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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Lol JB, saaxiibka uu sheeg!!!!! It is so hot today!!! Subxanallah.
  2. Bluelicious;872094 wrote: What a ungrateful old man you are for offending me like this, hereby I take my kind words back that were meant to help you. You aren't worthy of my comment you hopeless gigolo, go listen to your feminine master Ngonge since you joined his loser club and you obey whatever he says. I was the only one who gave you some useful advice the rest were all being negative offending and insulting yet you chose to offend and insult me rather then the people who insulted you. To me it looks like you like to be abused and insulted and have no self respect. . Loooool HAhahahaha Looooooool hehehehe!! Blue reminds me of MAx!!!!
  3. Thank you Malika. I still have some time- anyway Im hoping water companies get their shid together.
  4. If I send you a list of what I want- you wont have any space for your won things. hehehe. Just kidding. Okay speak soon. Xxx Alpha tell your brother to leave women alone!!! People in Somaliland eat too much of bad food- men and women.
  5. Faisal Omer Mushteeg was on his way to take part in London Somali Week 2012. May allah have mercy on him, he has been unwell for a while now. A legend who continued performing and creating even while unwell. Only this summer, he collaborated with American Jazz legend Chris Evens and Hudyadi for Hargeisa International Book Fair. AUN. The classical artists from the golden years of late 60s- late 70s are all passing. Only a handful of old folks left. Soon we wont have anyone. Somali literature and Music just wont be the same.
  6. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. The same dates we discussed? Send me route, times and dates lady.
  7. I think there is a water shortage in Somaliland. Bottled water tastes off, some brands are out of date, some re-dated and others are completely out of stock. I might need to start drinking tap water at this rate. Salams and weekend wacan people/
  8. Well since all Somali women are more or less the same size- alpha does not need to say anything Juxa, whatever he writes- I tell you know in advance you will have a better experience here- for a start you will have super cool cake loving resident friend here lol hehehe . So hurry up already!!!!!!
  9. People need to go Hajji, what does it matter- tattered old passports or Abdillahi Yusuf ones which I can buy at the sweet shop for $100.
  10. Hmmmmm don't know why I expected to find a half decent review of Hargeisa and your stay. I mean a review beyond cleaners and of groupies. Try again with better reflection of your time here, social, politics, funny sign posts, interesting characters u met- best hang out spot.
  11. What is the big deal? Now I would be shocked if the pictures revealed that in fact she is a he or she has 3 breasts but as it stands nothing new or interesting about just normal body which is the same as more that billion others. So much hoohaa about nothing and pointless. They need to rooble the press like harry. Only perverts will bother with it for a while and then even they will forget. Court case just gives it more attention n focus.
  12. I think Faheema has been online!!! WOW is that a post by Faheema!!!! hehehe Dude I gave up trying to call you- it is raining in SL again. FFix your Skype now that you have internet!!!!!!
  13. Juxa how big is the travelling family??? IF you ever listen to anything I say- dont bring lots of presents and random stuff that cost you money and people dont appreciate. Give them the money instead and they know their needs better than you. IF you give them present- they will still expect money anyway- so just get lots of money and dont pay individuals- unless they are old or your favourit people. Pay them in lump sum as family and let them do the sharing accordingly. Be clear that is all you intend to give them and that no one should think their case is so special they need to appeal to you directly. So give certain um to habo and tell her uu qaybe. This will save you lots of headache and also family politics. And when the money runs out- she will tell them wey dhamatey No matter how much- it will run out. I am so excited and I cant wait to see you.
  14. Ibtisam


    Nice!!! Learn Somali, surprise the heck out of people by speaking in Af Somali- particularly as they stand there gossiping about you and your looks- some will nearly have a heart attack when you- on your way out say "maxaad igu cuntaye ee aad iga raabta, manata oo dhan aniga uun baad iga hadleysey" and then "Maad ilahey ka baqdii and xanta iska deysiid". Leave them staring after you. I love it, do it every chance I get- although, now in Somaliland chances are very few! ll Adam :eek: :eek: Take care!!!!!!! and dont walk in dark corners for god sake!!!!! lool at someone dedicating a thread to you and we would not even know it was Adam. Im feeling so sad now
  15. I dont understand- IT IS NOT the systems job to keep Somali families together (nor is it the community's job) in the west that is the family role. IF you cannot keep your family together, chances are you will lose them. The system role is to protect those who need protecting. As for deen iyo dhaqan- well if Somali families volunteered more- that should solve the problem. We have special appeals and campaigns in the UK for Somali foster parents- Religion wiixi allah uu qorey aya nooqon, how many do you know, their father is a mullah and the kids madaax ku socodo- at the same time, I've seen kids growing up in the strangers of places finding their own path in life alone both in Religion and life success. Of course you have good parents and bad parents- that is a given and the majority are probably good parents, but it is pointless protecting those who can't or are not willing to take care of their kids just simply because of hoohaa about gaalo wants Somali kids (which largely comes from our iisla weyen that we are good and perfect everyone wants a Somali child- because our kids are pretty and look iska daal lol so wa la inga qaadaya, OR it is a religious warfare and caruruta aya la doonaya ii la gaaleyo)
  16. I Love WHEN people say these social workers like to snatch kids because they get money from the government!!! lol, Social working is a very respectable and demanding job, it does not work on commission- i,e. How many kids they "snatch", and like all other public sector employees they get a salary. People neglect their kids and then when the situations gets so far as courts start bubbling gaaladi baa carurti iga qadey and lacag baa lagu siiyaa yad yad ya. IT is a parents duty to find out when the laws of that country is and not smack their kids if the law is against it. As for language- if they plan on living and producing in that country, then they should learn the language- or enough to get by, not gossip and sit around making no efforts. How can you follow the progress of your child if you dont even know wax la barayo or communicate with his teachers. Taas is also a form of neglect . What is heart breaking is for this poor kids and I wish they adjust to their new circumstances with minimum disturbs and disruptions. P.s. I am NOT a social worker and have never been, but if I was- many women in my old area the kids waan ka qaadii laha, dragging 7 kids alone, losing one, forgetting to feed some or forgetting to pick them up and all sorts of stupidness- and then they are still having kids with the good for nothing twat that lives in the marafash have of the week and sleeps at home the next week. Iiiish
  17. Some parents deserve to have their kids taken away, their kids are neglected, abused and dirty-not casted for. UK child services only ever remove children permanently if they are in grave danger of physical abuse.
  18. Jb stop complaining you have A two day weekends bloody lazy INGOs. I'm really excited and happy today- I may be seeing my cake partner in crime soon inshalla. Salam btw
  19. Lol at this thread!!!!!!!!! Jokes!!! If Ngonge, North and T are considered as wadadas, I am little shocked to be honest?!!. Have they really changed THAT much in recent times? So I am to believe that they graduated from regular lads to waadaas. Oh well, must be an age thing.
  20. http://www.inquisitr.com/330504/ambassador-stevens-was-raped-before-his-murder-reports-claim/ The article doing the rounds today.
  21. Alpha, I think that is a good intention- they have kids as young as 3months at the facility, if you can afford it and is able to provide for that child's care. P.s. I've never seen you with kids, so I can't comment and there is no social workers here to monitor, so maybe first you should stop your bad green habits- otherwise like the weed smoking fathers in the UK you will forget to feed the kid and eat all the food yourself.
  22. NGonge- I thought that child dropped already!!!! All these oldies still having children, Mind you since I've been in SL I;ve seen toothless 80yrs with a 6month old baby! Yiiiks
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DREl64AWz6M&feature=share Libyans kept a dead man for a whole week, beating and cutting or spitting at the dead man. So I'm surprised? No. IF you wanna become famous forget FGM, attack Muslims or ISlam and stick it on youtube= silly muslims will do your marketing.
  24. Sayid Salaam. Juxa you can say that again. NGonge, lol North is living through his family- when they go to Burco- he imagines he is there too, otherwise neither of you have spent more than 2 days there. Abu clan and regions are overrated- diversity is the way.