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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^^Lool Tell him, We can only see the second post picture, so don't blame me, I am not indho afar yet
^^^I feel really bad for her either way. Yesterday when she won, she just run off and hid, no celebration. Miskin. Fu-Fu but that is the same for drug cheats, only if they do well there is a big ho-ha about it otherwise aside from the routin checks they will not be bothered.
Only one picture is showing at my end, the other is a little red cross. Ma haalkaas baad kuu qaariis?
@ Lily!! aAAAwww Congrats to your baby sister!! smart and a half, yeah plan away and get baking. Mashallah that is great. JB image is too big, I can see Juxa's message; Ya?? EDIT: Okay now I can read. I think he said on her that he was back, not sure? :confused: Lily qarxiis her, what are three dreams?
Juxa LOOL: Dirac, dahab and Charity. Ameen and I agree. JB, baal duuly oo maadax haa nagu duufanin while you take off
I think it is as Cara said: She is a women, always has been, but has Y chromosome like men, she is too young to have found out yet. If it was not for sports, she would've got married and then gone for check up five yrs later when no babies arrive only to be told errrrr. subxanallah.
^^WHY are you up so early??? :eek: I would kill (not really) to be able to sleep in GO back to sleep :mad: people like you don't know what you have till it is gone
^^^I was tossing and turning with the crazy dreams, waaxab iis bacasaney all night, I should stop reading those African conflict books before sleeping. :eek: JB sure has it all mashallah, 10kids, 1wife, degree, UN job, Riyaal Job, Newspaper Job, Mr. Lovematch job. Mashallah iga dhe Forget Somaliland, isga aya maata duuley
JB Congrats dear to you and all your skinny farahs. Where are the female graduates?? Well done to the only two girls in the picture as well.
LOOOOL! Juxa share the article. I am going to update my blog tonigh while Is till remember my strange dreams. I need someone to tell me what they mean. Morning all. ~JB Sending you a xala HUG*** How was yesterday??
^^^Or the dirac floating in the water flex LOOL Che, there are at least three beaches in Syria. Nice too, unless the jelly fish takes over the water and you are too scared to go in
^^^IF Muslims were smart, they would make None-Muslims wear Burqini iyo Burqa when they go to beaches in Muslim countries. There is a nude beach section in Syria for tourist. I mean it has to work both ways soo maah. It'd be funny seeing adverts for Tunisia and Egypt beach holidays, instead of a naked lady there'd be a pink looking women in black! LOOL Ok okay I know it’d never happen, but the image made me laugh! lol
^^Already amaan baan laahey, meel ha iga tuurin yaa Malika!! Xiin: You will have to be a bully to be an imam of this section. Are looking for a women, meel kaasta ma waadad baa laa diigi, I demand you change the ad for a women shikhad, or imam-ad. One we can send all our questions to.
^^^I was thinking that, Burqini is only worn by liberal Muslims, it is qawaan, clings to your body, you would be better off with peddle pushers or something. It is like leggings and jeggings, You certainly won't find a Burqa wearing women wearing a burqini.
Xin, since Shidan will be chained up in Ramdhan, I think most people will be okay, without fearing someone. First person that came to mind when I read the ad is Sheh, The girl is one scary lady you know. Graduated from eNuri Soft Waano Dacwa school, 3 years experience in SOL political section, deep understanding of the art of trolling and other various methods employed to disrupt useful dialogues and meaningful debates, experience of at least one hostile encounter with NGONGE and other male bullies, watched at least one Youtube clip of Marx’s talalac filled tirades, have good, working relationship with Blessed, Malika, KK, Serenity and other responsible females of SOL Daacad baan uu qosoley! LOOL Ramadhan Mubarak to you.
^^UK won the European, they even beat Russains :eek: Now Uk has a bunch of black kids and few mixed race kids, it is going to kick some as*s. lol. Thats how the Americans win nooh. The gender verification test is an extremely complex procedure. The situation today is that we do not have any conclusive evidence that she should not be allowed to run." A group of doctors, including an endocrinologist, a gynaecologist, an internal medicine expert, an expert on gender and a psychologist, have started the procedure but it is uncertain when the results will be known. "It would be wrong today to take a decision to withdraw an athlete," said Davies, who said this was not a mandatory or compulsory test and the athlete was in no way suspected of cheating. "This is a medical condition. It is nothing that she has done. There is a need to make sure rules are followed. "We are more concerned for the person and not to make this as something that is humiliating."
LOOOL, I feel sorry for her. I hope she is a she!!! On a postive note, at least it makes a change from drugs LOOL Which reminds me, Che, all the 100m runners came back negative. The bolt is clear, now leave him alone.
^^Err, hence why he is having a medical exmination. US is winning again, UK down in 6th place
^^Sex change possible. She is now a she, but maybe use to be a he.
She is too fast & looks like a man, well a little.
BERLIN — South Africa's track and field federation had been asked to conduct a gender test on an 800-meter runner amid concerns she does not meet the requirements to compete as a woman. Eighteen-year-old Caster Semenya is a favorite in Wednesday's 800 final at the world championships. The world track and field federation requested the gender test about three weeks ago, after Semenya burst onto the scene by improving her personal bests in the 800 and 1,500 by huge margins. IAAF spokesman Nick Davies said the "extremely complex, difficult" test has been started but that the results were not expected for weeks. Semenya qualified for Wednesday's final with a top time of 1 minute, 58.64 seconds. She posted the world's best time this year of 1:56.72 three weeks ago at the African junior championships in Bambous, Mauritius. Davies stressed that "it's a medical issue, not an issue of cheating." The verification requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender. "So we're talking about reports that are very long, very time consuming," Davies said. South Africa team manager Phiwe Mlangeni-Tsholetsane would not confirm or deny that Semenya was having a gender test, but said "there was no cheating on our part." "We entered Caster as a woman and we want to keep it that way," Mlangeni-Tsholetsane said. "Our conscience is clear in terms of Caster. We have no reservations at all about that." It was not clear what would happen if Semenya were to medal in Wednesday's final and the test results determine she does not meet the requirements to compete. "I can't say that if 'X' happens in the future that we will, for example, retroactively strip results. It's legally very complex," Davies said. "If there's a problem and it turns out that there's been a fraud ... that someone has changed sex, then obviously it would be much easier to strip results," Davies added. "However, if it's a natural thing and the athlete has always thought she's a woman or been a woman, it's not exactly cheating." He said a decision in such instances is "done on a case by case basis." "It's something that would have to be considered by the legal experts at that time," Davies said. BBC Sports.
No it is not, eat away, they are use to it, it is like when we fast and people eat in front of us.
So what hadey gabdhaha diidan it is their right to do so, waaxkasta maha inaad haabla laa iska seyio!! No sir Lool @ both wadaado.
Che everytime I see you post you are having a dig at reer Burco women, waa gabad bey kuu didin recently? Maaxad nagu magatey?
^^^LOOOL Lady take it easy, I am mother theresa