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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. LOOOL @ LOZ, I believe you told me some time ago, that you post less than me, but say quality stuff, hence your few are worth more than many of mine. Have you changed your mind, what is with the race now
  2. ^^^LOOOOOL aaah loool, guys are simple creatures. won't eat till I eat kuulaah looooool
  3. ^^^Afternoon Che: I always carry hand gel (it kills 99.9% of bacteria) it claims or baby wipes. But it makes your hands dry. I'm not over the top, but sometimes you just know certain places are full of bacteria (toilet door handles for examples)
  4. ^^^I do, I hate shaking hands with people who I don't know or their hands look a bit unkept.
  5. ^^^Lool waax waalan! I feel a bit weak today, very light and floaty.
  6. ^^^^Loool According to some sources, Somali women are marrying white men who cook bland food for them and wash the dishes and push the pram. Also there is a trend I am trying to start of Somali women marrying educated Indian men who don't want a submissive and kitchen loving breeding factory.
  7. ^^^Hello, welcome. Juxa is chanting "I do not belong in the kitchen" wanna join in
  8. ^^^Okay, I was thinking of the other goddess, She promised me Chicken mango thingy that she posted on facebook ages ago, that is if she does not faint with the fast, in which case we'll chant together. Everyone is coming, including Ms DD replacement inshallah
  9. Well I would wear orange with my fake orange tan Allergic, see, now who goes to the park when they have severe allergy problem
  10. ^^^LOOL wear it 2morrow or bring it for me Cynical lady I won't waste my time inviting you, you hate Somalis and I know u'll never come Juxa I'm already done with my yearly quota of one day a year dhee Don’t worry the cooking goddess will cook and bake. I don't belong in the kitchen.
  11. LOOOL Juxa, no I am not. Ngonge we still have 10 whole days to go, why would we have an EID thread as yet. Bal give us time for Ramadan. I'm still excited about Ramadan. Juxa, Casuumad tomorrow. Can you come?
  12. Every years as the anniversary of 9/11 or 7/7 closes in, for at least two weeks, the TV channels, particularly BBC and channel 4, bombard us with documentary about 9/11 or 7/7, on certain nights, there is absolutely nothing else to watch on TV but these shows. Between June and September, without fail, you would find several programs each week about these events. This makes it seem like that whole summer is “Muslim terrorist special edition” Also around the same time “coincidently” attacks on Muslims in Britain increase, this year is the first time, to my knowledge that someone has died as result of these attacks, but nevertheless each year various attacks on the Muslim community is reported around these times. I wonder how much of these attacks are as result or correlated with these attacks against Muslims, particularly Muslim institutions such as Mosques, which get firebombed or worshippers attacked. How much do these documentaries play in role in stirring up the angry and hatred of Muslims. Either hate crimes are not reported in the rest of the year, or there is something else at work. I think in particularly this year, with unemployment, credit crunch and lots of other issues within the society, people are generally angry and looking for ways to vent their angry and they also have a lot of time to watch these programs, so its impact is more likely to be felt by the Muslim Community. What do you think? Particularly nomads from UK, have you noticed any chances in those months.
  13. ^^^Loool, How is school? Wait till they get coffee to warm their hands and your still sitting in the background.
  14. Give him a good translation copy. I catch people reading over my shoulder or looking at the Quran when I am on the train, I always feel tempted to say, do you want to look through, but they always look away quickly and avoid eye contact when I catch them doing so. It does not help that I use a small, hand held one, I can barley see it, let alone someone trying to steel glances. I should get a bigger one.
  15. Sue- Precisely which is why your letting a ball- ie Allah decide. LOL..So how about it? Are you kidding me?? A ball- i.e. Allah decide :eek: I think you got things a little twisted dear. What you are advocating for is chance/ random selection: the Arabs use to draw lots (straws or pebbles, dice, stones) that are thrown or drawn blindly in order to make a random decision. It is won by "luck"/ chance. This was outlawed by Islam and is considered as one of the smaller shriks.
  16. This 'ignorance is bliss' attitude that Somali parents have adopted is counterproductive and is responsible for the many problems in our community. I agree with this. Adam theory might be a little mad, but which guy in his right mind is going to mess with a girl whose FATHER introduced them? It just might work. It is like your brothers friend hitting on you or something- it would never happen unless he was coming with a proposal for the next day. If I have kids, I will bring them up on tight leesh and Islamic education, like I was. I wouldn’t raise them in a none-Islamic environment either, even in the west there are places which are more Islamic friendly than others. It is mean to make your children feel like an outcast alien in their social environment, so I will make sure there are few other Muslims, mosques and malcaamads around. All of them boys and girls are going to have arrange marriage as soon as they reach 16<<< Indian side coming out strong. I don’t want istabo soco and nonsense’s about a 30yr old daughter/ son who refuses to get married when I am 80yrs old. Adam you sexist so and so, I like how your bring up children rules only applies daughters
  17. Originally posted by LANDER: lol..I don't doubt this message is authenticate for a minute. Let me put Demitri 'The Stud' In perspective for those of you not familiar with T.O. King St. is where the YUPPIES play. Its crawling with investment bankers, lawyers and otherwise fairly young ppl with too much money looking for a way to burn it. Some obviously can't take a shot to their ego, they're thinking: 'I drive a Maserati, I wear expensive clothes, I make serious dough how could she not want me?' The only problem for Demitri is that every other man in that place is on the same tip. I don't know why everybody in here is acting so shocked though, some somali dudes act even more desperate than this fool. Ladies don't all come forward at the same time with your horror stories. Loool the background story helps!! LOOL It is the Mayfair of London. LOOL Lander, we've yet to see these kind of farahs here, maybe they are on there way, although I hope not. Desperate yes, but this is psycho desperate. I think you should listen again, there is no way there could be a deluded farah like that. Farahbrown- touched a nerve have I Adam keep it on lock down please at all cost
  18. Tonight is an even number, maybe tomorrow night. The masjiid is starting to look empty, people no longer fight over space to pray. But I know on the 25th, 27th and 29th everyone and their granny turns up and the regulars end up praying on the stair case. P.s. I guess since there is always debated about the start, the odd/ even nights are not all that clear and we should look for it generally in the whole of the 10days.
  19. ^^ ME and u both. Faheem don't forget we have a meeting today at 5pm. I feel like Nandos for iftar.
  20. Also: BNP are planning a massive demonstration outside Harrow Masjid in Harrow on the 11th Sept, this will fall on a Jummca prayer, and because of fast there will be a lot more people at mosque. Most likely these protest will not be friendly and they will be intoxicated, and likely to be trouble. Please, Please specially the brothers avoid getting into altercations with them and do not come intent on fighting them. I know there are some Muslim groups who are urging all male able bodied young Muslim to defend Islam and the mosque and come prepared We have already seen the Luton and Birmingham protest with over 90 people arrested last weekend. Try not to get arrested and try not to get hurt inshallah and don’t go there intending to fight, because it will only result in you getting a criminal record and bad publicity and back lash for Muslims, particularly the sisters. So please keep your cool if you do decide to go. It is expected to attract about 1,000 BNP members and sympathizers. Marx it is confirmed he passed away.
  21. Kidnapped by the BNP says British Muslim On Monday 24th August, Mr Noor Ramjanally opened his front door only to be grabbed by two white males who dragged him at knifepoint and bundled him into the boot of their 4x4 car.They took him to Epping forest where they told him "Lets do it here". In his own words Mr Ramjanally was terrified for his life fearing he would never see his family again. The men told him in no uncertain terms that "we don't want the Islamic group in Loughton". This appalling turn of events began with anti-Islamic leafletting by the BNP. It then moved to letters threatening him and his family where they told him" We know where you live and where your children go to school"delivered by hand to his home. The very next day his front door was doused in petrol and firebombed. Having spoken to Mr Ramjanally today he sounds in good spirits. Despite all that has happened he wants to continue living in Loughton and says "I am adamant to continue Jumu'ah prayers here and no one will stop me" While Mr Ramjanally says the local police and Dr Mohamed Fahim, the leader of the South Woodford mosque which was firebombed in 2000 have been very supportive and his local mayor has sent him a message of support. The Muslim Safety Forum have only taken an interest in the case since the abduction and he has had no communication from his local MP Mrs Eleanor Laing (Cons). When asking Mr Ramjanally what Muslims could do to help those in his situation, he replied "Gather together and support each other". He asks for Muslims to do just that by attending Friday prayers at 1pm tomorrow at Murray Hall 106 Borders Lane Loughton Essex IG10 3SB MPACUK Comment Sadly this incident represents the growth of Islamophobia in the UK fuelled by right wing extremists such as the BNP and perhaps just as sad is the lack of a co ordinated response by the wider Muslim community organisations such as the Muslim Safety Forum.The question remains whether our organisations have the capability to defend us? Racist attackers abducted a Muslim community leader at knifepoint, bundled him into a car and threatened his life unless he stopped running prayer sessions in a community hall that has been the target of a British National party campaign. Police have confirmed they are treating the incident as a hate crime and are investigating links with an earlier firebomb attack on the same man's home. Noor Ramjanally, 35, told the Guardian he had been the victim of a terror campaign which has also involved threats against his family after he began the Islamic prayer sessions in March. He said he fears for his life after the abduction at knifepoint, which happened at his home in Loughton, Essex, on Monday. A BNP campaign has been blamed for rising tensions in the area. The party has been leafleting the area warning of "Islamification" which it says flows from the weekly two-hour prayer session, which it claims is a prelude to a mosque being built. Ramjanally said he was abducted from his home in daylight by two white men who threatened him with a knife, bundled him into a car then drove him into woodland. They demanded he stop organising the Friday prayer sessions at Murray hall community centre. He said the words from his abductors matched the BNP propaganda opposing the Muslim prayers. The same demand was contained in hate mail he received last month threatening his wife and child, he said. Vikram Dodd describes the case Link to this audio Councillor Pat Richardson, leader of the BNP group on the local council, said her party was not behind the attacks on Ramjanally. "Firebombing is not a British method. A brick through the window is a British method, but firebombing is not a way of showing displeasure," she said. Ramjanally said: "I believe the BNP campaign has inspired the violence." He said he was snatched at around 12.15pm and feared he would be murdered during his ordeal. "I was at home and the door bell rang. I opened the door and they grabbed my wrists, pulling me out by force," he said. "It was two white men. They put a knife upon my stomach, and said do what you're told or you'll get hurt." He said he was then bundled into the boot of a 4 x 4 vehicle, with one of the men holding a knife to his chest. Ramjanally said he was driven for 10 minutes to nearby Epping Forest, walked around, and then threatened: "They said 'We don't want your Islamic group in Loughton.' I was scared, I feared for my life. I was in a forest, a knife was held against me, how would you feel? They said, 'If you don't stop, we'll come back.'" The attackers then left Ramjanally alone in the woods. Essex police said an investigation was under way into the incident and two earlier ones at Ramjanally's home. "Police are treating the incidents as 'hate crime' and a possible motivation would appear to be a link to the use of the Murray hall, Loughton by the Muslim community for Friday prayers," the force said. Superintendent Simon Williams of Essex police said: "We are treating these offences with the utmost seriousness and are putting considerable resources into the investigation. "While that investigation continues we will be working with the whole population of Loughton to ensure that all members of the community are free to practice their religion and beliefs safely and freely."The prayer sessions at Murray hall began on 27 March, with nine people worshipping. Now up to 80 people attend. On 2 July, Ramjanally received an anonymous threatening letter telling him to stop using the hall for prayers and stating the author knew which school his child went to and which car he drove. The next day his flat was firebombed. The BNP has four councillors in the area and its leafleting campaign in late July has been attacked as inflammatory and divisive. Richardson said she had seen the leaflet before it was released last month. She was sceptical of Ramjanally's claims of a terror campaign. "I told the police we want to object that fingers were being pointed in our direction," she said. She also denied that BNP members were behind any violence. She believes that the weekly Muslim prayer meeting is a prelude to an attempt to encourage more Muslims to move into the area, and thus to vote out the BNP. "I was wondering whether it was a ploy to attract more Muslims to the area to try and vote out the BNP councillors," she said. Richardson said the Muslim prayer meeting did not fit in with the area's mainly white population: "It's not really natural for the area because there are so few Muslims," she said. At Murray hall yesterday there was little sign of the building being turned into a mosque. The hall's caretaker said a children's group was using the premises. Passing by was lifelong Loughton resident Paul Luton, 57, who said: "Who says [the hall] can't be used for different things. A community is a community. If there's a local community of Muslims, they're local people." Mohammad Fahim runs the nearest mosque to Loughton which was firebombed in 2000. He said racists have used the fears of new mosques in the area to stoke racial and anti-Muslim tensions. The BNP describes Fahim's mosque, in south Woodford, four miles from Loughton, as "notorious" and claims it has incited violence. In fact, Fahim works as a chaplain for the Metropolitan police.Loughton, which borders the eastern fringe of London, is affluent in parts, with a number of houses on its millionaire's row, called Alderton Hill, owned by British Hindu families. It is also a road, said Fahim, where women wearing headscarves are racially abused by passing white motorists. He advised one Muslim woman to remove her headscarf to avoid being a victim of hate crime. According to the 2001 census, just over 1%of the area's residents describe themselves as Muslim. One owner of a takeaway, who said he would fear for his safety if either he or his shop were named, said he often faced racist abuse: "This area is rubbish. So many times there is trouble." Last year a 20-strong white gang attacked his shop, leaving one Asian employee with head wounds. He said often the abuse and violence happened when people were drunk. "Tonight they call you Paki and tomorrow they come in for food." Abdurahman Jafar, chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, which advises the police, said: "The campaign of terror has followed a campaign organised by the BNP whereby they delivered hate literature to locals citing the small Friday prayer sessions as evidence of how 'the Islamification process is almost complete'." Recent months have seen a sharp rise in religiously motivated attacks against the Muslim community including attacks on outwardly Muslim appearing individuals, mosques and pogroms directed against the Muslim Community." The Guardian