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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Juxa, Faheema has no patience, she wants everything done yesterday. Wa hablihi hoore Morning @ Ngonge. She does not like reading small prints either. Insists on going in circles before double checking, she is like a man in that senses.
  2. ^^^Can't you take his job? We could do with the money you know Lool @ quit, typical somali, must everything happen in 2weeks women. Relax and take it easy.
  3. Lool careful Juxa, unless you want to sue them and share the money with me Oh the rest of the time, I am going to be working full time on our hobby inshallah.
  4. Which reminds me Voting ends TODAY. The 5pm thing depends on where you are. VOTING ENDS TODAY
  5. JB: I would never be, but if I was, I'd be offended if he though he could drag me around meeting Pimps, I'd ask for a divorce ASAP.
  6. ^^^Don't be silly women, steady there. We need to do a plan first and get our act together before you leave your job. Don't be Somali Which reminds me from next month I'm only working three days a week.
  7. ^^^Anigu I'm Muslim maxa baxar ka ii geliye. Allah gave me a way out of all this rubbish and leering Pimps.
  8. Loool That lady is so funny!! Good luck to her. Weli miyaad ii eeg to the camera! LOool Classic, she keeps eating the damn cake! lool
  9. She has the worse job possible, kissing and greeting all those questionable characters and dirty old white European leaders on the regular. Eeeew, she should get a fake skin and lips to cover hers.
  10. ^^^Loool, Ha ha, prison iga deh Did you not take a jacket. Anigu waan xaragonya today, no jacket or even jumper. Just recovering from my flu so don't give me another one ya faheema.
  11. Libaax I can't believe you are adding to this, so so offended. Somali haters, this is how I get rewarded. Go and get the hadyaad for the winner ready! In true African style, The results won't be available for at least two weeks after the voting finishes tomorrow. This is to find a suitable way for a fake power sharing to be agreed or for me to find a credible way to make sure we keep certain clans from winning. It is in the best interest of all of us, so even if you do not like it, please bare with it as it is for your own long term good. lool
  12. I Hate people who make plans with you and then cancel hrs before you are suppose to meet. What is all that about, it is rude and disturbs my day. I’ve wasted a perfectly beautiful day waiting on people, who have now cancelled. Now I’m doing accounts and cleaning. What a boring day. New policy: Never make plans with them again. I am going to make a list of unreliable people and de-priorities them in my life.
  13. QGeel QJire, Qlook Qwhat Qyou Qdid Qnow, Q30mins Qand Qno Qposts, Qeveryone Qmust Qbe Qtoo Qscared!
  14. ^^^QWhat Qdo Qpeople Qonline Qnormally Qask Qyou Qfor??
  15. I think for a three days, we should put Q in front of all our words. Sayid will go mad. QI Qwill Qstart Qthe Qprocess. QI Qdon't Qlike Qhis Qbullying Qand Qclaim.
  16. Ngonge :eek: :eek: :eek: Ciyaar and a half, *goes back to look at pictures*
  17. Ngonge: he looks about 16, lol maybe even 14. Buuxo? Yaa? What you on about? Che, lol that far off eh?
  18. Alle-ubaahne lol no thank you, Islam does not allow me a second, but out of interest what on earth is Xajo-buufis (chewing gum blower?)
  19. Buuxo, that was Not Somali, wa Arab. Arab-somalified does not count,
  20. ^^Loool You sound very pi*ssed off. Is he getting to you with his whole dardho rubbish?? At least reer Burco wait till you write the whole word dhe! Ngonge: read my post above warya. Today it is guys buy their women something day. I'm feeling dizzy by all the what do you think my wife/women will like. :confused: I'd never seen the wife, how should I know
  21. Sheh ma ka lugag kaa jajaban, naah women I already picked one, and that is going to be the one who I blame for all the bullying I got in SOL. God help him if I run into him in East London. Hey Cara bisinka uu qaabo.
  22. Ngonge what on earth is qabilto (does not even sound somali)- maybe arabic as in get/ put/ find there before You too at Val
  23. So it's not luck of shukaansi skills, just cultural difference loool quote of the year me thinks!! LOOOL
  24. Sayid, I bet you think that is about You, don't you?? :rolleyes: Juxa we should meet next week mon or tue inshallah, but via e-mail updates should do till then. Waiting on Sayid to send the first one out for the advertising or something. Val: because he posted about the event on here, also I found a new weapon against his bullying. This is me letting him know that the big bad man la igu xuuxin jirey I've seen and survived.