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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Ibtisam


    ^^^Sabriya, I hate soft guys, they make me feel manly and insensitive. Shiid I hate them with passion. :mad: Particularly those always writing love songs and bloody poems, everyday “I wrote a new poem for you” Shaaqaalan baadan?? :rolleyes:
  2. Ibtisam


    ^^^Gosh you are really going to make me explain this aint you. It is not a game and there is no submitting by either party. The description goes both ways, no gender roles. Another thing you won't understand. Anigu ango isku qaalino mooyan isma faahano.
  3. Ibtisam


    ^^^Nope, that is how I like him all the time, a fetish is a passing notion. What you call fetish, we call it a loving relationship. As I said it is not your fault, it is not your world.
  4. Ibtisam


    ^^^You can dream I guess :rolleyes: Meek & Obedient anigu maaxaan kuu faal? even worse, the soft accent and begging politeness does not help your case. I like abuse and strong/ harsh tones/ convos yeah. Burco all the way. It is not your fault really.
  5. ^Go ahead with your entertainment, just saw your other post, hence the edit. Waan kaa baaxa this madness.
  6. Ibtisam


    ^^^old sheeko, join the end of the line. What else is new. KK as usual waad iska haadeshey, but wa caadi. I expect nothing more.
  7. ^^^Fine, go ahead and get slapped about, like maxaan kuu daha.
  8. Ibtisam


    Paragon, You are nacs, aniga igu soo jeeso coz you are scared of these Qardho people. I am from Burco, if anything you should be terrified of me, don't make me bring my homies Sayid dhagax iyo shiid ciid naag ma baadiso, don't get it twisted.
  9. Ibtisam


    Sayid Reer Qardo iyo fuleynimada waa laa isku yaaqaan I am told. I think it was Paragon who said so, so you cannot call him fuley, he already called u that. Bloody child! Typical reer qardo, no originality. :cool:
  10. Ibtisam


    ^^^I know, I just did not want to say it out right. But thanks for doing it for me. Qardo only has a population of about 1,000 male and 5,000 females soo maah?
  11. Ibtisam


    ^^What is wrong with hablo Geel Qalaaya?? Waa fariidnimo. P.s. Fuuley, you thought angia waa la igu taari!
  12. Ibtisam


    There are billion threads about this little tuulo. Even threads about other places are over run by reer Qardho. P.s. Strange you guys only become proud of this tuulo recently. LSK: Please no more people from Qardho.
  13. ^^^Dhee waad calcashey now!! A bit of faan and a dash of calcal. Waadhi. Waar try harder! P.s. Anigu adiga ayan waax kuula haay, trying to get you to a higher better standard.
  14. ^^WHy, is it that Siren again
  15. Stoic: I hope you pass. Loool Val, I feel your pain. You should've rented a place far from family and seen them only on weekends. Bit to late now to get away. Morning people- although no one will be around for a while, the china man or JB if I am lucky, while Ngonge is reading and pretending he is not here.
  16. Originally posted by The_Siren: Paragon- For a sensitive usually meek sissy boy you sure are being provoccative today, what did you have for breakfast this morning? Cialis? (Google it) Goodir- You Try'na fataal me for your buddy? I choked on my breakfast reading this!! LOOOOL Siren I don't think he is old enough to need Cialis, stop hanging around with oldies!! LOOOL. Nevertheless good shot, it currently stands as: The Siren: 10, Paragon: -5 Waar caagah waax kaa deye ninyaow!! LOOL The Siren: I am like C&H, I'd get bored, even the opinionated ones bore me to death, but it will take a week longer or so.
  17. Sheh, how much did you shave off?? No way!!! LOol hehe. Geel_Jire, you need to embrace it, stop trying to trick people. I was very very traumatized as a result, now I don’t trust anyone when they say their age until I see it with my two eyes.
  18. Lily, The guy has grey hair and a little empty circle at the top of his head!! I was so shocked!! Geel, weye kuu daaftey the study years, you need to keep earning dude.
  19. Hey Geel Jire. Adgia your time has passed dearest. Iska eelow, you need to head in the other direction.
  20. Lily, think of this way, what does it matter anyway. Go on, knock yourself out.
  21. . ^^^LOOL LOZ: Now, THAT depends on how old you are and how rich you are and who depends on you/ responsibilities. You can only do it, if it is a hobby/ passion, rather than having a career afterwards, you are rich enough and can sustain your lifestyle, and if you have no responsibilities, like kids/ family/ parents etc. So if it all goes wrong, only you suffer. Lool @ Buuxo, My African side needed some oxygen. Pluz that oaf NGonge keeps saying my name, so had to change it.
  22. Most people see the “decreased speed” and don’t read the rest! LOL. Only few read it all the way to the end. P.s. It means beautiful in Afrikaans
  23. Sheh, e-mail is kaashifaad.com. Don't give it to no one. LOOOL I can't remember either, probably password since I always use the same sort of passwords if not the same. As for birthdays I don't remember them, but now Facebook reminds me and I hate it!. I mean why!
  24. ^^Never too late, why?? What do u want to do now? Originally posted by Oz: [qb] A bus run at 100 km/hr top speed. It can carry a maximum of 6 persons. If speed of bus decreases in fixed proportion with increase in number of person, find speed when three person are travelling in bus? It is 200km, less people means it is faster, then three fat people came on and it went slower at 100km/hr LOOl Edit: Sheh you too read the small print eh! LOL
  25. ^^How can you tell?? It just looks like a blue scraf, can't see a star. In any case, if they are Somali, explains it even more, Somali only discovered religion recently, and when it comes to parties, we still think Music is hala, and the camera man, his friends, the DJ, and the grooms friends and brothers are not male. You will see the biggest "shikah" and Shike getting their groove on