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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^North Do you know any good budget hotels in Dubai?
  2. ^^^WHAT where you cooking?? Oh and did she eat it? Don't say cornflakes with warm milk!!! Sorry I was just guessing, did not know it might be true!!! Somalis! :eek:
  3. Oz-Girl, Maybe Allah loves you and is protecting you, I don't really see it as a problem. You are just either painfully shy, have communication problems, or have an issue with the whole marriage idea- maybe you are not ready yet hence why you keep sabotaging yourself. If and when you are ready to get married, start carrying little business cards with you dad, brother or walis number on it. When a guy approaches you and you do a bit of background research and find that he is decent enough, give him a card, if he is serious about you, he will come through the normal hala means and you won’t have to face him on your own, otherwise he was not worth it in the first place or just wanted to play around. Relationships are so overrated, plus you have so much drama at take off, that it will really be just too much hassle.
  4. ^^Chicken waaxiid. You should watch the Lion man. JB those cages are very small, are they always locked up in there or do they get exercise time?? It is animal cruelty if they are always locked in there.
  5. Juxa, some crazy old women been coming around the house talking about how good salid macsaro is, and healthy and no naaxli, yad yad ya, and now we are being forced to use it for everything, do you know she cooks it with food now, like suuqo and barris, I can't even eat in my own home now. We no longer stock normal saliid in my house. I am thinking of sneaking in white bread and normal salid and hiding it. Loool North,
  6. LOOOOOOOOOOL @ Did you poison. JB that is because she is 7months and unwell!!! Trying to make out like you are a good husband!! You are evil dude! LOOL Hello all. My edo decided to fry everything with salid macasor, shidhouse I hate that thing, now chicken sambuus has a funny taste to it!
  7. ^^^LOOOL. Sheh: Are you feeling better dear, been meaning to txt you since your voicemail, but everything is too much effort. He is not ill, I spoke to him via his child yesterday evening. What is the good rumour? did you do your part and phone smile at our friend?
  8. ^^^ See I knew there was I reason I liked you. How is everything coming alone? Everyone feeling better at home??
  9. Buuxo and Blessed, this website, you might find something you like, or buuxo your shike http://www.kalamulla h.com/streaming-qura n27.html
  10. ^^^Well wishes txt aah, here we thought you was gonna call us. :rolleyes: Try reading it Ms DD, it is possible!
  11. ^^^Lol, no we don't get a say over that one. There people in SOL haadi laigu adimo I will not pray behind
  12. ^^If you both stop trolling I know the gossip is elsewhere, baal remember it is Ramdan!!
  13. #^^^Juxa it is a bit far for, angia iyo sheh, faheema iyo few others baa isku heesan, it is heading towards SOL mosque at this rate though lool Ms DD, say what?? You did not?? beenta?? xara, weyin siaadsu, eelin daar kii iyo kaabhii baad kaa carari gaadey!!!
  14. *** waves @ Geel Jire We are also living 16hrs fasting, if I can do it, so can u dude Juxa, hmmmm Lily lol, forget job hunting for Ramdan lady and chill.
  15. Lily you lazy so and so!! I would love to be in bed haada, in fact if I can get off early I am going to try and take a nap before Asr. I don't like sleeping after asr, partly because it is dislike, but also because of the childhood song, asar dhabadii, something seexo, cuuna lagu caabey!!!! Hey Ms DD Che: No I go to a partly Saudi built mosque, run by Bangladeshi’s, with four/five fantastic imams, including a Somali one. Its congregation are North African, Somalis and Bengalis, also few reverts, It is one of the largest mosque in London, with air conditioning and clean carpets [so please waaxab haa iga sheekin! ] Juxa, the ninku was in ref to Sayid Somaal!!!
  16. ^^^Ninki is ignoring me, this project is not progressing!! Che: Then add a duca to your taarawiix prayer. Allah is always able and willing to open doors that you did not even know where there.
  17. ^^Well you can share what is weighing you down, we might be able to help. Problem shared online is a problem solved nooh?
  18. ^^^ Nuune I forget, and when I read I always just open it randomly and read for a bit, only time I follow a chronological order is ramdan! Otherwise I am all over the place.
  19. ^^Read something online, you can never be bored and online at the same time, there is a world waiting to be discovered.
  20. None-Hijabs[in the media] always shoot themselves in the foot in these kind of debates, either that or they [presenters] always pick none-hijabs who are quite aligned with western views of expression, values and so on or sufis, who insist it is ALL about the heart and nothing to do with the exterior.
  21. Val, are you in NZ or Malaysia? Waan iskaka riney lah if I could break fast at 6pm LOOL
  22. ^^Hey Val, how is Ramadan in [where are you now?] Faheema, don't walk into that trap!!
  23. Ahmad Dedat Allah yerhamahu
  24. Nuune haa is haabarin, I am sure you still remember at least the last five chapters, maaxaad kuu tukata haad??? I remember when another girl beat me to the sisilad gold aah and the cash, she was 10years older than me, and my brother beat me and got a huge suit case containing a big kitab, small one, samsam water, khamis X2, and so many other things, can't remember them now. It was years ago 1995/6 I think. Juxa we'll start together, I did consider staying in syria, but my family iga ma marmo to bugger off for a year. JB Awliyo waa bidac kaabira, eeh iskaka baax waaxas! :eek:
  25. ^^^I am not as saaqidey as JB :eek: Bisinka, haabar ka joji I told you that long time!! LOL