waax kaasta maa luugu faana?? There must be a line!! LOOl Originally posted by osman_nz: It's only us who roll around in bmw's n mercedes...niin north-easterner lagu ma arko fakri we take care our business gosh this is funny!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOl HAHA -
737Jet Boing lands first time in cigal international airport hargeysa.
Ibtisam replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
Oh Lord, aniga ayaa kaa waalan. Argue with a fool long enough you being to feel like an ***** for trying to talk some sense into them. Waara naaga daa cantrabashaka, D-block should clause you and put you on house arrest for messing up their name. Shiiid. Okay since I am bored I'm play your game; Okay prove to me that: 1) Your village is the smartest, funniest, richest, healthiest and wealthiest. Bring me those critical and Alter table again baal. This is sadistically funny. Go on osman, I’ll wait. Lool @ JB; Waar amus nigaa comedy baan kaa digiin. I have a long day! They can take him doctors another day when I am less bored. Waa maad soocoto -
737Jet Boing lands first time in cigal international airport hargeysa.
Ibtisam replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
^^^Actucally reer nairobi have nothing to do with Puntiland, the majority of the people who settled there are the business class of Moqdisho. Now you are just clenching at straws. As for Schools and education, only a fool would think it makes no difference. What is the use of having jobs if no one is qualified to take the job?? Do you know the reason many African countries failed after independency is because no one was educated or trained to do the jobs which the colonist use to do, and when they left, it was filled by ignorant ill qualified people- (This was not always the case, the flip side was also true, black men educated by the white man, who ruled like the white man) My point is job creation is easier than trying to train a grown man/women. Even on a social level, education makes a difference to the social make up of the society, people with no access to education often still live in hierarchal clannish structures, gripped by hatred. You can only rise above that by educating your mind. I keep seeing you mention tahrib in almost every thread, while it pains me that so many of educated young Somalis are either dead, in prison or trekking through desserts, at the same time, it shows that they know there is something better for them, that they can do better for themselves and their families and that the society they live in is too small to accommodate their ambitions at this moment. This is again a process reached by educating your mind and seeing a world of possibilities. I would rather they died striving to better their life style and that of their families than getting shot by another angry ignorant teenager. Do you not know that your parents baa soo silciey trekking across the globe to give YOU an opportunity that is better than your brother in Puntiland? Do you think you ended up in NZ out of choice and for the fun of it?? It is a shame that people like you have not utilized an opportunity that was handed to them, instead insisting on being stuck on the dark-age mentality. As I said Puntiland haa caawiryin, anyone is puntiland will sale you their right hand if you offered them your passport in exchange, so please don’t bother trying to glorify ignorance and poverty. If it is so perfect, let see you live there for a month. I take that back, a week. I am not interested in who the racist clan is, only racist person I can see haad is adiga. -
737Jet Boing lands first time in cigal international airport hargeysa.
Ibtisam replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
^^^When did Dahabshill become "THEy". In any case, he and the others you mentioned are business man, and above clan, they are just trying to make his meal, contributing to every region, ensures that people uses their services. Not everything is about clan, particularly business. As for show me proof they ever spent 1 cent into sland... since you was kind enough to bring up Dahabshil, do you know he built a school in every single village (not city, village) hawd of Burco?? Oh you did not, you poor thing. Did you know each year sponsors 20 boys from SL to go and study abroad?? You didn’t? Say hello to the future then. Naag taa beenta iyo baalaad aad waadi. We get it, Puntiland, allah haa baarakeyo (waar Ameen deh!) but must everything turn into my town is going to starve after yours. eesh haad. :rolleyes: -
Thanks to everyone who contributed to their success, the BNP will now be able to cream over £4 million pounds from the EU, to spend unchecked on their party and their policies. Thanks a million ... or four. The far-Right British National Party will receive a £4million boost to its income after its European election breakthrough. The neo-fascist party sent shockwaves through Westminster by winning two seats as voters turned their back on the political establishment. BNP leader Nick Griffin won in the North-West and Andrew Brons snatched a seat from Labour in Yorkshire and the Humber after their vote collapsed. Now thanks to a lucrative system of pay and allowances, the two MEPs will bring a much-needed bonanza to the previously cash-strapped party. Each qualifies for an annual package of £395,000, and over the five years until the next election, the two together will be able to claim almost £4million. Victory: BNP leader Nick Griffin celebrates his win at Manchester Town Hall. He won one of two BNP seats in the Euro elections They will benefit from fully equipped offices in Brussels and Strasbourg, an annual salary of £80,443 and an annual staff budget of up to £190,000 a year which can be spent on employees in the European Parliament or in the UK. There is also a phone and post allowance of £45,000 a year with no receipts required, and a daily attendance allowance to a total annual possible amount of £80,000, again without receipts being needed. The income from the EU will dwarf the current donations the party receives. In 2007, the BNP raised a total of £500,000. In the first five months of this year, they claimed to have raised over £650,000. The far-Right party spent more in total on its Euro election campaign this year than in all its previous election campaigns combined. BNP to get £4million cash boost
A day's break was necessary to allow people to absorb the news on TV, take in the headlines and talk to each other about what happened when the votes came in? Unless you've been in a coma for the past 48 hours it'll come as no surprise to hear that the Fascist BNP are celebrating at having 2 of their thugs elected to represent the Great British people in Brussels. This result was not unexpected, in fact it was predicted and measures were taken by those concerned about fighting fascism to stop this eventuality from unfolding. For once the British Media including the usually filth ridden tabloids did all they could to warn people about the danger of the BNP being elected because of a smaller turnout. Some like the Manchester Evening News took out front page stories and full page editorials to tell people to get out and vote for anyone other than the BNP. When presented with such a prospect the natural thing for decent honour bound citizens i would have been to stand firm and shout with one resounding voice "Not in our name!". I know of a woman who wasn't planning to vote because of her disgust at the mainstream parties, her planned protest was to sit at home on election day. However upon learning about the threat from the BNP she swallowed her pride and voted because she couldn't stand by and do nothing. This woman doesn't come from an ethnic minority and is not a target of the Fascists but she still fulfilled her duty as a responsible citizen. However on 4th June there was a barely a whisper from the wider electorate let alone a deafening "no to the BNP". Of the 44,173,690 registered voters 15,136,932 turned out to vote, this represents a pathetic 34%. When I look back at the results I don't blame the 943,598 people who voted for the BNP, I blame each and every one of those who failed to show up at the polling station. We are in this situation today because those people, all 29,036,758 of them are the real Fascists because they knew the threat but did nothing. They knew the risk but decided to sit on their arses, knew that they could make a difference but were too proud to care. We are in this mess today because of each and every one of those that failed to show. If racist thugs, emboldened by the BNP victory, decide to mug an old Asian or Black woman tomorrow then let the guilt of that attack haunt the conscience of every one of those that failed to act on 4th June. Brother rants out loud!
HAHAHA LOOOL @ Blessed. Somalis also use to worship the stars, the sun and saints. Alhumdulilah for Islam. Although someone us turned out to be sufis.
Qabi-Adeyg :eek: :eek: You need to put a sock in it. Seriously that is very rude. Sister1000, if you judge somalis based on the responses of a forum, then it would be unfair. In anycase, like Adam said, people may and will say worse things in real life. Some serious thick skin is needed for interracial marriages. Everything is that more complicated.
Iceland, Australia and Sahara. I was gonna say Somalia, but I don't think so on second thought. I read a report about Russia, it is near the bottom, but no idea how low.