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Everything posted by Ibtisam
I did delet mine, are you not wearing your ookiyaal today?
^^^No, dude you damn Somali! your make it sound like I said I collapsed or something. Iissh, now go back and delet all this, before ppl see it. :cool:
Something was here before, then it was times-up. Now it is empty.
^^^^ :rolleyes: Just stating the obvious.
^^^Here I thought you was going to say "Brothers should put tredmills in their kitchen and tell their women to cook whilst on the treadmills."
^^^LOOOL. Somali Ali's always do the worse crimes and cause trouble. I think there is a reason why somalis name their trouble childs Ali
Ibtisam...Thanks awoowe...you're wonderful...how is your bengali kusband? bal maad Soomali iska guursatid intaad waxaan la garaneyn noo keeneysid awoowe aan kuu duceeye ninkan na dhaafi oo dibada u tuur...kabahiisa qurmuunka badan leh ayaanba nacaye? How can u ask after him and then insult him :mad: I don't see how my personal choice has anything to do with this thread. Or are you not able to talk to me no more without bring him up. Grow up will ya, its happened and its too late. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: Jaceylbaro...adigu kaftan baad umaleyn kowdheh laakiin trust me gabar reer Somaliland ah inaan guursan doono baan umaleyn...I don't know what is it about them...I have a huge crush on them. That is not ONLY you niyow ,,, ,everybody feels the same including Kashafa ,, JB can you also tell him that he is allowed approach and bother ones that are not already attached. We find it very rude and worthy of death to look/ consider or ask a married women to get a divorce. Miskeen ku might rush in and get himself killed at this rate.
Maybe I should call the doctor. :confused: The confusion that is around this thing sucks. I mean seriously.
Go for a walk, and focus on the topic, build a story around it, wrap it in chocolates. OR do somethign exterem and different for a few days, then the distance allows you to re-enter with a fresh mind. The Siren, get writting, I agree with Adam
I like “the don't get fat clause for both male and female”, sounds normal enough to me. It just means that I must find you attractive still after we are married, otherwise it is grounds for divorce or second wife. Attraction plays a big part in any relationship, otherwise maaxa laa daawaanya, if there is nothing on TV, I'm watch out the window, and sure enough in a day I will see 10 taller than you, 10 skinner than you, 10 more pretty than you, 10 better toned and featured than you, so naturally I want something which is appealing to me (what ever the taste of the individual) Once you get over the "HOW dare he tell her what to do phase" It makes sense and should be common sense enough for neither party not to be told. It is kind of obvious if you don't find your partner attractive enough then you are going to start having problems, and yes as you get older you will start experiencing some body changes and your physical appearance will become less appealing natural, but there is not need to get as big as a house, it is unhealthy and severe strain on your body if nothing else. I’ve seen 26yr old sisters who’ve only been married for 2/3 yrs who are two/three times the size they were when they got married, likewise I’ve seen brothers with beer bellies at the age of 28, I mean come on, being in a stable relationship does not mean let yourself go completely. Reasonable changes are fine. P.s. Some girls are naturally big, and certain guys like that and marry them like that and are happy for them to grow bigger, and those are a different case, if he married her like that, then he can’t entre no clause. But if he married size 8, and she’s bloated to a size 16 in the space of two years, he needs to lend a serious helping hand to get her back on track. There is no reason to get mad about it. I have seen a number of new yummy mums in the Somali community of late, who have two kids and still look stunning, mashallah. I think people find it easy to take the pi*ss out of skinny people, pointing at them and even insulting them for being skinny, but somehow fat people are never bullied or poked and squeezed. In fact people think it is sooooooo offensive to tell someone to lose weight, but have no problem saying to someone "Akhas oo caataad taahey, waa innaad waaxa cuuntied, wa maaxey qooryuh!". Only today I went out with a friend and we saw an old lady and she proceeded to bisinka tearing the sister apart for being skinny!! :eek:
^^^LOOOL yep!!! Malika & LOZ, Juxa was on their side, I was nearly sold off, but then they made a mistake, they started begging for diracs iyo dinner, then weye uu kaal digdigtey!!! She was like this :eek: is bad for the priate image HAHAH *ducks* I'm out, have a blessed day peeps
LOOOl @ waa Burcad, Piracy on land iga dhe. We were lucky not to be held hostage lol
When you asked him ma midbaad rabtan inaad ku shukansatan, he goes no no, and I said haada ma adiga ayaa xiidan laah, now I think he would've sold it at his "shop" LOOl this sure is funny. lol As I said, business or no business, thriving or not saqanjaanimiad waa lo gaal daasha. I told him men begging is something new to the Somali culture. If I thought they were serious miid baan iska siin laahah!!! Walahi I would've.
Look at the little kids, I cannot believe they took boats with babies
Originally posted by juxa: ^^ have some faith. we are going to get a copy soon. i already got their numbers and maybe few words about moonlighting, ceerta finding out, tax-man being told about dukaanka will do the trick. all with a nice smile/smirk. i think dhibatada waxa keenay when they asked for free dirac LOOOl I thought he was joking about the free dirac, so nimakaan, all day they were trying to rip me off: First they tried the chat up lines, then they tired they give us a gift line, then it was take us to dinner, and then yesterday waa laa caadestey!! Shidhouse! LOOL Juxu asked them if we can have a copy (Does the freedom of information apply here??, I want a copy of all footage they have of me) They don't have to show it, just give me back my saawiir!! C&H And paragon, LOL, saqanjaanimiad waa lo gaal daasha! LOL I am sure he counted the drinks/ tea and chewing gums too. He is using his bank statements. EdIT: Faheem he is using them. :rolleyes: Morning all
^^Don't push him, miyaanad maaqalin bisaad ii abaal maa leeh
Subxanallah, today if you saw what was showing on TV about Somalia you'd cry for days.
Dhalasho wanaagsan Bob, many more years to come old man!
1)You used quote marks but gave no sources as to where you are quoting from 2)Much like people who equate Muslims with Islam, you are barking up the wrong tree. Sects and theoretical difference within them is not as straight forward as western political theory. 3)The thread makes no sense, what did you want to discuss again?? P.s. You are creating fitnah amongst Muslims. My favorite teacher for all times, my Allah SWT bless her, reward her and forgive her helped me beyond and above this topic. Your thread reminded me that I need to pay her a visit inshallah- something postive came out of it after all
JUXA iska daaf, seriously, it is all a big joke. I will find out later on what happed with the event part, I think he too will tell them to get lost, which means they wasted their whole day filming for no reason! Fu-Fu lol
Ngonge promised not to post on SOL while I am online, so he was last seen trying to sneak in to the politics section at 2am! His kids and family got annoyed at him beating at the keyboard while they tried to sleep, so the poor man is trying to find other opportunities when I am not on SOL, so he can throw his little lines in. :cool:
^^^Yeah, but now they want to be paid to show our part as part of the news. Waa boot leg. LOL Somali style. So the guy who was organizing the event called and asked me if I wanted to pay for my 2mins and he will cough up for the 5mins. I told him in my world “the news” is not paid for, if they want to show it as it is with no payment fine, otherwise ii raaxeyeso, if we want an advert will contact them. No don't have his number, and don't bother. today waax iga qoosliya mooyan eh waax kaal ma arakin.!
^^^LOOL On to another story, Juxa your boy Mr. "I'm gift to women" and Co wants £500 to show my battered somali for 2mins with the news for one day. (7mins in total for the whole event @ £500) I left a message saying your having a laugh mate, count my 2min out. If I knew that at the time of recording I would not have bothered! :rolleyes:
Lewd stares distressing for women No shit Sherlock! I like her trick When the offender shouts an insult, I stop, point at his shoes and laugh. I wish I thought of this, both india and syria was a nightmare.
North lucky you!! Hey Juxa. Serenity why are u in a such good mood?? My friend Ex just sent her an e-mail, five months after they broke up, and he's been married and divorced since, asking for all the money he spent on her in the five years they were together!! I can't help but laugh! saaqaanjaanimo.com. He said he is digging up his old bank statements and checking if he can find receipts, to prove he only wants what his back!! LOOOOL aalah qoosal baadana!! LOL, *shakes head, shid house*