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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^Lool and your complaining?? err, here I thought you got a significant fine!
JB if me and Juxa leave this thread, it will die a painful death. North how much is that in £? LOOOL at a 4year old trying to drive, mind you North, she drives the toy care rather well, even when she was 2yrs old
Juxa in the last one 5 SOL guys contributed, one as far as Canada, all contributed nicely, apart from one who attached some conditions for his exchange of money. While he paid, I have no idea if he got the pay off. Only four from the UK though! The girls on the other hand, dahabki bey xaat soo dirin even if they did not attend.
JB: Just saw the bit "I don't mind $$$" I was like caajuus Juxa, we shall know soon inshallah.
^^Did you miss the part about POOR people, who can't afford food to break their fast with, not spoilt working, privileged, internet accessing dudes. In fact you can contribute. Juxa I hear you, ADT Africa always breaks my heart with that advert on universal TV We could always give it to them.
^^she is at home trying to register the charity. It is the same one we sent the money to last year.
JUXA: I never pay anyone, even the food I get people to cook for free, and never pay more than £50 for the hall. aah I get what you mean, sort of like organisation sponsoring. you will have to link up with Sayid for that, coz it needs to be a registered charity. P.s. Wait Faheema is registering a charity today, we might be able to use them, or sayid. I will throw my two cents into which ever really.
^^Why paper?? I normally just pick a date, print a A5 leaflets and hand them out, get two speakers and arrange for some food/ auction and I'm done.
Juxa I'm thinking of doing a fundraising second week for Ramdhan inshallah but not sure yet. P.s Sayid wants to throw a party for his over rich kids in south london. I mean people in Somalia. also he is currently away for a week on the degmo thing.
masaakiinta ha nagu qarxin pls Juxa qaarxis baal. Deeg ii gu sheek
^^indeed waad gartey, waaxab laa soo direy.
^^I think you are confusing me with the Siren dear. I would not even send you a Hi. :rolleyes: Juxa because waa saaqjaanimo, plus Somali man will follow you about and say I bought you that or that was mine, and somali women will be like waar miyaan kuu bixiya saaqanjanyhow, and she'll walk home naked or something. lool JB, don't go down that road yeah. Juxa is like a well or swimming pool but with drinking water for storage when it is not rain season. Each family normally has one or two. Juxa, I feel like iaan qaaxiyo that Fu-Fu you know.
^^^LOOOOOL Adgia you deserve everything lagu soo diiri. I took pictures of my feet in a bargaad after my swimming.
LOOOl @ Malika LOOL Buuxo Plz, I need someone to laugh with and double check. Nuune, soo kudbe your problems baal, Dr. Love baa loo diryea
I can't remember anything interesting I did, other than when I took a picture of my feet in a bergaad and went miyi and everyone thought I went to outside London, and you run away to ethiopia instead of showing me around, and Nuune did he's allowliyo thing and saw my reflection on the water. Juxa who can? LOOOL @ Fu-fu!
^^Why what is wrong dear?? JB When CL and Ngonge were having an affair, but she was also talking to hungri, rooble was chasing her, or When Val and rudy were like cat and jiir, and Xiin was the ref, or when Ms DD and Ducesaney chased each other about, talking of big chest, bald heads and small feet. How about when CC wrote us a poem, proposed to JB and then told us a story about miss Aroos and Mr Qaad. How about when Capital Something thought CL worked in a sperm bank and keep begging for details I'm close?
^^^LOOOl, so why did you not just say that, rather than hhhmmmmmmmmming and Loooolllling all day long. Shiid house. Masters/ PHD in dating. I do, people tell me too many things, now I know all the problems, outcomes, solutions. I'm theorist, so I find people in these situations and observe dhee, a PHD proposal I tell ya, the Masters was easy
Juxa, meeshan, just me and you baa albaka fuurna, otherwise it goes all the way down to page 2/3
^^^LOOOL haye if you say so Juxa LOOL JB, why don't you say something other than LOOOOl iyo your new one Hmmmmmmmmm. lol
Maybe you just need to figure out what is about you that makes Somali girls run away, possible your confused.com. I don't think finding a girl is the problem, you just don't know what you want, perhaps your not ready, take time out from all the dating. LOOOOOL @ KK she is always qarxis people!!! Memory like an elephant, she remembers what people posted two years ago and so qoof!! LOL P.s. Finding a wife in a club or shisha spot is suicidal, are y'll gonna go to the club/ shisha joints together after married life?, fighting over who baby sits the children and who gets to go clubbing. Then the guy gets pissed cause he can’t understand why she is still going to the club/ shisha joints and she’s like but you married me like this and you still come home 2am, then it ends in divorce. Aim high you low expecting bunch, marry what you want to become, not what you are in your ciyaal suuqnimo state.
I heard too much to say haada, pluz I don't think you want me to share it with everyone.
LOOOL @ xawaaj an ku marin!! LOOL Well he built you up so much, hence my "sad to see you fall from grace" comment above. IF of course it was all just faan, then by all means, but haadi waax la sheegoya has any truth in it, you need to raise up and above. If you want someone to blame, blame iska.
^^^YEP, he said a drop of water dulka kaka ma daacan. He didn't really, talks none-stop about how great you are
^^I don't want anything from you adigan, qof waax laag deynsaatidina uuma eekiid.