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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^^err it is only 12.42 dear did u miss suhur again?? I should post pictures of lovely looking food on here and torture you like you did to me the other day.
^^^The women section has no air con and no windows,I have a phobia of being trapped in that place, with only one exist and no enough oxygen. Pluz I know everyone there and instead of doign cibaad and reading, I go through one interview after another. Most mosque pray 23, other than the somalis. Baker street, finsbury park, abu Hamaz mosque etc Because you seem to think you know what goes on in these women head/heart and I just accept things at a face value. I see them running to pray and I think Mashallah, if only they leave those kids at home. You on other hand think *Bloody show off, she should pray at home, along with all the other women who should be banned!
Ngonge; if they are coming to keep up with Jones, then they should be banned from coming. Can you image we get squashed by people who only want to come so they fan about it!!! Ban them along with those kids!! Sayid I was never a kid, when I was (small) I was not allowed to get up or look around, let alone run around. These kids just run wild at the mosque.
Originally posted by Arac: Dear Admin, I would like to request that several PMs I've sent to someone be deleted immediately. It appears that the recipient was not able to view the PMs or respond, and may thus have the wrong impression if they were to access the set of messages all of a sudden. In particular, I would like to delete: PM #1 Hi Marx! Ur so cute. lol. PM #2 Hi Marx! I really like U! Wat's ur name? PM #3 Hi Marx! i didn't get a msg from u yet. waiting! :heart: :heart: :heart: PM #4 Hi Marx! Oooh u're playing hard to get! That's cool, i guess you must get a lot of girls on SOL sending you messages PM #5 Come on cutie pie, it wouldn't hurt you to say hi back PM #6 Just so you know, I've also been sending messages to Nin-Yaaban and he was nice enough to at least say hi back! But I'll start ignoring him if you reply soon, last chance! PM #7 What the hell Marx, I thought we had something special. I guess PM#2 meant nothing to you! PM #8 Marx, I'm crying into my pink frilly hankerchief that I embroidered your name into. Don't you like me anymore? PM #9 Marx, I'm suing you for emotional abuse. I hope you fall into a pit of poisonous snakes and hungry scorpions! You can't do this to me! You are hateful and ignorant and I never liked you anyway! I cannot believe I almost stabbed someone for saying you were a little chubby after the holiday season! I hate you! I'm tearing up the photo album I made of us! Even the little pictures I made of how our babies would look like are going in the fire! PM #10 Mr. "Marx", this is Arac's psychologist Dr. Weinberg, please reply to this message at your earliest convenience. It appears that my patient has developed a psychosomatic illness triggered by hearing the letters A, M, R, and X. We have looked through her records and found your pen name and photos of Winston Churchill's face Photoshopped on little black babies, so we have reason to believe she may have become fixated on your online persona. If you care at all about the mental well-being of a fellow Somali, as unstable as she may be, please reply to the following email as soon as possible.
^^^so, Bad mannered ones are a nightmare. An 6yr old prayer next to me the other day, she was so well behaved, she prayer 8, then sat down and coloured her little paper for a while, then joined us for the last few. She was golden mashallah. But some are just mad! Ngonge: Fan as in show off?? How so? Half of them look like they are going to fall over by the 12th rakkah, no one looks good when they tired. Lool @ single young people, no tarawiix and tahajud are for people who do not need to be baby sat. there were kids awake at tahajud :eek: What is all that about, when I say kids, I mean 4-6yr olds. For people who have kids, they should take turns to go to the mosque. For example, the women can go and pray the first 8 and do witr at home, and the farah can go and pray the rest and tahajud. Why must she drag 4kids with her( and if she must, why can't he take two and she takes two)
^^^Some of those kids scream all through out the rakkahs, I always feel the urge to beat them and the parents who drag them along. Even worse they take up space to sleep/ lie down and grown women are turned back at the door because the mosque is full! :mad: I hate that, how can you hog a space for your child to sleep when people want to pray. :mad: I don't curse them, I just remember all the reasons why I hate kids.
Subxanallah, waax waalan :mad: They don't even check what they are shooting, more like anything that moves is shot at this rate!!!
^^^Loool Sorry, but the throughbred somali muslim brother yad yad is the nearest khamis wearing dude right now- ur macawiis does not count. So I had to get in there and ask
^^dude make yourself useful please. I am trying to find the dua for khatmul Quran, but I keep getting the sufi and shia version. My dua book has gone walking to another house and google is not helping. I don't want the one that starts with "saadaq allahul atheem, wa saadaq rasool karim either" I want a written one as well, so no youtube
^^^ Afur was a long time ago, its impact should be meeting a crashing end by now. Hang in there and Loool for alittle while longer.
Most women have a split personality, depends on the day and her mood. Even those raaliyo peeps can't be romantic all the time to be labelled as the romantic wife, sometimes she'll fling a saucer in your direction. As for those mean hard-working ones, I hear they become romantic when they get too old/ tired/ bored to work. CL I agree with a men's section; then they could do all their "I need a wife threads, iyo girlfriend, iyo 2nd wife traps/ chat ups and I hate my wife, bac madow, she won't give it up" and all the other nonesense they post here.
^^^ lazy reporting. In the first picture, with her bones popping out, she fits in, just that her bones are popping out due to kibir and dieting. :mad:
I see people trolling that never normal troll. Cajeeb, Ramadan makes people do strange things. I over did it, last night and now I'm in a lot of pain. Suxanallah.
^^^LOOOOOOL @ that little kid. rooble is always at meel lagu baey where women chew, fight for red meat and islaam pretending to be haablo. shid house. lool P.s. You did not read the post @ Rooble. lol nothing to do with finding singles per say, but good luck to what ever works for ya.
^^^^Yo yo, why is you dig up the retarded posts. Don't u want to be a nerd no more
^^^Good, it is about time, I wish it took you to an old fat ladies site even when you are fasting, ma joogitid adigu, you need something ku xida.
^^^^I'm serious about the bacmodow.com Fufu, you just wanted to see pictures, ruunta iska sheek
If it was not for Islam, I would've been truly lost You can set one up called secondtimeluck.com, or bacmadow.com and of course singlemothers.com btw I left you a message here
^^^Weeliba we can call it halasomalihookup.com Subxanallah
LSK is trying to get ride of the single SOLers, these damn huge match making adverts. :eek: What he is trying to say is you oldies, need to get married either that or he saw all the crying in the women section. lol Funny thing is the link which says Somali singles is arabmatchmaking curiosity killed the cat, I wanted to see if there was any brave Xalimos and farahs with pictures on this site
I would trade places in a heart beat, give me few goats, a little farm, access to water and a building to live in. You couldn't get me to leave. But my family keep telling me I must stay here my whole life to send them money
She looks a little manly as she is producing too much testosterone, but she doesn't have external male organs (just internal testes), so poor girl, she is not a hermaphrodite-her condition even rarer. Imagine thinking your a girl your whole life and the world tells u "Oh you are not, at this age, it is embarrassing and will give her some huge issues. If they don’t let her compete, she can always go into pop music like lady Gaga I guess.
Abdiladiif I'm not sure we are standing at the same point, When Somalis say "I am awliyo, or that person is awliyo" it is not the same as the "awliyaa"which is referred to in the Quran in several places. As Somalis often it is used for people who are deemed to receive inspiration and visions, and if you disobey them or speak against them, it is considered that you will be cursed or inkar baa kugu dici, they are seen as “helpers of Allah,- subxanallah-. People often use to go to these awliyo to ask them to intercede on their behalf and so on. This is shrik and cannot even be used as a joke, [so I was wrong to call it bidca, I should've said it is major shrik and Nuune or anyone else should not claim or be labeled as such ] the allies of the deen or allies of Allah is something everyone should strive for. my thorougbred Islamic Somali, Las canood brother you also assumed I was speaking in Arabic rather than the somali context.